Some people couldn't accept such a result.

It's not that they couldn't accept Yusi's victory, but they couldn't accept that Yusi won so easily.

From beginning to end, Yusi didn't even move, he just threw a bunch of bombs, and killed them with one shot!

This... isn't this a little too simple?!

Even Magellan was stunned for a moment and said,"Oh, using bombs as weapons? That's a bit rare!""

"But it looks like it's quite powerful."

Magellan waved his hand and said,"Gokudera Hayato wins, are there any challengers?"

The remaining jailers looked at each other, none of them dared to challenge.

Are you kidding? Alan was blown down by Gokudera, they don't think they are more resistant than Alan.

"Is there no one here?" Magellan waited for a while and announced,"Then, Hayato Gokudera will be the new captain of the underground floor."


"Tenth generation, I did it!"

Mukudera said excitedly, while Heiji just smiled faintly.


The days in the city of Impel Down were like repeating the same day countless times.

After becoming the deputy warden, Heiji's days were no different from before.

The only difference was that he had a bigger appetite, and he could also escort the prisoners on the fourth underground floor.

Most of the prisoners on the fourth underground floor had a bounty of more than 80 million berries.

Their strength level and crime index were much higher than those on the first three floors.

For Heiji, the rewards he received every day were getting more and more generous.

And Heiji also found that he could also get rewards for the prisoners held by Gokudera.

Heiji guessed that this might be because Gokudera Hayato was a member of the Vongola family.

So from then on, Gokudera and Heiji took on the work of holding the prisoners on the first to fourth floors of the city of Impel Down.

The enthusiastic Heiji-sama became the enthusiastic Heiji-sama and Gokudera-sama.

After that competition, Shiru became even more brutal, and as many as double-digit prisoners died under Shiru's whip every month.

Magellan was very dissatisfied with this and repeatedly advised Shiryu to restrain himself, but Shiryu still did his own thing and did not listen to the advice. He continued to enjoy beating and killing prisoners.

Heiji did not care about this. These pirates died and none of them was wronged.

And in the long work of detaining prisoners, Heiji has gradually summed up some rules.

For example, in Impel Down, the first floor is for criminals below level D6.

The second floor is for criminals above level D6 and below level D9.

The third floor is for criminals above level C1 to level C6.

The fourth floor is for criminals above level C6 to level C9.

As for the fifth and sixth floors, Heiji has never detained criminals on these two floors, so he has never been clear about how they are divided.

Time passed quickly. One day half a year later, Heiji came to the platform on the zeroth floor of Impel Down as usual.

In the distance, the Gate of Justice has been opened, and a naval warship full of criminals is slowly approaching Impel Down.

"The Tenth Generation!"

Behind Heiji, Gokudera Hayato hurried over

"The prison temple is here, get ready to work"

"Yes, Tenth Generation!"

Mukudera never questioned Heiji's orders, but just silently followed Heiji's instructions.

Mukudera has changed a lot in the past six months.

Without the immaturity when he first came to Push City, Mukudera is now ten centimeters taller than before, and strong muscles have begun to condense on his body.

This is the result of Heiji's daily training with Mukudera. In just half a year, Mukudera has cultivated Armament Haki and awakened Observation Haki! And

Heiji's Armament Haki is already very good.

In addition to the naturally cultivated Armament Haki, Heiji can also obtain Armament Haki rewards from the prisoners on the fourth floor.

At the same time, the growth of the physique will also increase a little Armament Haki.

Little by little, Heiji can now cover one-third of his body with Armament Haki!

The warship in the distance was slowly approaching, and Heiji shouted loudly:"Get ready to pick up the ship!"

"Yes! Lord Heiji!"

The jailers on the platform of the zeroth floor of the Push City began to get busy. After the warship docked, the jailers brought out the prisoners on the navy warship in an orderly manner.

Among these prisoners, there were only a small number of human prisoners with strange looks.

Most of the prisoners were fishmen with blue skin, fish heads, and extremely strong bodies!

There are a lot of fishmen, roughly counting, there are about sixty people.

Did the navy wipe out a group of fishmen this time?

In the world of great navigation, there are many strange races, and the fishmen are considered to be a relatively common alien race.

These fishmen have the characteristics of half human and half fish in appearance, and they breathe with their lungs on land. Inhale, breathe with gills in water.

The murlocs are born with stronger physiques than ordinary humans, and their arm strength is ten times that of humans. At the same time, they are regarded as monsters by humans.

Although there are still many murlocs, not many of them have been captured alive by the navy. At least this is the first time that Heiji has encountered murloc prisoners in the one and a half years since he came to Push City.

Like this time, it is the first time to capture more than 60 murloc prisoners in one breath.

I don’t know what kind of benefits these naturally strong murlocs will bring to Heiji?

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