After casting a few detection spells, Lin Ye was pleasantly surprised.

As he untied their slave shackles, the intimacy of these elf sisters, including Cui Xina and Cui Xisi, rose from 999 points to 1000 points!

Don't underestimate it as it's just 1 point, it makes a world of difference!

After reaching 1000 points , it's full value!

Unwavering until death! Whatever Lin Ye asked them to do, they would do it without hesitation! Even if they were asked to die at this moment, they would be willing to do it!!


Leaving the slave market,

Lin Ye returned to the mansion with 17 beautiful elf slaves.

Then, he went to the exclusive mall and bought a bunch of entry-level costumes!


The attribute bonus is not too high, a set of 20% all attributes.

It is far from the Undead Overlord costume!

But... these costumes are maids, bunny girls, cat girls, etc... all kinds of uniforms!

"Go wash up!"

"Your clothes are too dirty, change them!"

Lin Ye smiled slightly and said righteously.

"Yes, Master!"

The elf girls answered in a gentle and pleasant voice. It felt numb.

After a while... the elf girls finished washing up and changed into the clothes prepared by Lin Ye.

""Sister, these clothes of the master are so beautiful!"

Cui Xisi said happily as she looked at the dazzling array of fashions.

What girl doesn't like beautiful clothes?

Cui Xina and the natural elf ladies around her nodded in agreement.

They all agreed that this kind of strange clothing is very beautiful!

It can also enhance strength.

I don't know why, I always feel a little weird...

There is an inexplicable sense of shame.


"Really good! They are all very beautiful!"

Lin Ye looked at the elf lady in front of him, feeling happy and praising.

The corners of his mouth couldn't help but raise a curve.

It's so cool!

It's pleasing to the eyes.

"Thank you for the compliment, Master!"

The elf ladies all showed their beautiful smiles and bent down slightly.

Well... they didn't have the slightest thought of running away or resisting.

"But don’t wear these clothes outside!"

"I will buy you some clothes later."

Lin Ye continued, looking at the white snow in front of him.

These clothes are just to satisfy my bad taste.

How can they be given to other players at a discount?

No way!

"Yes, Master!"

Although the elf ladies were puzzled as to why the master would not allow them to wear such beautiful clothes, they still answered in unison.


Lin Ye assigned them some work.

Although the Bauhinia Shop was very large, the elves only needed to put the items on the shelves and auction some precious items.

There were a total of 15 natural elves.

10 were responsible for the Bauhinia Shop!

The remaining 5 were responsible for the internal affairs of the mansion.

The twin night elf sisters with mythical potential naturally followed him.


Arrived at the Bauhinia Shop.

Put all the items to be sold in the warehouse.

Including: NPC intimacy materials, equipment, potions, skill books, secret realm tickets, etc.


The elf ladies began to classify the piles of items and put them on the shelves.

Lin Ye opened the friend list.

He found Chenxi, the president of the Star Guild.

She has also changed her job and reached level 21.

Open the private chat interface.

Type quickly

『Death: In?

Chenxi responded immediately

『Chenxi: Yes, what’s up, Boss Death?

『Death": Please do me a favor and contact the presidents of the top ten guilds except the Berserker Guild. I have something to ask them!

『Death: At 8pm, everyone should be able to reach level 20. Then have them come to the No. 7 residence in North Wind City.

『Chenxi: Boss, can I ask you something?

『Death: You will know when you come. If someone doesn't want to come, we won't force them.

『Morning Light: Okay, big boss.

『Death: Well, I won’t let you help me for nothing. After you’re done, you can ask me for a favor!

『Chenxi: Thank you, sir(*^▽^*)!!!


Chenxi typed in response obediently, smiling like a flower. Her pretty face showed excitement.

She didn't think that Lin Ye's words were too pretentious.

After all!

This is a level 85 boss with a hidden profession similar to the Necromancer!

So powerful that it is despairing.

One person is enough to crush the top ten guilds!


Chenxi's father is the richest man in the Magic City, her grandfather is a general, and her mother is the eldest daughter of a financial group.


She knows some of the truth about the"Origin" game...

This is why Chenxi tried every means to win over and please Lin Ye.

And the opportunity for Lin Ye to help once.

It is precious!

Well, she must do it beautifully!

After reading the chat records for a while.

Chenxi touched her delicate chin, thinking.

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