"Admiral! Is this true?!"

"Are we...are we really free?!"

"Can we...can we go home now?"


Suddenly, tears flowed from the corners of the eyes of all the slaves.

And Heiji said lightly:"Ah,"

"But before that, let's drive the ship back to Impel Down."

It would take a lot of effort for Heiji to drive such a large ship back to Impel Down by himself.

And without Heiji, these people would not be able to sail out of the Grand Line smoothly.

Not to mention that the geomagnetic, celestial, ocean and air currents of the Grand Line are in chaos, and it is difficult to even confirm their position, let alone find an island. Even the pirate groups that often appear on the Grand Line can turn them into slaves again at any time.

Therefore, following Heiji back to Impel Down is the safest way for them to go home.

After hearing what Heiji said, these slaves immediately said excitedly:"Yes! Lord Navy!"

"We won't be lazy, we will work hard!"

Heiji raised his mouth slightly and said,"Then follow the direction I gave and go at full speed!"

Heiji's navigation skills: 1214 (Level 3 Advanced Navigator!)

Because the pirates' ship did not have seastone navigation technology, Heiji could only command the ship to sail from the Grand Line to Impel Down.

And Heiji has a permanent compass of Impel Down, so he is not worried about getting lost at sea.

And because Heiji is still a level 3 advanced navigator, he can safely get out of the turbulence every time.

Along the way, Heiji's ship sailed relatively smoothly.

And along the way, the battle between Yamamoto and the four giant pirates continued.

Heiji was by the side to support Yamamoto, and the four giants could not escape, so they were forced to become Yamamoto's sparring tools.


""Shigure Cangyan Style·Xiao Tuyu"

Yamamoto Takeshi used his left hand to draw the sword, performed a cross slash, and quickly attacked the only giant pirate still standing in front of him!


The giant pirate was beaten back again and again, and finally fell on the boat and fell into a coma.

"Well done, Yamamoto. You defeated all four giant pirates."

Heiji, who was watching the battle, drank a sip of black tea leisurely and praised Yamamoto.

Yamamoto, who had been fighting for three consecutive days, gasped heavily and then responded with a smile.

"Hahahaha, this battle is quite fun!"

"However, Yamamoto." Heiji said calmly:"How long can you keep fighting like this, always trying not to kill others?"

"Future battles will only become more dangerous each time. It will be impossible to be as easy as this time."

"Ah, this."

Yamamoto looked at the four giant pirates lying on the ground. They were covered with bruises of varying sizes, but not a single wound.

In the previous battle, Yamamoto still used the back of his knife to attack the enemy as usual.

Yamamoto laughed and said,"I just think……"

Before he could finish his words, Yamamoto collapsed on the deck due to exhaustion.

The continuous fighting had put too much strain on his body.

As soon as the fighting stopped, his exhausted body was forced to fall asleep.

"What a mess!……"

Heiji sighed and waved to the people who were cleaning on the deck. They carried Yamamoto into the cabin to rest.

One day later, Heiji's ship approached Judicial Island.

Because Impel Down is located in the doldrums of the first half of the Grand Line, there is no way for Heiji's ship to return directly to Impel Down.

Only by going to Judicial Island or the Marine Headquarters, Marinford, and taking the Gate of Justice can you return to Impel Down.

Of course, you can also go to the Marine Headquarters, Marinford, and take the Gate of Justice, but it will take an extra day.

There is a court directly under the World Government on Judicial Island. Although it is a court, it actually acts only according to the will of the World Government.

Anyone who is taken to Judicial Island must have been identified as a criminal, and no not guilty verdict has ever been issued in its 800-year history.

The criminals will only be escorted through those empty courts and finally arrive at a huge cold steel door, which is the Gate of Justice.

On Judicial Island, there is a very important organization stationed, CP9.

CP9 is a spy organization trained by the World Government, engaged in various secret activities, mainly targeting the Revolutionary Army, a global criminal organization.

When Heiji's ship just approached Judicial Island, it was discovered by the garrison stationed on the island.

Because it was not a special warship of the Navy, the garrison on Judicial Island suddenly became nervous.

"There is an unmarked ship ahead, everyone be on alert!"

"Prepare to dispatch warships and enter combat status immediately!"

"Go and inform Lord Spandine immediately!"


After a hectic preparation, Spandine, then the head of CP9, arrived in front of Judicial Island.

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