After seeing this information, Heiji immediately realized that it was his arrest system that worked.

So, Heiji used the fastest speed to figure out all the functions of this arrest system.

As long as Heiji arrested a criminal with a crime index and put him in prison, the system would randomly give Heiji an ability improvement based on the ability the criminal had!

As for the amount of improvement, it was affected by three aspects.

One was the strength level of the criminal.

The system divided the criminals in the pirate world into five major levels: S,A,B,C,D

Each level is divided into nine small levels.

The higher the level of the criminal, the stronger the criminal is, and the more generous the reward Heiji will get.

The second is the participation in the arrest. The higher the degree of Heiji's participation in the arrest, the higher the reward he will get.

The third is the criminal's crime index. The more crimes the criminal has committed, the higher the crime index, and the more rewards Heiji will get.

And this crime index is normal if it is below five.

Above five and below ten, it can probably be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment.

Above ten, at least two lives have been taken, and the death penalty is a no-brainer.

Above fifteen, at least ten lives have been taken, and you can be dragged out and shot for five minutes.

Above twenty, it is recommended to be shot for ten minutes.

And the crime index of Lumbarton just now was as high as nineteen, and he deserved to be boiled alive just now!

However, Heiji's participation in Lumbarton's arrest was only 95%, which was a little unreasonable.

This Lumbarton was a black thief that Heiji personally captured at sea and transported to the city of Push. How could he only have a 95% participation rate?

Heiji frowned slightly.

At this moment, Xiliu also said goodbye directly:"Okay, Heiji, this is your daily work, simple, right?"

"Then I'll take my leave, and do your best."

Heiji nodded and said,"Well, I understand, thank you very much."

"You're welcome."

After Xiliu left, Heiji thought for a moment and said to the jailer next to him,"Open the door and let him out."

Then, Heiji pointed at Lumbarton who had just been thrown in.

""Ah? Captain Kurokichi, this is not good, right?" the two jailers said with some confusion.

"Do as I say"


The two jailers looked at each other, and finally opened the cell door obediently.

Lumbotton was a little excited at this moment, thinking that Heiji wanted to let him go.

Lumbotton hurriedly ran to the cell door, and while running, he kept saying,"Thank you, Lord Heiji! Thank you, Lord Heiji!"


As Lumbottom was about to run out of the cell door, Heiji kicked Lumbottom with a whip kick, and he hit his head against the wall of the cell.


A silent explosion sounded, and Lumbottom fainted and fell to the ground.

Heiji looked at Lumbottom again, and a message appeared beside Lumbottom.

Prisoner; Lumbottom】

【Level: D5】

【Status: In custody】

【Crime Index; 19】

【Capture participation: 95%-100%】

【Benefit: Physical Fitness +160-+15]

As expected, the participation in the arrest rose to 100%, and Heiji's physical fitness also increased by 15 points!

Heiji smiled slightly and left contentedly, while the two jailers behind Heiji showed a trace of admiration on their faces.

"I understand. Captain Kuroji is just trying to show his power to prevent the prisoner from escaping!"

"Captain Kurokichi was so cruel that he kicked the pirate so hard that he fainted!

Kurokichi ignored them and quickly returned to the baptism room.

At this time, two jailers in the baptism room were dragging a huge prisoner to the prison, but Kurokichi stopped them.

"All of you, just give him to me."

Heiji took the prisoner from the two jailers and said loudly,"You don't have to leave the baptism room."

"All of you, keep an eye on these prisoners in the baptism room and don't let them have any chance"

"As for the escort of the prisoners, just leave it to me."

""Yes, Captain!"

Heiji carried a pirate in one hand, left the baptism room, and walked towards the prison area.

Several jailers in the baptism room looked at each other, a little at a loss.

This new captain is a little too active in doing things, right?

Which of the other captains didn't stand by with his hands folded to direct them to work?

How could there be a captain who personally escorted the prisoners?

It's not that such captains are bad, but they suddenly became idle and felt a little weird...

At this time, Heiji carried a pirate in one hand and walked to the cell on the underground floor.

The two pirates were more than three meters tall and weighed no less than 500 kilograms each.

But in the hands of Heiji, who was only 1.8 meters tall, the two seemed like toys, and were carried away by Heiji very easily.

On the way, Heiji met two jailers. They immediately wanted to come up to help Heiji escort the prisoners, but were stopped by Heiji.

"You don't need to intervene, I can do it myself, you just patrol the cell area, don't let these prisoners escape."

Hearing Heiji's words, the two jailers stood in awe.

It seems that Heiji is a leader who leads by example and does things personally!

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