After Ryohei Sasagawa followed Guchi to the office, he explained to Guchi that he came to the 153rd Marine Branch to join the Navy based on Kurokichi's recommendation.

After hearing that it was Kurokichi's recommendation, Guchi had a headache for a while.

After confirming with Kurokichi using Den Den Mushi, Guchi finally made an exception and let Ryohei join the Navy.

After Ryohei Sasagawa joined the Navy, his soul of limit continued to burn, and his usual performance shocked Guchi and a group of officers.

"What terrifying physical strength! This kid has a bright future!"

"Yes, his Armament Haki is so powerful that it won't take long for him to be able to cover his entire body with Armament Haki."

"You know what? When I saw him, I was reminded of Vice Admiral Garp from Iron Fist."

"This child might grow up to be an admiral of the Marine Headquarters!"

"I think so too. The 153rd Marine Branch is too small. He should go to the Marine Headquarters to unleash his full potential."

"Once the recruit period is over, I will recommend him to the Navy Headquarters!"

The captain of the 153rd Navy Branch personally decided to recommend Sasakawa Ryohei to the Navy Headquarters.


Meanwhile, in Impel Down.

Only in the first week did Kyoko stay in the cell obediently.

After a week, Heiji asked Kyoko to work in the kitchen of Impel Down, saying that there were not enough people in the kitchen.

During this period, a group of CP9 came to Impel Down to investigate the death of Populus.

They also wanted to take Kyoko away, but were stopped by Director Leslie.

Because the Populus incident did not involve the casualties of the Celestial Dragons, it would not alarm the Five Elders. It was just an order issued by Bernard Saint to CP9 personally.

Without the support of the Five Elders, CP9 did not dare to openly tear its face with the Director of Impel Down in Impel Down, and finally left in disgrace.

Soon, Kyoko's gentleness was loved by everyone in Impel Down.

In this Impel Down full of men, with such a beautiful girl as a colleague, the efficiency of the jailers in the kitchen cooking was greatly improved.

A month later, Kyoko moved out of the cell on the fifth floor of Impel Down and lived in the single dormitory next to Heiji.

And Heiji told Kyoko that Hei had successfully joined the 153rd Marine Branch. This made Kyoko less worried.

Heiji's main task during this period was to train the new recruits sent to the Impel Down.

But Heiji's severity far exceeded the expectations of everyone in the Impel Down.

In just two months, Heiji directly eliminated 50% of the new recruits.

Although every year there are new recruits who are not adapted to the life in the Impel Down and are eliminated by the deputy warden, but it is not like Heiji this time. In just one month, as many as 50% of the new recruits were eliminated!

Half of the new recruits in the Impel Down were eliminated by Heiji!

For this reason, Leslie had another conversation with Heiji.

But Heiji just continued to eliminate this year's new recruits on the grounds that"the new recruits sent this year are all weak." Leslie had a headache. Seeing that the new recruits were about to be eliminated, he could only ask for help from the naval colonels of various naval branches in the four seas.

Let them send some excellent new recruits from their respective naval branches to the Impel Down to plug this hole.

At the same time, Ryohei Sasakawa, who was in the 153rd Marine Branch, also ended his career as a recruit.

"Le Ping, I have discussed with Colonel Leica, and we will recommend you to join the Navy Headquarters."

"There are more abundant resources and more opportunities there. With your talent, you will definitely become a vice admiral or even a navy admiral in the future!"

Gu Qi sat in the office, looking at Sasakawa Ryohei in front of him with a smile.

After hearing Gu Qi's words, Sasakawa Ryohei did not show an excited look as Gu Qi thought, but frowned deeply and shouted:

"I don't want to go to the Navy Headquarters!"

"I want to go to Impel Down!!!"

Gu Qi had been in contact with Sasakawa Ryohei for two months and had long liked his loud voice.

What Gu Qi did not expect this time was that Sasakawa Ryohei actually wanted to go to the big underwater prison, Impel Down.

Gu Qi had served in Impel Down for three years and was deeply impressed by the place. Is there any difference between being a jailer there and being a prisoner there?

Moreover, Impel Down was isolated from the world and there were very few opportunities for promotion.

Any officers with a little ambition in there were trying their best to be transferred out.

But when you come here, you want to jump into the fire pit!

"Push City?!"

Gu Qi was puzzled:"Why do you want to go to Push City?!"

"Do you know what place that is?"

"I have no idea!!!"

Sasakawa Ryohei shouted extremely.

Gu Qi was shocked:"You don't even know, why do you still want to transfer in?!"

"Because Heiji is pushing into the city!"

Sasakawa Ryohei showed a hearty smile and gave Guqi a thumbs up.

Guqi was stunned when he heard Sasakawa Ryohei's answer.

After a while, Guqi came back to his senses, sighed slightly, and smiled.

"So that's how it is"

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