The news that the 151st Marine Branch was massacred shocked the World Government.

The World Government immediately blocked the news and sent CP9 to the 151st Marine Branch to thoroughly investigate the matter.

At the same time, the Five Elders who controlled the world also held an emergency meeting for this purpose.


In the Holy Land of Marijoa, the White Council Hall, the Five Elders, the highest authority in the World Government, had a fierce argument.

"This is an unprecedented vicious incident and the murderer must be severely punished!"

"A total of 700 sailors from the 151st Naval Branch were completely wiped out!"

"If the murderer is not caught, the World Government will lose face!"

The other four Five Elders narrowed their eyes and scolded Caprio Saint.

"Caprio Saint, the Navy Headquarters, Judicial Island and Impel Down are all managed by you. You must bear full responsibility for such a serious accident!"

Caprio Saint said angrily,"Now is not the time to discuss responsibility. After this matter is settled, I will personally apologize to Lord Im."

"What we have to do now is to find the murderer as soon as possible!"

"So, Caprio Saint, do you have any clues?"

Caprio Saint took a deep breath and said,"No"

"According to the video from the Den Den Mushi in the 151st Marine Branch, a thick indigo fog suddenly appeared in the 151st Marine Branch."

"When the fog cleared, all the sailors of the 151st Marine Branch were killed."

"And according to the traces at the scene, there was no large-scale fighting in the 151st Navy Branch."

"Is that smoke poisonous?"

"Someone used poison gas to kill everyone in the 151st Marine Branch?"

One of the Five Elders proposed this hypothesis.

But it was quickly rejected by Caprio Saint.

"It couldn't be poison gas. The Poison-Poison Fruit's ability user was Magellan, the deputy director of Impel Down. He never left Impel Down from the beginning to the end."

"And they were not poisoned at all."Caprio said with an unpleasant look on his face.

"According to the autopsy report, all the navy personnel seemed to have been frightened to death!"

"Scared to death?!"

Upon hearing this result, the other four Five Elders were shocked.

"How could he be frightened to death?!"

"Is it some new superhuman devil fruit ability?"

Caprio shook his head and said,"I don't know yet."

"I infer that the enemy is using a power that can make people hallucinate."

"I have asked CP9 to investigate, but so far, I have not received any valuable information."

"If CP9 can't find it, let CP0 find it!"

"No matter what force we use, we must find this person!"

"The World Government cannot accept the existence of a force unknown to us!"

The other five elders said with gnashing teeth.

In fact, not all the Celestial Dragons are useless.

All Celestial Dragons will go through a series of strict selection when they are young, and a small group of talented people will receive the most rigorous and excellent education.

The entire World Government mobilizes the best resources to train them and sends the best teachers in various fields to provide one-on-one guidance.

When they come of age, they will be placed in very critical and important positions in the World Government to control the operation of the World Government.

These Celestial Dragons are the ones who run around and work hard every day to manage the entire world.

Of course, those useless Celestial Dragons without talent are raised like pigs.

The five best people among all the Celestial Dragons form the highest authority of the World Government, the Five Elders.

The first responsibility of the Five Elders is to maintain the rule of the World Government and maintain the status of the Celestial Dragons as aristocrats in the world.

Now that Rokudo Mukuro has quietly wiped out the 151st Marine Branch, it has seriously affected the rule of the World Government, so they will spare no effort to eradicate this dangerous enemy.

And Caprio Saint, who is in charge of managing the Navy Headquarters, is undoubtedly the most troublesome person now.

"I understand. I will find out his whereabouts as soon as possible."

Caprio sighed and said helplessly.

""Knock, knock, knock!!!"

Just at this moment, the door of the White Council Hall was knocked.

Saint Caprio frowned and said dissatisfiedly:"What's the matter?"

"Reporting to the Five Elders, we have received a distress call from Colonel Dracula!"

"The naval warship that Colonel Dracula was on was attacked by an unknown indigo fog."

"According to Colonel Dracula's report, this fog is most likely the same type as the fog that attacked the 151st Naval Branch before!"


Caprio was surprised at first, then delighted.

"Come in quickly and get on the Den Den Mushi on his ship!"


The door of the white conference room was pushed open, and a CP9 intelligence officer walked into the conference room with a Den Den Mushi in his hand.

After the Den Den Mushi was connected, a rustling sound came from the Den Den Mushi.

After a while, the Five Elders finally heard the voice of the Den Den Mushi clearly.

"Tell me...Shasha...about the clues of Vongola...Shasha..."

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