On the calm sea outside Impel Down, there stands a huge stone gate.

This is the Gate of Justice between Impel Down and the Navy Headquarters and Judicial Island.

Impel Down, the Navy Headquarters, and Judicial Island, three important places directly under the jurisdiction of the World Government, are connected by a deformed huge whirlpool.

Only by passing through the Gate of Justice can you catch the correct ocean current and reach your destination.

At this moment, the Gate of Justice opened, and a huge navy warship shrank and headed towards Impel Down.

In addition to routine supplies, this warship also had a new batch of navy officers serving in Impel Down.

Serving in Impel Down is a tough job.

Anyone with a little ambition doesn't want to come to Impel Down.

Therefore, there are very few senior generals coming to Impel Down. Those who are sent to Impel Down are all recruits who have just joined the navy.

Of course, there are also people like Heiji who were demoted to Impel Down.

On the platform of the zeroth floor of Impel Down, Deputy Chief Warden Magellan personally welcomed the ship.

Beside him, the chief jailer Longmei, the deputy chief jailer Roy, and the three captains Heiji, Guchi, and Shiru were all standing on the platform.

In addition, there were more than 20 jailers who were responsible for receiving the ship.

Seeing the navy warship approaching, Magellan shouted:"Prepare to receive the ship!"


With Magellan's order, many jailers began to work on receiving the ship.

Soon, the navy warship landed steadily on the platform of the zeroth floor of the Impelment City.

The jailers began to move the supplies on the ship in an orderly manner, and then a team of new recruits, led by the captain, came to Magellan.

"Lord Magellan, these are the new recruits who are coming to serve in Impel Down. There are 28 of them in total, and they will serve for two years. Here is the roster!"

The captain of the warship handed the roster to Magellan. Magellan took the roster, glanced at it quickly, and said lightly,"I understand."

Then, Magellan looked at Long Mei beside him.

"Long Mei, the head of the jail, you will be awarded the rank of brigadier general when you return to the Navy Headquarters this time, right?"

Long Mei laughed and said,"Yes, Lord Magellan, the appointment has been made, it is the rank of brigadier general."

"If I can work harder and become a major general before retirement, I will be satisfied."

"Goodbye, Long Mei, leave this damn place, this place is not suitable for your old bones"

"Hahaha, you are right."

Long Mei looked around, waved his hand, and said,"Goodbye, Gewei!"

Long Mei boarded the navy warship, which slowly sailed away from the city of Impel Down and headed towards the Gate of Justice.

After the warship left, Magellan said to everyone

"After Long Mei left, Roy took over as the chief jailer."

"The vacant position of deputy chief jailer……"Magellan looked at the three captains around him and asked,"Who among you is interested in this position?"

Guchi grinned and said nothing. He only had one year left to serve, and then he could apply to be transferred out of this hellhole of Impel Down.

The position of deputy chief jailer had no appeal to him at all.

At this time, Xilu raised his hand and said arrogantly,"Lord Magellan, I'll take the position of deputy chief jailer!"

Magellan was not surprised at all by this result.

He nodded and asked as usual,"Okay, then does anyone object to Xilu taking over the position of deputy chief jailer?"

"I object!"

Heiji said loudly:"I am also interested in this position!"

Suddenly, the jailers around him widened their eyes in shock.

Are you sure?

This new captain who has only been in Push Castle for a year actually wants to become the deputy chief jailer? Is n't he afraid of Captain Xiliu?!

Xiliu turned his head and glanced at Heiji, and the smile on his face became even more intense.

Magellan was slightly stunned, seeming a little surprised.

But Magellan quickly reacted and said:"Then, follow me to the training ground"

"Whoever wins will take over the position of deputy warden."

After Magellan finished speaking, he turned around and walked towards the basement. Xiliu followed Magellan quietly downstairs, only Guchi approached Heiji and whispered:"You should be careful later. If you can't do it, it's okay to just admit defeat."

"Xiliu is mentally ill and likes to beat and scold prisoners for fun. He has beaten more than six prisoners to death this month!"

Heiji said calmly:"I know, but he can't hurt me."

""Okay, it's a good thing that young people are motivated."

Gu Qi sighed, shook his head, and walked to the basement.

When Heiji was about to go downstairs, a voice stopped him.

"The tenth generation!"

"I finally found you, Tenth Generation!"

There was an undisguised excitement in his voice.

Heiji turned around and saw a white-haired octopus-headed navy recruit standing behind him with an excited look on his face.

"Gokudera Hayato?!"

Heiji was stunned. So the system said that Gokudera Hayato would be arranged to advance the city in a reasonable way, that is, to let Gokudera Hayato serve in the city as a navy recruit?

This... is really very reasonable.

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