The Wandering Planet

Chapter 205: Web of death

After several further discussions, the action plan of the Guzheng Plan was finalized, followed by various materials preparation and site construction.

According to the structure distribution map of the aircraft carrier hull intercepted by Moss, the arrangement of the nanowires has also been carefully calculated to avoid the place where virus samples and research data are placed to the greatest extent, and only to kill people on board.

After all, the most important virus samples are small virus stocks, and paper files, hard disks, and CD-ROMs that hold research data are also very small targets. As long as the space distribution of flying blades is reasonably arranged, the possibility of these things being cut It's not too big.

In order to determine this, the coalition government even took out a retired Nimitz-class aircraft carrier and set targets based on the distribution of all personnel and items on the aircraft carrier at the new Ambrella headquarters. A full-volume field came to the Panama Canal on the wandering earth. The simulation exercise restored the situation at the actual operation site to the greatest extent.

Can actually take a Nimitz-class aircraft carrier for simulation experiments, and this can only be done by agencies such as the government.

In the end, after several adjustments and different nano-wire distributions were tried, the Guzheng project can finally ensure that the flying blade can kill all personnel on the aircraft carrier without cutting important virus stock samples and data storage equipment.

With countless staff rushing to work overnight, such a web of death finally pulled up on the Panama Canal at the biochemical crisis level.

In order to disguise the operation, the expeditionary forces continued to send false information to New Ambrella through Moss to distract them.

Even the expedition actually actually assembled troops to launch an attack on another branch of New Ambrella, giving them an illusion that their headquarters could not be taken into account for the time being, in order to minimize the vigilance of the new Ambrella aircraft carrier.

All of this is to make the Guzheng project go smoothly. The Ministry of Intelligence does not know how much homework has been done for this, so that New Ambrera has not noticed the abnormality on the Panama Canal at all.

The steel columns arranged on the Panama Canal are also properly camouflaged, so that they seem to stand here very naturally. If you are not very familiar with the layout of the two sides of the Panama Canal, you will basically not notice anything obvious. The change.

In fact, the aircraft carrier of the headquarters of New Ambrera usually does not pass through the Panama Canal, and the modern aircraft carrier actually passes through the Panama Canal. It is usually very reluctant to pass through.

This time, New Ambrella was completely deterred by the Wandering Earth Expeditionary Force, eager to chaos with its own ultimate biological weapon in the Pacific Ocean, and then passed the Panama Canal in such a dangerous way.

Therefore, for most people on board, it is the first time to pass the Panama Canal, and it is difficult to find out what happened on both sides of the canal.

The only one who could find it all was the pilots that New Ambrera arranged on the Panama Canal. But he is not the core of the organization, and even if he finds any clues, it is difficult to attract the attention of the new Ambrela executives in the first place.

Everything was ready, and Qiao Lu and Wang Lei took an assault team ambush on both sides of the canal, ready to witness the moment when this web of death came into play.

The surrounding zombies were cleaned up in advance, and only quiet and beautiful tropical rain forests remained on both sides of the canal. In this world of biochemical crisis after the end, it is rare to create a beautiful natural scenery.

At this time, the shipping on the Panama Canal was far less busy than before the end of the world, and only a few times, one or two ships of New Ambrera passed, in order to transport goods in different branches around the world.

At this time, Qiao Li and they would let the nanowire sink to the bottom of the river with the falling object attached to it, and then pull it up again when the ship passed.

In these days of construction, only three transport ships passed. With the advance warning of Moss, these ships did not cause much trouble to the construction of the Wandering Earth Expeditionary Force and did not make them aware of the construction. sign.

The rainforest on both sides of the canal is a good cover up, which is one of the main reasons why the operation site is arranged here.

The only ship that will pass today is the aircraft carrier at the headquarters of New Ambrella, so the expeditionary army set up the steel pillars early and pulled up the nano-wire to make the final preparations.

A horrible web of death is waiting for its first and last prey.

The taut nanowires are almost invisible in the air, and only a close to the extreme can detect a trace of reflection in the sun. Without early warning and careful observation with wide eyes, they would not be able to detect their existence at all. .

The steel pillars on both sides of the strait were also painted with navigation marks and water level signs, which made them appear less obtrusive here, and everything seemed very normal.

It wasn't until a zombie crow suddenly flew from a distance and flew straight through the low space between two steel pillars that the horror scene emerged.

I saw that this zombie crow was okay as he passed through the steel pillar, and nothing seemed to happen at all.

But after it flew a few meters away, a blood mark suddenly appeared on the body, and then the body was divided into two very flat, and the lower body fell into the water with a splash.

The zombie crow didn't seem to find that he had lost his lower body at all. The upper body with wings still fluttered and flew for more than ten meters before hitting the second nano wire net.

This time, his head was completely cut off, and it fell from his neck evenly and fell into the canal like the lower body.

In the end, the zombie crow, without heads and feet, continued to flap its wings and flew for a second, then suddenly froze, as if finally aware that it was dead, and fell into the water weakly.

Fortunately, it has not yet hit the third nanowire net with an irregularly sized hole design. The densest part of the flying blades is enough to unload the zombie crow.

Wang Lei shouted angrily in the communication channel: "Who put the crow in? Don't you let a mosquito pass!"

Expeditionary soldiers on the outskirts of the operation site apologized hastily: "Sorry ~ ~ is our negligence."

Wang Lei said solemnly: "Don't neglect because the enemy hasn't arrived yet! Be vigilant and don't let this happen a second time!"


Fortunately, the Umbrella carrier had not yet arrived at this time, and naturally this incident would not cause their alarm. Even if there is a satellite image or surveillance video, it will be processed by Moss in advance.

Only the expeditionary soldiers in charge of the external vigilance became more careful. Once the headquarters carrier of New Ambrera arrived, they really had to let go of a mosquito!

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