The Wandering Planet

Chapter 208: A complete success

After the aircraft carrier of New Ambrella's headquarters completely passed the three nano-wire giant nets under the stray earth, Qiao Li immediately ordered:

"Launch a small thruster, stabilize the hull and start to slow down!"

Hundreds of thrusters like small missiles were launched from both sides of the canal in an instant, and they were affixed to the sides of the aircraft carrier in rows, providing thrust to stabilize the direction of the aircraft carrier.

After all, now this aircraft carrier is only temporarily welded by the high temperature generated by the cutting of nano-wires, so that it will not immediately fall apart. If it were to hit the shore like this, the ship might be broken into countless pieces immediately under the huge impact. .

Qiao Li also put on nano-armor and flew to the bow, and pushed back with a dozen thrusters, so that the aircraft carrier began to slow down until it stopped steadily.

A large number of ambush expeditionary soldiers rushed out of the rainforest and boarded the Umbrella with jetpacks and hooks. A large number of Kun-style fighters flew along the canal at high speed, and more of the assault team landed on the ropes and landed directly on the aircraft carrier's deck.

They quickly rushed into the aircraft carrier, preparing to clear the last small batch of mutant biochemical monsters that might be left, in order to completely occupy and control the entire aircraft carrier.

However, in fact, all they saw at this time was the flesh and blood of a corpse, and they never saw anything alive.

No matter what kind of tyrant, licker, zombie dog, ghost warrior, or other biological weapon, it has been cut into countless pieces by the triple nano wire mesh in the Guzheng Project, leaving only piles of puzzles. Just pieces of meat.

No matter how powerful the vitality of these zombie creatures is, it is impossible to recover them after being unloaded by eight or even dozens of them.

However, for the sake of insurance, the expeditionary army still used the flamethrower to burn these meat pieces separately, leaving no room for regeneration at all.

It is always right to be cautious. For these biochemical monsters, they should be completely discouraged, leaving no trouble at all.

The enemy on the entire aircraft carrier was really wiped out by Guzheng's plan. All the expeditionary forces could see was a neatly cut stubble, and no one had resistance.

Only those places where the wandering earth deliberately manipulated the nanowires to avoid them could be kept intact, and those important virus samples and research materials were perfectly preserved and were handed to the Expeditionary Force effortlessly.

This operation has achieved amazing success. The Guzheng project has achieved a precision surgical operation. Its lethality is even more ashamed. It can make people feel terrible just to see the tragic situation of fragmented corpses in this place.

They are completely cremated on the one hand to prevent the meat from regenerating, on the other hand, it is invisible, and instead of staying here to look at the nausea, it is better to burn them quickly to avoid affecting the mood.

The expedition team quickly evacuated the aircraft carrier from the headquarters of New Ambrella with virus samples and research data. The hull structure of the aircraft carrier has been completely destroyed. Even if it is temporarily bonded by high-temperature welding, it is only a matter of time before it completely falls apart.

Therefore, the wandering earth must transfer the important items in it as soon as possible, and all of them should be moved to the Kunming fighter plane, and then transported to the front line base of the Expeditionary Force through the Kunming fighter plane. This operation was truly completed successfully.

The expeditionary team burned the corpse on the aircraft carrier while carrying the remaining research equipment. It took about an hour to complete the search of the entire aircraft carrier, and all the virus stocks and research materials found were sent to the Kunming fighter aircraft. Ship to the Expeditionary Front base.

On the other hand, Qiao Lie and the maintenance team had to weld and reinforce the aircraft carrier to prevent the aircraft carrier from falling apart before the expeditionary forces had finished moving things.

Even so, the crash of the Umbrella inevitably started after two hours.

I saw that it began to shatter from the upper layer of the hull, and turned into layers of different thickness and began to tilt to one side, like a poker card spread out to the side.

But even if we use an analogy, it is not a complete deck of playing cards, but a shredded deck of cards, spread out with countless irregular shapes.

This new Ambrella aircraft carrier is also the same. When the cut hull flakes began to fall from the upper layer, these metal flakes were also broken into pieces, scattered like pieces of shredded playing cards.

In the end, the entire ship was like a pile of fallen blocks scattered on the river bank on the side of the Panama Canal. It is completely unthinkable that it was once a modern aircraft carrier.

Of course, there was nothing valuable on board at this time. So no matter what it looks like, it's not Jolly who needs to manage it.

The Guzheng project was a complete success. At the aircraft carrier headquarters in New Ambrella, the Expeditionary Forces harvested a total of hundreds of virus stock solutions, including T virus, C virus, G virus, Veronica virus and other virus stock solutions.

It can be said that as long as the biochemical viruses that New Ambrera is studying have been completely wiped out by the stray earth.

In terms of research materials, in addition to a large number of hard disks, the Expeditionary Force also found a large number of paper documents, which also recorded the research results of various viruses in New Ambrella.

These things were sent to the Wandering Earth Central Academy of Sciences for confirmation and analysis at one time. It is believed that it will also provide great help to the research of the Wandering Earth's biotechnology.

At the same time, with the destruction of the new Ambrella aircraft carrier headquarters, this biochemical terrorist organization full of evils has finally fallen into a state of no heads.

Although there are branches all over the world, from the information obtained by Moss, none of these branches can reintegrate the entire resources of New Ambrella.

They are equivalent to fighting on their own ~ ~ Some branches even simply abandon the name of the new Ambrella organization, and began to declare independence into a new organization under the leadership of their branch director. You can slightly extend your life.

But these are meaningless. The Wandering Earth Expeditionary Forces will eventually travel through this world of biochemical crisis. These sinners who rely on demonic biochemical weapons to rule the world have absolutely no place for them.

Now the only thing that can survive in New Ambrella can be called trouble, which is the ultimate biological weapon that is still wandering in the Pacific Ocean-Chaos.

As long as this thing is alive, it will continue to spread biochemical viruses to the world, making the world's air pollution more and more serious.

The Expeditionary Force must deal with this monster before proceeding to other divisions.

And just right, you can test the power of a new weapon on it.

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