The Wandering Planet

Chapter 221: Attacking Beast

That day, humans finally remembered the horrors once dominated by them, as well as the humiliation imprisoned in the bird cage.

Interestingly, the rooftop that Qiao Lu and Liu Peiqiang rushed to was a famous tourist attraction at the same time. Because they can overlook the Sydney Opera House and the Wall of Life at the same time, tourists often come up and wait.

That's right, this coastal defense wall, the Wall of Life, built to resist the invasion of monsters, has also become a tourist attraction in this Pacific Rim world.

People from all over the world will come to the coastal cities to admire this majestic wall, and believe that the wall of life will always protect them.

Under this belief, a peculiar religion has even been developed among human beings—the worship of the wall, and this city wall built by human beings is worshipped as a god's creation.

Qiao Li heard someone in the crowd preaching to tourists:

"Listen, the city wall was built because of the wisdom of God, and the designer of the wall of life was inspired by the deities. This wall is a miracle and will never be broken! If only you believe, you can have peace forever! "

Surprisingly, it was obviously such a clumsy gossip that got a lot of people's response.

These believers, like pilgrims, bowed to the wall of life not far away, as if they could get out of the shadow of the alien monster.

In fact, there are many other strange religions in the Pacific Rim, or many fanatical people.

At the beginning of the Mech Hunter plan, they worshiped the current superstars of Mech pilots, and they were almost gods to these Mech pilots.

After the Mech Hunter project was abandoned, humans evolved two new religions, one of which is the worship of the wall as seen by Qiao Li, and the other is the monsterism that also appeared in the movie.

Monsterism believes that these monsters came from heaven and that the gods are expressing their dissatisfaction with human behavior. Therefore, human beings should give up resistance and receive redemption only after receiving divine punishment.

If we say that wall worship is just looking for spiritual sustenance, the monsterists are completely treacherous, and there is no problem in catching and shooting.

It's not a good thing anyway.

Suddenly, a loud noise interrupted everyone's prayers, and at the same time a strong shock came from the side of the wall, making waves in Sydney Harbour.

"What ...? What happened?"

The people around looked around in horror, only Joey knew that it was the guy who came!

People set their sights on the side of the wall of life, and saw a thick smoke rising outside the wall, and then a gigantic giant claw slammed heavily on the wall!

"How can that be, the city wall is tens of meters high!" Said the missionary incredulously.

Until the monster's head gradually emerged from the wall of life, casting a huge shadow on the nearby Sydney Opera House, people finally had to admit:

"It's a monster !!!"

A beast that is taller than the wall of life is attacking the wall fiercely.

With each impact, it can set off an earthquake-like vibration around it, and the horrible loud noises hit the hearts of everyone nearby at the same time!

"Monster! Here comes the monster!"

"Run away!"


Just when most people were fleeing in panic, only the missionary was still there, muttering like a whisper:

"Nothing will happen, the wall of life cannot be broken! We are absolutely safe here!"

He even pulled the clothes of nearby tourists, trying to persuade them to stay:

"Don't run either! Believe in our god! The wall will protect us!"

Most people will directly call him a "madman" and kick him away, but there are still a few believers who worship the wall believe in his ghost words and stay idly watching the monster hit the city wall.

"The cult is hurting people," Qiao Li said helplessly.

If you do n’t save yourself, no one can save him. He and Liu Peiqiang could only assist the evacuation of other tourists on the rooftop.

Due to the angle problem, only a few coastal defense artillery can fire at this monster.

However, these seemingly bluffing shore defense cannons have no use for eggs. They do not hurt and itch on monsters, and they cannot stop it from continuing to damage the city walls.

Liu Peiqiang, who is experienced in military affairs, noticed that he was fussy at a glance: "The firepower of the shore defense cannons is not right! It looks like cutting corners!"

"Wait, cut corners?"

Before Qiao Li could figure out what was going on, the alien monster had completely broken the city wall, just like these reinforced concrete was made of foam at all.

On the one hand, because the monster's size is huge, its impact is extremely scary.

But on the other hand, as Liu Peiqiang said, is there no problem with this wall of life project?

If you knew at the beginning of the design that the Wall of Life could not withstand the attacks of these deep-sea monsters, no matter how stupid humans in the Pacific Rim world would be, they would not agree with this absolutely unreliable plan.

This monster is a level 4 monster that they have seen and defeated. If the wall of life is designed to be shocked to such an extent, it will be too defeated. Why can it replace the mech? Hunter plan?

Then there is only one answer.

The Wall of Life was originally designed to be able to withstand the attacks of Level 4 monsters, but in the final implementation process, due to various reasons, it did not meet its original design requirements at all.

For a stray earth, it is equivalent to building more than 10,000 planetary engines, but then found that it can't push the earth at all!

How can such a mistake occur in a super-engineering project built with all the power of the world! ?

"It seems that the world is very deep," Qiao Lu said, looking at the broken wall.

The flashy Mech Hunter Program ~ ~ has a wall of life like a joke, and behind it all, the Pan Pacific Defense Corps, chaired by several international consortia ...

It seems that there are reasonable explanations for the various unreasonable phenomena in the Pacific Rim world.

The Mecha Hunter plan was abandoned because Mecha was losing faster than it was being made.

But how could this happen if it was truly global? Isn't the industrial level of all human beings enough and is it enough to consume only one or two alien monsters that appear from the wormhole each time?

It is the international consortium that truly cannot afford the loss. They found that making mech hunters was a loss-making business, so they decisively terminated the plan.

Then they proposed the Pacific Rim Wall of Life project, which was indestructible in design and actually flawed.

How much oil and water is available for this project, just think about how long the Pacific coastline is.

Well, to this situation, it is entirely their fault!

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