The Wandering Planet

Chapter 226: Broken Dome

After making up his mind, Qiao Li asked Moss to disguise a new identity for him and Liu Peiqiang. The two came to the Mech Hunter Base in Hong Kong Bay, and they called it the broken dome.

As its name suggests, this is a huge dome-type military base. The huge dome can be opened and closed like petals. When necessary, the carrier helicopter will lift the mech from here and transport it to the mission The place.

When Qiao Li and Liu Peiqiang arrived, the mech-hunter Eureka Raiders they had seen in Sydney before were transported here, and were slowly being transported to the warehouse through the dome.

No matter how you look at it, those carrying helicopters that can lift thousands of tons of behemoths like Mech Hunter are too powerful.

With just six helicopters, Eureka Raiders weighing 1,850 tons can be hoisted with an average payload of 300 tons. I really don't know how to do it.

Such a powerful helicopter was actually only used by them to transport mechs, but it was a violent thing.

This technique is worthwhile for Qiao Li to collect and use for stray earth.

Not to mention, in the future, even if you want to send any behemoth to the planetary engine transmission tower, you can use this extremely dark technology carrier helicopter.

The door of the shattered dome is a typical heavy base of a military base. In order to prevent monsters from invading them, they could hardly wait to make two doors into one.

The guard at the door stopped both Qiao Lu and Liu Peiqiang, and asked in non-standard Mandarin:

"What are you doing here?"

"We are here to participate in the selection of mech pilots." Qiao Li took out the poster he saw, which is why they came here.

However, the guard in charge of the goalkeeper looked puzzled and said to himself:

"Are we still recruiting drivers?"

Liu Peiqiang on the side asked: "Are you not going?"

"Wait a minute, I'll ask inside." The guard said so and walked into the duty room, picked up a communicator and began to contact the superiors inside the base.

After some communication, the guard came out and said, "We are only recruiting reserve drivers now. Unless the active driver is injured or killed, you will not have the opportunity to drive the mech. Is this okay?"

After all, there are only four Mech Hunters left in the broken dome. Naturally, there are not so many active drivers, but only drivers who can be used as backups.

Many people came to participate in the selection with the dream of driving mechas, so as long as they heard that the backup driver did not have the opportunity to drive mechas, they would naturally retreat.

Qiao Li said, "It doesn't matter, reserve it."

He didn't come to drive the mech, all he needed was to get into the broken dome.

As for whether you can drive mech, it depends on your strength?

"It also depends on whether you can pass the test." The guard said very optimistically about Qiao Lu.

He knew very well that very few people could pass the neurosympathetic test, and most people with mechas fell directly on this threshold.

But none of this is a problem for Qiao Li. What kind of nerve sympathy is, it's all done by making Moss black.

The guards led the two men into the broken dome base. As the world's last mech hunter base, this was also the last place to recruit mech pilots.

The two first passed through a long dedicated channel, and after entering the password to open the gate, the guards entered the lobby of the broken dome base.

In the empty hall, there are many equipments, all kinds of large machinery, there are countless workers walking around, and from time to time there are forklifts full of cargo whistling past.

One of the most striking is the four large mechs that are as high as a hill in the base hall.

The first, a red storm, a Chinese fourth-generation mech with three arms, was 76 meters high and weighed 17,22 tons. The head is a huge camera with a zoom telephoto function. Each of the three arms requires a driver to control it. Therefore, the Mecha is operated by a family of triplets-Wei Xiang, Wei Jin and Wei Hu.

Unfortunately, his third hand could not emit laser rays, otherwise he could say something to the monster: "Join glorious evolution!"

But now it does not matter, as long as the storm is red and can fall into the hands of the wandering earth, his third hand, which was completely impractical, may be transformed into any heavy weapon.

Anyway, Wandering Earth is impossible to allow this war machine without any heavy weapons and use three arms as melee weapons to fight against the enemy.

The second, Cherno Alpha, Russia's first-generation mech, is 84 meters high and weighs 2412 tons. Of all the mechas, the largest, most powerful, and most defensive, but slower.

Cherno Alpha is completely the crystallization of Russian heavy industry. Its atmosphere, ruggedness, and domineering, its head is a weird triangular head shape, making it look more like a steel monster than the elegant humanoid like other mechas.

As the first generation of mechs, he perfectly adhered to the idea of ​​beating a monster alive to death. Therefore, the weapon equipped with it was only a pair of hydraulic iron fists like a pile driver.

The fighting method is also the simplest and roughest. Hold the monster's neck with one hand, and use the other hand to turn into a hydraulic hammer, and then pile wildly on the monster's brain until it kills the monster alive.

It can be said that Cherno Alpha is the most perfect body to implement the original intention of the Mech Hunter plan. The monster killed by him is definitely the least bleeding, but the worst.

The third, the Eureka Raider, Australia's fifth-generation mech, is 104 meters high and weighs 1,850 tons. Currently the most advanced mech hunter, Jolly has also seen this way of fighting in Sydney.

Eureka Raiders emphasized flexibility, wrist blades on the arms, heavy iron fists, and missiles on the chest all emphasized maneuvering speed. This mech can be used for long-range attacks and melee combat. At the same time, a head escape capsule is also designed, which can be said to be the collection of the best of previous mechs.

Unfortunately, since missiles will still be used in the end, it completely violates the original intention of the Mech Hunter plan.

So this plan was declared abandoned when the Eureka Raiders came out, but it was replaced by the more unreliable Wall of Life project.

The last one, Dangerous Wanderer ~ ~ The third generation of mecha in the United States, the real protagonist mecha, basically he finally appeared on the scene to solve the problem, who made him the protagonist?

The head is a two-person side-by-side operation cabin, the chest is a 12IX nuclear power turbine engine, a built-in nuclear reactor, the legs are equipped with a 10kt gyro stabilizer, and the two-leg hydraulic power divider makes the combat action smoother, ensuring the leg movements are balanced and the knee joint Driven for high agility torque.

Each muscle unit is equipped with 40 engine groups, which enhances the body's movement ability. The ankle is a 08FS cooling drain, built-in activated carbon, and seawater is discharged from the drainage tank through the cooling system, which can strengthen the body's power in the ocean.

The main weapon is the I-19 Plasma Energy Cannon, which fires shotgun charged ion particles, which can penetrate the monster's thick skin and directly damage its internal organs.

The spare weapon is a chain sword, which is usually rolled up in a curled shape. When used, it will be spliced ​​into a long sword.

Anyway, as long as he has the protagonist aura, he is omnipotent, and does not need to care about its actual performance.

However, it is difficult to say whether this time the dangerous wanderers can still be so lucky to continue to work wonders.

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