The Wandering Planet

Chapter 242: Sudden change in situation

After a period of nagging, Newton finally came to his senses gradually.

Although the shadow left by the mysterious giant eye was still lingering in his mind, the fear was quickly diluted by the joy of surviving. Newton realized that he had survived successfully, and it was indeed extremely important. Information about the pioneer civilization.

Qiao Lu was waiting for this moment, and hurriedly asked him, "Dr. Newton, what do you see?"

Newton's body was still shaking, and after being asked by Qiao Li, he answered very anxiously:

"This is just part of the monster's brain, so all I can see is a series of pictures and some fragmented memories. It's like you are watching a stop motion animation, you can only see the frame by frame and read from it Get incomplete information "

"Calm down, Dr. Newton, slowly and clearly."

Qiao Li poured a glass of water for him, and after Newton took a sip of the glass with his shaking fingers, he finally calmed down a little.

Newton then explained to Jolly what he saw and what he read, the truth about the monster invasion, and the ultimate purpose of the pioneer civilization.

Newton said with excitement: "The first wave of attacks was only hunting dogs. Monsters 1 to 4 were nothing to them. The pioneers sent them to death! The second wave was the destroyer. Humans have no hope at all. Can withstand it! "

Unlike Newton, who was desperate for this, Joe Law was already prepared for it.

The inability of humans in the Pacific Rim world does not mean that the stray earth cannot compete with it.

Qiao Li is not a lone hero who needs to save the world alone.

He continued to ask Newton: "What else do you see, Dr. Newton? We need all the information you get from the monster's brain, every detail may be the key to our victory!"

Pressing his forehead, Newton recalled carefully:

"These monsters, and even their entire civilization, are under the control of a main brain that resembles a hive mind. All I can see is a huge eye, and I don't know anything else. I can't describe it That's something, but it must be some kind of very, very scary existence. "

Such an ambiguous description really made Qiao Li also feel a headache. The main brain of the pioneer civilization is the goal of this stray earth this time, and it can be said that Qiao Li wants to know the most.

However, Newton can only see his eyes, which is too little information.

At least it must be clear what it is and what it looks like. The Wandering Earth Expeditionary Force can quickly decapitate, and it is impossible to fight a protracted war on the enemy's homeland.

"Is that all?" Qiao Li frowned, saying it wasn't enough information.

Newton shook his head helplessly and said, "This broken brain can only provide this information. Unless there is a fresh monster brain, I can't read more useful information."

Since the fresh monster brain is required to be fresh, it is impossible to have a fresh monster brain except to catch a new monster back.

Qiao Lu nodded and said, "I see. If there is one, I will find a way to get it for you."

Newton asked in surprise: "What are you looking for?"

"Isn't there a slaughter when you come back?" Qiao Li said lightly, as if to kill a pig.

Newton thought he was joking. The monsters dealt with it so well that they didn't have to do so much mess.

As the two talked, Herman returned.

He recognized the neurosense device at a glance, and immediately realized what Newton had just done.

"Newton, what did you do? Didn't I tell you this wouldn't work?"

"But I just succeeded!" Newton immediately said proudly.

Sure enough, he pretended to be able to cure all diseases, it seems that he need not worry about him for the time being.

Qiao Li quietly left the laboratory while the two began to argue academic content.

This synaesthesia experiment of the monster's brain cannot be said to be completely useless. At least he obtained a key message. The huge eyeball that only appeared in the synaesthesia screen is likely to be the body of the main brain of the pioneer civilization.

Although it is unknown at this time what features the main brain has besides its huge eyes.

But then, Wandering Earth will send a team of biological weapons to explore through the wormhole.

So now they have at least one general direction of investigation, which is to look for a huge eye.

The goal of Wandering Earth is the main brain of the pioneer civilization, so at least it is necessary to find out the essence of the main brain before officially starting the counterattack.

Otherwise war without a goal is just a waste of effort.

Upon returning to his lounge, Qiao Li immediately contacted Wandering Earth Command and informed them of the situation.

"A huge eye?" Luo Feng carefully thought about the meaning behind it, but it really lacked more useful information.

"At least we have a clear goal, which can be used as the main investigation direction of the biological weapons team."

Jolly continued: "If there is a fresh monster brain, Newton can perform synaesthesia again to obtain more useful information. According to Herman's calculations, the next monster invasion will be within these two days, and I will Find a way to catch one alive for synaesthesia. "

Synaesthesia with the monster's brain will reveal all the information in his mind, so this can only be done by Newton.

Luo Feng nodded and said, "I see. Our biological weapon team has also been teleported to the frontline base in Hawaii. They can soon enter the wormhole for exploration and investigation. Maybe they can find what you call the huge eyes."

Of course, the most secure way is to carry out these two programs at the same time. In any case, find the essence of the brain of the pioneer civilization!

Just when Qiao Li was reporting and ready to disconnect the communication ~ ~ The stern alarm sounded from both sides of the communication at the same time!

A warning came from the radio in the lounge: "Emergency situation, monster attack alert, all mech drivers gather!"

Qiao Li was not surprised by this. He asked Luo Feng: "What have you detected over there?"

"A lot of unknown creatures, it seems we still startled them." Luo Feng also calmly replied.

But at this time, Pantcoste in the command room couldn't calm down, because the computer images showed dense red dots, more than any previous attack!

"Warning, the invasion of alien organisms, the total number of two, twenty-eight ,, one hundred and thirty-seven ,,,"

When he saw this scene, there was only one thought left in his mind.

Humans are finished!


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