The Wandering Planet

Chapter 244: Battle of Hong Kong

The entire broken dome base began to be busy. Staff were nervous and organized to work together to put on electronic warfare uniforms for the pilots. The ground crews used ropes to hang on the huge mech for final inspection and maintenance. The carrier helicopter pilots have already In place, waiting for the final battle order.

Qiao Lu and Liu Peiqiang will naturally play as the red pilots of the storm. Before the final battle, Qiao Lu quietly contacted the Frontier Base of the Homeless Expeditionary Force. After all, this time they were the main target of the pioneer civilization.

The person receiving the news was General Zhang Zhezhong, commander-in-chief of the Expeditionary Force. When he found out that the contact was Qiao Li, he already knew what Qiao Li was going to ask.

Zhang Zhezhong said with confidence: "Relax, Qiao Li, we are ready to face the battle, you only need to take care of yourself. If necessary, I can send troops to reinforce you, the enemy here is still Assemble troops near the wormhole. "

Qiao Li shook his head and said, "No, I can handle it. Leave our hole cards to the end."

"I think so too."

After briefly speaking, Qiao Li ended the communication. Since there is no need to worry about the frontline base in Hawaii, he only needs to defend Hong Kong.

After all, he needs Newton to have a second sympathy with the monsters, and other scrap mech hunters in the broken dome also have recycling value. All these plans cannot be ruined by these monsters!

Qiao Lu walked into the storm red cockpit, and Liu Peiqiang had been waiting for a long time. The two quickly completed the nerve connection with the mech, and put on the heavy driving device, ready to go to battle.

"How's Wang Lei over there?" Liu Peiqiang asked Qiao Lu, who also knew what Qiao Lu had just done.

Qiao Lu answered without changing his face: "Don't worry, they're ready."

"That's good."

This sounds to others, they are just worried about a relative or friend named Wang Lei. In this case, who would not worry about relatives and friends?

The staff is still busy finalizing:

"Check the cockpit and prepare to launch."

"The cockpit door was confirmed to be closed and the storm was red and ready for launch."

"The storm is red, the cockpit is launched!"

With the order of General Pantcoste in the command room, the storm-red cockpit, the head of the mech, began to descend rapidly, and finally fell above the body of the mech to begin the final assembly.

The entire storm's red head was rotated around the neck before it was finally fixed. The engine on its chest was lit, and the indicator lights and lights on the mech's body turned on sequentially, announcing the successful assembly of its body and cockpit. Done.

One of the large warehouse doors of the broken dome slowly opened, and the surrounding maintenance brackets were retracted one by one. Driven by four heavy-duty track crawlers at the bottom, the storm red was slowly pushed out of the warehouse door on a huge platform. In front is Victoria Harbour, which is surging undercurrent.

"Storm is red and out of warehouse, warehouse 6."

At the moment when the storm was red, a lot of raindrops spilled on the shell of the mech, making it covered with a thick layer of water drops.

There was a thunder and lightning outside, and it seemed to be doomed tonight.

The carrying helicopter lifted the storm red and began to fly in the direction of the monsters. Eureka Raiders, Dangerous Wanderers and Cherno Alpha also all went out to prepare for the battle.

An unprecedented battle between the mech hunter and the deep sea monster is about to begin!

Pointecost reminded all drivers on the communication channel:

"Guys, look around. One of these monsters seems to be able to emit strong electromagnetic pulse interference. From the beginning, we have not been able to determine their exact location. But they must have arrived in the nearby waters. Be sure to pay attention to the situation under the water ! "

Attacking from the water is the most common method for these monsters, but they are usually not successful because of satellite detection.

However, the ridgeback turtles in the five monsters now have the ability to release organic electromagnetic pulses, and can no longer rely on satellites to determine their position underwater.

This makes this war even more dangerous. After all, no one knows where these monsters will suddenly come out to launch an attack. If they are not careful, they will be pinched back and forth, and they will be instantly killed.

No driver has the experience of facing two or more monsters at the same time, let alone five full heads this time!

No monsters were visible on the sea, and it seemed that they were indeed intended to attack from underwater.

In this case, the underwater conditions can be better observed, and only the storm red with the zoom telephoto function on the head can be observed.

And Qiao Li did see a huge black shadow approaching here at the bottom of the sea.

"Right to the water, at three o'clock!"

The moment he said this, a monster suddenly burst out from the sea and flew into the storm. It was the tail rat of the five monsters!

Unlike other monsters that stand on two feet, the tailed rat uses four limbs to walk. Its forepaws are not as thick and sharp as other monsters. Instead, it has an iron tail that is larger than the limbs and also has three sharp claws. Unlike the tail of a normal creature.

As soon as it came out, it threw it severely against the storm-red waist with an iron tail. Its sweep was like a big sword. It seemed to cut him directly in half!

But since Jolly had discovered it first, naturally he would not be attacked by such a method.

At the moment when the iron tail swept over, Qiao Lu drove the storm red and bent backwards, at the same time, folded his knees, and avoided the sweep in the pose of the protagonist in the Matrix.

The iron tail of the eruption rat brushed the red breastplate of the storm and passed by without any hit.

However, normally, such a posture will definitely cause the mech to lose its balance and fall, so that it cannot resist the next attack, it is just a simple behavior of finding and fighting.

However, the redness of the storm is different. The reason is that there are three jet thrusters behind it, so even if the body has been bent to the horizontal direction, it is impossible to restore the balance of the body only by the knee joints ~ ~ Start the three jet thrusters directly at full power, and forcibly correct the posture to restore the balance of the mech.

The tail rat did not expect that the storm red could actually recover in such a distorted posture instantly, and was about to pounce on the pursuit, and was shot with a punch and wrapped up by the force of the jet thruster by Qiao Li.

This punch directly knocked the tail-eating rat to the ground, which blew a wave of waves dozens of meters high.

Just as Qiao Li showed the rotating blade of the mech's left arm ready to cut his throat, another monster edgeback turtle came out again, blocking the storm red with a huge body, and covering the tail rat to retreat.

On the other side, Eureka Raiders, Cherno Alpha, and Dangerous Wanderers have also waged fierce battles with Abominations and Thunder Beasts, relying on a three-to-two quantity advantage for the time being to prevent them from falling behind.

Only the last and most dangerous Level 5 monster, the poisonous woman, has not appeared for a long time. I don't know if he is thinking about anything.

However, in any case, Qiao Li must first solve the two fourth-level monsters in front of him!


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