The Wandering Planet

Chapter 247: End of battle

Although the tail mouse was shot down from the air by cruise missiles, its entire body was burnt black and its wings were broken, but this terrible fourth-level monster was not dead, even if it was dragging its broken body Crawled towards the base of the broken dome.

The same missile strike also struck the poisonous woman, but on this first five-level monster, the lethality of the missile did not seem so significant.

Under the intensive artillery bombardment, the roar of the monster did not stop, the poisonous woman's huge body slowly emerged from the billowing smoke, and the blazing flames made it look even more shy.

It has skin that is as tough and elastic as rubber, and the impact of the explosion is completely absorbed by this weird layer of leather, as if it was designed to adapt to this intensive fire strike.

There is no doubt that these are masterpieces of pioneer civilization. These monsters are constantly evolving to adapt to the environment of the earth and weapons against humanity.

The poison woman is such a level 5 monster that is designed to be good at dealing with long-range firepower. Unless the power above the nuclear bomb is reached, conventional missiles will hardly cause actual damage to it.

There are still masses in the city that have not been evacuated. Naturally, it is impossible to really use a nuclear bomb to deal with this terrible alien monster, not to mention the air pollution caused by the nuclear bomb ’s evaporation monster blood. Feeling quite tricky.

It just continued to brave the powerful missile fire and continued to advance towards the broken dome base, as if nothing could stop it at this moment!

Most of the personnel in the base have not yet had time to evacuate, especially those in the command room, such as Pentecoste, are ready to co-exist with the base.

The poisonous woman's huge forelimb easily tore the base's dome, and stuck her head in like an anteater that stabbed the ant hole.

The panic spread in an instant, especially Newton, who was targeted by the monster, shouted almost collapsed:

"It knows I'm here! It's coming to me!"

Herman on the side couldn't help but gave him a punch, and then kicked him off the ground and cursed:

"Don't act so ugly, Newton! It was you who chose this path and walked to the end with my head up!"

Pointe Coster also said, "Yes, Newton, we are all on your side."

Because the poison woman is too large, it is as difficult as it is to pick out a specific ant from the ant's nest.

So it opened its mouth and spit out a weird tongue like a serpent's letter, and this tongue went straight to Newton in the direction of an eye.

Pantcoste immediately pulled out a pistol and fired on the tongue, but a bullet that was not even a grain of rice would have no effect at all.

Just as this tongue was about to touch Newton, who was scared and unable to move, a road roller suddenly smashed from above, and fell on the tongue shot by the poisonous woman impartially.

This time, it is not comparable to the power of a pistol. The poisonous woman's soft tongue was almost broken by a road roller, which forced her to retract her tongue.

And capable of throwing the roller as a brick, there is no doubt that there are only dozens of meters of mech hunters.

The poisoned woman turned her head and saw that the storm red hands showed the rotating blade, and the third arm picked up a truck on the ground. The roller that was thrown just now is the masterpiece of the third hand.

Qiao Lu looked at the civilians who were still to be evacuated and said, "It's too easy to hit other people here. I still think of a way to drag it into the sea."

Next to the broken dome base is a deep harbour, where the mech hunter's waterproof and tightness test is usually performed here. It should be a good battlefield.

Pentcoste immediately vetoed: "Don't do this! Its combat power will only be stronger in the sea. Now you are the only ones who can hold it. Don't do this risky move!"

"I didn't think about holding it."

After that, Qiao Li drove the storm red to the poisonous woman.

In the face of such a mech that is only the size of its own, the poison woman has no reason to flinch. Its three hooked tails are like three tentacles, stabbing sharply towards Qiaolu.

Both of the first two spikes were easily flashed away by Qiao Li, and the third tail was picked up by the truck in his hand.

The entire truck and the red palms of the storm were smashed in an instant. Sure enough, the destructive power of this body was extraordinary.

But at this time, Qiao Li had approached the poisoned woman, and rushed to the chest with the open door facing it.

"Back thruster, start!"

Under the full acceleration of the three jet thrusters behind, the storm crimson jumped up and hugged the poison woman's neck, and planted it into the nearby harbor.

In the process, Qiao Li successfully pierced the rotary blade into the poisonous woman's neck. Sure enough, although this elastic skin can absorb the impact well, it is not resistant to the cutting of the blade.

Knowing this, the later things will be easy to handle.

The storm crimson brought the poisoned woman into the nearby harbour and exploded hundreds of meters high like a deep-water bomb.

The salty seawater poured into a hole in the base's dome at once, dripping everyone into it.

Now they are a veritable broken dome base, but at this time no one has thought about this.

Everyone rushed out to watch the situation in the harbour, but because the sky was too dark and the harbour was too deep, it was impossible to see the situation inside.

All they could see was the poisonous woman's huge body turning over the river in the harbour ~ ~, and the storm red was almost completely covered by its figure.

This is almost like a black bear walking a rabbit. The size of the two sides is not on the same order of magnitude. It is hard to make people believe that Qiao Li can have the slightest chance of winning.

Pantcoste couldn't help but say angrily: "Damn, there was no way to stop him! Take Newton away, don't waste his procrastinating time!"

Immediately after the words fell, the huge woman's huge head surfaced again. Everyone thought that they were going to die, and in a few minutes Qiao Li had been killed by it.

However, the blue monster's blood quickly spread to the entire harbor, and the poisoned woman's head stopped moving after it surfaced.

It turned out that was the head that had been cut off!

In the horrified eyes of everyone, Qiao Li dragged the poisoned woman's severed head back to the shore, just as if she had just swam down a circle, and then returned with a monster head.


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