The Wandering Planet

Chapter 253: Firepower

Dozens of flying monsters led by Raton first entered the air defense fire range of the planetary engine fortress. In a split second, thousands of air-to-air missiles were launched from the top of the planetary engine, and sent to this group of monsters like a storm. Swept over.

However, as Qiao Li thought, the pioneer civilization had already guarded against such attacks.

Among these flying monsters, there are several luminous organs that have the same shape as the ridged turtle. When they dive, they have started to recharge, and the dazzling electric light flashes on top of their heads.

In the face of the oncoming missiles, these monsters each released more than a dozen strong electromagnetic shock waves, instantly covering all the incoming air defense missiles. Amazing electromagnetic pulses caused the flight trajectory of each missile to occur to a certain extent. A little deviation.

For air-to-air missiles that require extremely high firing accuracy, once the electronic system is subject to even a small interference, the end result will be almost a millimeter.

The missing air-to-air missiles were easily escaped by this group of flying monsters relying on air maneuvers. Only a very small number of missiles successfully hit the target, but they were not enough to cause fatal injuries.

The electromagnetic pulse also washed over the top of the planetary engine at the same time, causing a temporary failure of the power supply in some areas, further weakening the expeditionary air defense firepower.

Fortunately, Zhang Zhezhong had already expected this. After the failure of the first round of air-to-air missiles, he immediately issued instructions:

"Anti-aircraft guns, rotating machine guns fire! Missiles fire after the enemy is close enough!"

Suddenly, countless parallel anti-aircraft guns and rotating machine guns adjusted their depression angles to the flying monsters in the air, pouring out large-caliber bullets like a heavy rain in one fell swoop, forming a huge aerial firepower net. The sky is shrouded in it.

For these anti-aircraft guns and rotating machine guns, the electromagnetic pulse interference is meaningless, and the bullets will not lose their accuracy due to electromagnetic interference. Moreover, under such a dense rain of bullets, no accuracy is needed at all.

Countless tracer bombs are connected into thin yellow lines, and they are interwoven together into a huge net covering all flying monsters.

In fact, these bullets cannot be regarded as "bullets" at all. It is more accurate to call them bullets, because even the smallest multi-barrel rotating machine gun has a caliber of at least 30 mm.

The power of each bullet is more horrible than the anti-equipment sniper rifle, but the rate of fire has reached an astonishing 100 rounds per second. The only thing that can limit its continued increase in fire rate is the barrel that may overheat at any time.

Anti-aircraft guns use parallel turrets with 60- to 100-millimeter calibers, which have a lower rate of fire compared to rotary guns. However, the power of a single shot is even greater. The depleted uranium flank that it fires is a stable shelling armor-piercing projectile. Ground through the **** shells of these flying monsters.

The flying monsters covered by this firepower network were severely hit immediately. Although they have sturdy **** shells on them, they can easily withstand the rain of the guns of the rotating machine gun, but the thin pair of flying birds that they rely on to fly Meat wings may not be able to bear it.

In an instant, more than half of the flying monsters started to fall out of control due to their wings being swept into a honeycomb by a rotating machine gun.

And a little more unfortunate was that the shell of the depleted uranium-piercing shell of the anti-aircraft artillery penetrated the shell, and several shocking large holes burst into the body, and a large number of blue blood spilled and crashed to the ground.

The only one who was not injured in this round of gunfire was only the sixth-level monster Raton.

This pterosaur-like monster is covered with a lava-like geothermal armor even if its wings are covered. The rotating machine gun can only shoot dazzling sparks, even if it is a depleted uranium armor-piercing bombardment. Above, only a few fragments can be bombarded on it.

It passed at high speed over the top of the planetary engine, flapping its wings to produce a super hurricane-like sound wave, and instantly flew out dozens of Kun-style fighters on the nearby tarmac, like blowing away a pile of paper. Debris swept the fighter jets off the planetary engine.

Fortunately, anticipating electromagnetic pulse interference, the Wandering Earth Expeditionary Forces were not prepared to launch these Kunes fighters from the beginning, they just completed their transportation tasks and parked here.

Just one flutter can lead to the destruction of dozens of fighters on the entire tarmac, and the strength of Level 6 monsters really cannot be underestimated!

After Raton took the lead in completing this tornado to destroy the tarmac, other flying monsters who escaped from the disaster under its cover also rushed to the planetary engine, and each exhibition began to interfere with the shooting of other weapons in the planetary engine fortress.

Wang Lei was operating a four-barrel anti-aircraft gun to shoot a monster in the air, and suddenly a giant bird roared at him and suicidely hit the anti-aircraft gun he controlled.

Only a loud explosion was heard, and the anti-aircraft gun was pecked and crushed under the beak of this giant bird. Fortunately, Wang Lei jumped out of the driver's seat one step in advance, so he was not treated as a bug by this flying monster. Off.

The giant bird pulled the four-barrel anti-aircraft gun from the planetary engine as soon as it pulled it, and threw it away from the air several kilometers high.

Then it looked at Wang Lei, who had just escaped a catastrophe, as if the bird saw the worm in the tree hole, and once again extended his beak into it, trying to catch him and eat it.

Of course, Wang Lei would not sit still, he immediately held up the laser rifle in his hand, and shot one of the eyes at the giant bird.

The blue laser beam accurately hit the bird's eyes ~ ~ It instantly burned down the visual nerves inside, allowing the bird to retract its head with severe pain.

When it retracted its head from the planetary engine again, another antiaircraft gun beside it had been waiting for a long time.

Suddenly, four depleted uranium tail stabilizing shell-piercing armor-piercing shells were nailed into the giant bird's head, detonating from the inside and exploding the giant bird's head like a watermelon.

The blue monster's blood and the gray monster's brain immediately splashed into Wang Lei's body, almost drowning him all.

Fortunately, he still had a steel suit to protect him, otherwise the blood toxicity of these monsters alone would be fatal.

"It's disgusting."

Wang Lei stood up again from this pool of blood, shook off the mucus on his gun, and went back to fighting again.

This fierce Hawaii war is just the opening, he can't leave so soon!


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