The Wandering Planet

Chapter 373: Hell falls

As Newton finished telling all the information he had obtained in the monster's brain, an air defense alert suddenly sounded, scaring Newton into the bed immediately. There is no reason for it, this air defense alert is too similar to the sound of Geros' celestial body.

But this is really just an air defense alert, and it comes from the wandering earth side.

"Sorry, something seems to be wrong with us."

Qiao Li hurriedly cut off communication with Pantcoast and switched on the signal from Wandering Earth.

I saw Luo Feng appear on the screen with a serious expression, and said solemnly to him:

"Qiao Li, the observatory observed a wormhole that suddenly appeared on the periphery of the solar system. Its structure is close to the wormhole on the Pacific Ocean floor of your planet. Is civilization ready to take further action? "

Sure enough, this is the foreshadowing of Gerelos. The revenge from this **** star is coming soon!

Qi Qiaolu shook his head and said, "I'm afraid it's not just the pioneer civilization that is taking action this time. We must be mentally prepared to fight against a living planet."

The information gathered by the previous Biochemical Weapons Investigation Team has also been uploaded to the returning waves, so Luo Feng also understands that this attack can be far more than just how many monsters will appear.

Luo Luofeng asked: "Can you figure out the attack methods of this planet now?"

Qiaolu replied: "Newton and Herman in the Broken Dome Base may have more information, and I am getting them. In any case, be prepared to let the stray earth attack."

If the logic of the Pacific Rim plane is that in order to fight against monsters, humans have to create mech hunters of the same size.

The situation that Wandering Earth needs to face now is that in order to fight against one planet, we can only use another planet to compete with it!

This is our Mecha Wandering Earth!

Luo Luofeng also understands that at present they do not yet have a star-fighting weapon in the true sense. If they want to fight against planet-level monsters such as Gerelos, they can only rely on the stray earth itself.

But the biggest problem is that it is necessary to ensure that the stray earth can resist the attack of Gerelos. In the event that it loses its homeland, it is worth the loss.

Luo Luofeng said to Qiao Lu: "Then please trouble you to collect information again, this time we must be fully prepared!"

This is the last battle of the Pacific Rim plane. It is related to the fate of the two planets. Naturally, we cannot act rashly.

Qi Qiaolu nodded and said, "I will immediately go to the broken dome base to see if I can ask more. As for the battle preparation side, I will leave it to you."

After the division of labor, Qiao Li was ready to go to the broken dome base again.

At this time, the sound of the celestial bodies surrounding Hawaii has gradually dissipated. It seems that Gerjess has given up this useless attack and began to concentrate on transmitting himself to the solar system.

乔 On the way to Qiao Li's return to the base of the broken dome, the human civilization in the Pacific Rim world has also noticed the existence of wormholes around the solar system and realized that this is something of the same nature as the wormholes in the deep Pacific.

What's more terrifying is that Gerjes's huge body has gradually emerged from the other end of the wormhole, appearing directly under the telescopes of countless astronomy enthusiasts on earth.

It was a huge reddish brown body that was rusty and had no other characteristics than the spherical bumps on the hills. It was almost twice the size of the earth and looked like a rusty one. Big red iron ball.

However, no one would think that this is an ordinary planet. After all, it emerged from the wormhole that brought endless nightmares to human beings, and everyone took it for granted that this was another precursor of the offensive of the pioneer civilization.

Moreover, some careful astronomy enthusiasts found a giant eye hidden under its vast ocean of liquid iron, but when they faced this eye, the astronomy enthusiasts fell into a frenzy of loss of reason. There is absolutely no chance to share their findings with others.

Various ominous signs filled the people with anxiety. Originally because they had repelled the confidence established by an attack by the pioneer civilization, at this moment they disappeared.

崇拜 Monster admirers took the opportunity to preach their teachings, and they have been waiting for this opportunity for a long time.

There is such a group of monster believers near the base of the broken dome, marching high-profile on the street:

"The kingdom of heaven is coming! The gods are coming to meet their followers! Only pious will be redeemed, and pray with us!"

As a real sight of Geheros, Joel knew very well that there was absolutely no heaven, and he could not even call it hell.

Jain is a terrible **** star, but the monster admirer of the Pacific Rim still believes that the monster comes from heaven. This ignorance really makes Qiao Li feel speechless.

However, at this moment of despair, this strange religion can attract more believers instead.

The marching procession is still growing, and the same thing is happening around the world.

As Gerjes completely emerged from the wormhole, the fanaticism of monster admirers reached its peak.

I let this cult continue to spread, I really don't know what will happen next.

But Ke Qiaolu now has no time to care about this kind of thing ~ ~ he quickly rushed to the broken dome base and asked Pant Coster who greeted him:

"Are Newton and Herman better? Have they asked more about them?"

Pant Coster shook his head and said, "Herman is still the same, and Newton is getting more and more excited, feeling that the whole person is going crazy, and I quickly let him rest first."

He Qiaolu instructed him: "Our time is running out. Didn't you mention that Raleigh and Asako can use neurosympathetic devices to connect their brains? It is time to use this extraordinary method."

Pant Coster hesitated and said, "But I'm worried that this will put both of them in danger."

Biao Qiaolu said as he walked, "All human beings are almost finished, and you are still worried about whether they will be in danger? You can ask them for their opinions, and I will not say much."

外围 On the periphery of the solar system, Gerjes's huge body has completely passed through the wormhole and continued to approach the solar system, with huge eyes staring at the blue planet in the solar system's orbit.

Stuck in its body, countless monsters made by pioneer civilization are also about to move, like ants, docking densely on the huge meat wall with blood vessel entrances distributed in Geros.

Human civilization and pioneer civilization, the final battle between Wandering Earth and Gerelos will be staged!

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