The Wandering Planet

Chapter 288: New ethnic characteristics

The scenes in hyperspace are no longer unfamiliar to people on the wandering earth. In the next month, the wandering earth can first take a breath from the crisis of quantum collapse.

Qiao Qiaolu also got 12,000 civilization points to complete the main task of the Pacific Rim plane, plus more than 20,000 civilization points when leaving the Pacific Rim world. Now, there are 33,582 civilization points, which can be exchanged for a new round of technology.

Just before that, he also got the same "racial identity column +1" as before in the Avatar world, and he can choose a new wave of ethnic characteristics.

At present, the wandering earth has two racial characteristics, [Hometown Feelings] and [Controlling Nature], both of which have been of great use in the past.

Now the third racial identity column, Qiao Li can take a good look at what good things to choose from.

Just like the previous two times, this time the system also gave three choices, and let Jolly choose one to add to the racial characteristics column of Wandering Earth.

三个 These three choices are: design evolution, ethnic cleanliness, and thinking sharing

[Design evolution] (mutation technology tendency reaches 75 to unlock)

It is an inefficient and slow way to completely let our evolution be left to nature. Why not fundamentally change all this and let us design our own evolutionary path?

Effect: Biochemical transformation success rate + 20%, unlock special research project "Human Gene Sequence Recombination".

[Racial cleanliness]

文明 This civilization is keen to destroy all other intelligent creatures by traveling around the galaxy. They will destroy all aliens at all costs. Although this is not welcome, it is undeniable that it will bring strong racial cohesion, more fervent and fierce soldiers, and rich experience in the use of weapons of mass destruction in combat.

Effect: Research efficiency of weapons of mass destruction + 60%, morale of the army + 50%, heterogeneous population will always be purified and cannot be compatible with the second race.


Communicating directly with transparent thinking is more conducive to the development of science and technology, and all despicable means such as conspiracy, deception, and camouflage will no longer exist, and social stability will be further improved.

Effect: Scientific research efficiency + 50%, social stability + 70%, race gains telepathic ability to share thinking, and can communicate directly through transparent thinking.

To be honest, although this time is still one of three choices, in Qiao Li's opinion, there is basically no good choice.

[Racial cleanliness] is naturally the first option to be excluded. Needless to say, no matter how powerful the effect is, Joe Law cannot choose such a radical option.

The rest is [Design Evolution] and [Mind Sharing]. It has to be said that both have very powerful positive effects, especially [Mind Sharing], which is fundamentally to change human society.

From the description of the effect of this option, shared thinking should be like the mechanistic hunter's neural sympathetic connection, enter each other's brains, and communicate with each other without concealment.

The difference is that this shared thinking no longer needs to be paired or even dependent on the device, but is achieved through a telepathic approach.

效果 This effect can be very scary. It is conceivable that this will become the most efficient means of communication for human beings. In the face of direct thinking exchange, any language is pale and weak.

Just as people have been reluctant to continue writing after the popularity of the telephone, once thinking sharing becomes something that everyone can do, it will be difficult for humans to return to the era of relying mainly on language and words for communication.

As for the personal privacy issues that this brings, it is like everyone knows that the Internet will expose personal privacy, but it still cannot prevent the popularity of the Internet. Humans will never give up using such efficient communication methods because of this kind of problem.

Therefore, it is conceivable that this racial characteristic will inevitably make human beings completely transparent to each other's thinking, and there is no need to consider the question of use or non-use.

Although this will undoubtedly allow human civilization to develop at a higher speed, it also has very serious disadvantages.

透明 Transparent thinking can greatly increase social stability, but on the other hand, it will also make humans very inefficient in the face of conspiracy, deception, and disguise. The consequences of this will be very fatal.

Since human society has become a utopia, this universe cannot be a utopia world.

I live in a world without lies, but it is extremely dangerous.

On the other hand, Qiao Li himself cannot agree to accept thought sharing. After all, the secrets he hid, but the root of his life, could not be revealed at all.

乔 Even if it was just for personal selfish desires, Jolly could not choose this racial trait.

For various considerations, Qiao Li resolutely and decisively chose [Design Evolution].

The other two options are absolutely forbidden. There is no room for negotiation, so there is no need to ask other people's opinions.

乔 After Qiao Li added [Design Evolution] to the Racial Traits column of Wandering Earth, just less than an hour later, the Central Academy of Sciences came with good news.

Dr. Grace, who participated in this subject, excitedly called Qiao Li: "Director Qiao Li, we have done it! The complete human genome map is specific to everyone!"

Qiao Li asked with some doubt: "Uh, can you make it clear? I don't know your work well."

Dr. Grace calmed down and said, "I'm sorry, I'm a little too excited. The Dutch scientific community has recently succeeded in producing an efficient gene map scanner through technical improvements to the regeneration cradle. With this one, Machine, we finally realized the mapping of individualized gene maps. It only takes ten minutes to draw the complete gene map of any person! "

For this, Qiao Li still has a basic concept. There are about 30,000 genes in human beings. When converted into a gene map, there are 3.1 billion "letter" permutations and combinations of the four bases A, T, G, and C ~ ~ and this arrangement is complex and changeable. It cannot be seen through at a glance, or quickly interpreted.

Wandering Earth can complete such a complicated human gene map in ten minutes, and all the 3.1 billion bases of 30,000 genes are mapped out. What a terrible progress!

Dr. Grace continued: "Now we can provide customized biological transformation for everyone, whether it is T virus or endangered virus, the success rate of transformation will increase by more than 20%! Especially for T virus transformation, it is almost impossible There is no risk of failure! "

This is undoubtedly good news for Qiao Li. Before he accepted the perfect T virus transformation, he was told that there is still a certain risk in the current surgery. There is a small probability that it will cause systemic muscle cramps and aging of some organs. Fortunately, after getting more perfect technology, come to accept the transformation.

Now is the time to perfect the technology, and Qiao Li can finally accept the perfect T virus transformation with confidence.

It was for this reason that Dr. Grace was so excited to call Qiao Li to remind him of this.

"Well, I'll come over now."

Qi Qiaolu hung up the phone and was ready to leave for the Central Academy of Sciences.

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