The Wandering Planet

Chapter 326: Detonate the moon

"Really, you intend to rely on the human power of this world to solve this problem, we only need to provide the 10000 years of snow and snow to support it."

Luo Luofeng also learned the entire plan from Qiao Li, and the use of a nuclear bomb to blow the moon back into its original orbit had to be said to be an unusually bold plan.

No one knows how many nuclear bombs actually need to achieve such an effect, and transporting so many nuclear bombs to the moon in such a short period of time is also a difficult problem, and it can never be achieved only by the space transport capabilities of one or two countries. Thing.

Therefore, the biggest risk of this plan is whether it can truly unite the power of all humankind. In case of failure, it will be completely abandoned.

Luo Feng thoughtfully: "The Ministry of Foreign Affairs will do its best to support you, but to be honest, it is too short to ensure the extent to which it can be achieved. Next, we will first evacuate people other than the Wannian Fengxue. It's up to them to be saved. "

"I think so too."

Human beings can only save themselves. Qiao Luke never thought of saving the world by himself.

"Well, the next test is next."

After Xu's communication with Luo Feng was ended, Qiao Li turned back and told a group of Overwatch members:

"This world needs more heroes, not just talented people like you, capable of fighting against one hundred elites, but also countless ordinary people struggling in ordinary positions. You have to call them, the more the better Until uniting all humanity! Only in this way can we survive the difficulties and the world can only be saved by humanity! "

道 This principle is well known on the wandering earth, but for this Overwatch world, it is the first time to use the word "hero" for all human beings.

"You're right." Winston first responded to Joe Law. "Now it's not a question of who to stand up. Everyone, all countries, all organizations must stand up and fight to save this world! I will be in Overwatch's public channel is calling for as many people as possible to stand by our side! "

Tracer then responded: "Then I will go back to England and find my past boss to see if I can convince the British Parliament to participate in this operation."

He also said, "I will find a way to get the Korean government to agree to this plan."

"It's time for me to go home and see," Xiaomei said. "But I think they will start taking action even without me."

Reinhardt patted his chest and said, "Precise German craftsmanship is always at your service."

Hei Ying shrugged helplessly: "I can't guarantee anything, but with Layes in, maybe I can convince some of Black Claw to give up the dark."

"Oasis City will provide medical assistance to the world," said the angel, waving his cane gracefully.

Genji also barely supported his body at this time, dragged his semi-robotic body that had just recovered, and said:

"The Shimada family still controls Japanese politics secretly. If I can go back to inherit the family, maybe they can mobilize more resources to invest in this crisis."

Scrutinizing that each of them has found a goal, Qiao Li will not repeat any more, but only provided a Kun-style fighter for each of them, and what to do next depends on them.

目 After watching the members of Overwatch leave, Qiao Li returned to the Wannian Fengxue Bridge, and they also had a very difficult task, which was to destroy the intelligent pupil nodes on the moon that were deviating from the orbit of the planet.

"Let's go, Wannian Fengxue, go forward three!"

Relying on the power provided by the antimatter engine, the Wannian Fengxue quickly broke through the atmosphere and went straight to the moon, which was approaching the earth.

他们 As they approached the dark side of the moon, which was always facing away from the earth, they really saw a golden light soaring into the sky, a powerful thrust erupted, and the moon gradually moved closer to the earth.

That is the last node of Zhitong, which is completing the final instruction to push the moon to hit the earth.

This familiar way of action makes people think of the planetary engine. In fact, this intelligent pupil node is also hidden under a lunar mountain range. Now it is spraying a golden beam of light that breaks through the sky between the peaks. The internal structure may be equivalent to a planet. The size of the engine.

Qi Qiaolu looked at this golden beam of light breaking through the sky on the bridge and couldn't help but sigh:

"It is indeed an advanced civilization that can cross the galaxy, and it still has a considerable degree of technology."

If this intelligent pupil node continues to accelerate the change of the moon's orbit, the final impact will occur within a few days, which can be easily calculated.

Now the moon is like falling into a vortex. The initial changes may not be obvious, but when it gradually approaches the center of the vortex, the speed will increase to an incredible level, allowing humans to react in no time.

So we must destroy this intelligent pupil node now, only in this way can we gain more time for human beings.

Although the moon will continue to fall to the earth under the influence of inertia and gravity, it will at least delay a little more time.

之下 Under the penetration of Zhitong, only Wannian Fengxue can do this.

"How is the enemy's defense?" Chory asked Levsenko.

Levsenko replied: "According to the information obtained by the shadow, the intelligent pupil should consume most of the node's energy to change the lunar orbit. Now is the best opportunity to launch a surprise attack, and it is also time to let the Wannian Fengxue Works as an interstellar ship! "

The staff on the other side reminded: "However, it must be noted that this may detonate the entire intelligent pupil node, and the explosive impact of the explosion will cause the lunar orbit to drift further. But it is also helpless for us. Even if we don't take the main gun attack, the intelligent pupil will detonate itself when the node falls. "

In any case, as long as this intelligent pupil node still exists, humans cannot regain control of the machine, and subsequent plans cannot be discussed.

Therefore, even if it is known that it will lead to serious consequences, it is now necessary to take advantage of the two evils!

"I see, let's attack."

得到 After receiving the approval of Qiao Li, Levsenko decisively ordered: "Severe Snowstorm, the main gun fired!"

The dazzling blue light converged on the muzzle of the Wannian Fengxue's main gun again, as if another round of clear moon rose on the moon.

However, Zhitong has no response to this, and still concentrates all the energy to push the moon closer to the earth.

In the end, the plasma beam emitted by the main gun of Wannian Fengxue hit the intelligent pupil node under the golden beam of light without any doubt, almost penetrated the entire lunar mountain range, and melted the numerous mechanical structures hidden in the mountain range.

Then, as the staff expected, Zhitong took the initiative to detonate all the remaining energy of the node, completely desperately letting the moon accelerate to the earth!

I saw a circle of ripples spreading outward with the center point of projection as the center of the moon. At one time, the moon's earth seemed to be soft like silk. Then, a slowly rising peak appeared at the center of the center, like a waking giant. Back.

When the peak rose to about three kilometers, the entire mountain exploded, millions of tons of dirt and rocks flew into the air, and a lustrous anger grew on the ground of the moon!

As the formation was lifted, the fireball caused by the underground explosion was exposed, shining on the rock and soil scattered in the air, forming a magnificent firework in the dark sky of the moon.

The fireball lasted for nearly five minutes before it went out. During this period, the rock pieces flew out like meteors in the light, like a long comet tail.

看上去 It looks ~ ~ from the outside as if the moon itself had been detonated!

Levsenko hurriedly ordered: "Put all the energy on the shield!"

The rock set off by the plutonium explosion, like raindrops, fell on the shield of the Wannian Fengxue, and it did not cause any actual damage to the Star Warship.

However, in this case, the moon was closer to the earth in the impact of the explosion, and I am afraid that it will eventually hit the earth within half a month.

The good news is that the large machines made by humans in this world finally got rid of the constraints of the intellectual pupils, and the plan was successfully launched.

It can be said that now is the real last moment. In the end, it is unity, concentrated efforts to push the moon back to its original orbit, and still have strange grotesques. They have reservations until they eventually perish, and they must watch over the pioneer humanity. Your own choice.

The last fuse has been ignited and there is not much time left for humans!

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