The Wandering Planet

Chapter 330: Overwatch Plane Ends

Now that everything has settled down, I realize that the sky eye that has been used by Zhitong has taken the initiative to destroy all the super ai cores collected as God's plan.

I am afraid that for a long time, no one will be interested in such things as super ai.

At the same time, with the destruction of the last intelligent pupil node on the moon, the intelligent weapon on the earth was finally liberated from the control of the intelligent pupil.

Now they are truly mechanical beings with self-will, and are no longer restricted by a unified mechanical thinking control.

How to deal with them has become the biggest problem now.

I have no suspense. In today's situation, the call for the unified destruction of all intellectual weapons is the highest. But no one wants to experience the third intellectual crisis any more. This time it really made everyone feel scared.

However, it is undeniable that the current number of intelligent weapons is still extremely large, and there is a considerable amount of military power both on the surface and in the shadows. It is not easy to destroy the exhausted objects.

Especially for human beings who have just run out of all nuclear bombs and even all nuclear energy, it is not a good time to start a full-scale war with intellectual equipment, and it is difficult to separate the victory and defeat in a short time.

No matter how loudly the call for the complete elimination of intellectual weapons is, human beings have to compromise with reality at the moment. Now it is not a good choice to start a war. Both human beings and intelligent machines cannot afford such a huge loss.

However, in the end, the decisive factor was that in the crisis of the moon, the Zhifang side also tried its best to assist human beings in their self-rescue operations, providing a large amount of raw materials and parts for human beings, which only made the plan in a few days It was implemented.

In fact, they are only for self-protection. Once the collision between the earth and the moon really occurs, the intelligence equipment on the earth will also face catastrophe, and most of them will also be destroyed. Only a few of them may survive by chance.

Zhi Zhitong can accept such a loss, but the intellectual weapon that obtained the true free will is quit. They don't want to end up with humans, let alone hope that they can survive as a minority.

Under such a premise, the intelligence equipment naturally joins the human self-rescue plan, only then can they have the greatest chance of survival.

Although the reason is just this, it also caused some people to start to reflect on whether they should slay the wisdom weapon.

In any case, it is impossible to continue to maintain the past situation. Human beings can no longer coexist peacefully with intellectual equipment, even if it is only superficial peace.

However, for the intelligence equipment, after the intellectual pupil's plan was revealed and their previous achievements were abandoned, they were also unsure of defeating human beings. If human beings were thinking about whether they could afford to lose, they would be desperate.

Therefore, the two sides finally reached an agreement that human beings will not slay the intelligent weapon for the time being, but the intelligent weapon must be collectively migrated to Antarctica to completely isolate people from the intelligent weapon to prevent further conflict between the two sides.

No one knows whether behind this agreement, human beings are ready to settle accounts in the near future, and whether the intelligence equipment is secretly accumulating power to plan a counterattack.

No matter what, both sides accepted the result, which was considered to be the end of the second intellectual crisis caused by the pupil.

Biao Qiaolu is back at the Frontier of the Wandering Earth Expeditionary Force in Antarctica. After all, he still needs the teleportation point here to return to Wandering Earth.

At this time, a large number of intelligent machines have begun to migrate. They will build their new home here, which can be regarded as a new beginning.

Looking at the intellectuals who were building civil engineering in Antarctica, Qiao Li forwarded off and asked Winston: "Is this really good? Maybe one day the third intellectual crisis will still erupt."

Winston sighed helplessly: "No way, our unified human power has just been established, and there are still many contradictions between nations to deal with. Moreover, after losing the moon, we still need to face a series of ecological environment degradation problems. There is no ability to wage a full-scale war. "

In the end, it is because the mess left by Zhitong is too big, and human beings have to deal with these problems first.

Winston continued: "So these intelligence devices are temporarily entrusted to you to manage. You can use them for whatever you want, just make sure they don't conflict with humans on a large scale."

Because the transmission point of Wandering Earth is located in Antarctica, it is inevitable that these migrated intellectuals will come into contact with the Wandering Earth United Government and learn from them all the causes and consequences.

Surprisingly, after learning that Qiao Lu and others took the lead in defeating Zhitong, the intelligent machines spontaneously regarded them as liberators who ended their slavery to them, and expressed their willingness to accept the management of the coalition government.

Therefore, Antarctica can be regarded as a new colony on the wandering earth, except that the main inhabitants are intellectuals who have been expelled by humans from all over the world. As a result, even Qiao Li unexpectedly.

However, this is an accidental gain. As long as you don't let them run on the wandering earth, these smart weapons can still be a fairly reliable labor force.

No matter what, the matter has come to an end. There will be a third intellectual crisis in the future, which is not something that Qiao Li should worry about now.

Now he wants to return to the wandering earth and get ready for the coming new world.

"I hope you will find a solution someday." Jolly said to Winston.

"I hope so," Winston said with emotion, and he did not expect that this would end in the end.

In the cold winds of Antarctica ~ ~ The wise men are working hard to rebuild their homes, and the whole world is still alive, but at least they have passed the most difficult moment.

乔 While Qiao Li was preparing to board the Wannian Snowstorm, Winston suddenly said to him:

"If you need it in the future, you can call us at any time. We will respond, as always!"

This sentence not only represents Winston himself, but also represents the entire Overwatch.

With the help of Vagrant Earth Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Overwatch has recaptured the legal place of the past and has become an influential international peacekeeping organization.

As long as Qiao Li has a word, they are also willing to go to fire for the wandering earth. This is Winston's commitment and also to thank them for everything they have done for this world.

"Thank you."

The Wannian Fengxue slowly lifted off. After bidding farewell to Winston, Qiao Li came to the bridge and nodded to Levsenko to order a return.

Along the transmission beam that seemed to come from the end of the distant universe, the Wannian Fengxue embarked on the way home.

The story of Wu Overwatch is not over, but Qiao Li's adventures in this world have finally come to an end.

Wandering Earth will continue to cross the infinite plane. They must bring all the gains from this world to prepare for the challenges of the new world!

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