The Wandering Planet

Chapter 338: Swarm of the Swarm

After clearing up the swarm near the crater, Qiao Li ascended to the sky again, at this time the purple fungus blanket had spread throughout the city.

These are like living bacteria blankets mixed with viscera and mucus, and even quietly climbed up the building, infecting buildings with living organs on the zerg fungus blanket, including hatcheries, split ponds, evolution rooms, etc., almost It was in a blink of an eye that a front-line base was built, and then a continuous production of swarms began.

Their energy comes from continuously consuming the essence of other creatures. All the corpses covered by the fungus blanket will be quickly decomposed and turned into nutrients for the hatchling zerg army.

The Tatars don't even let their own corpses pass, and they disassemble and absorb them for recycling without discrimination, which is a cruel and extremely efficient war machine.

At this time, the anti-aircraft fire of the stray earth has been fully deployed, basically preventing more airdrop capsules from falling on the surface of the planet.

However, the swarm on the ground has completely turned into a huge flesh and blood machine, and began to devour the essence of life of other creatures crazy, and hatched it into more Zerg troops.

Fighting for the war is the biggest feature of the Zerg. Once there are enough biological essences for them to swallow, even a larva can hatch into a powerful worm mother, and then breed a powerful worm nest army, and eventually kill it. Enemies on the entire starship take their infections as their own, and even the powerful Protoss aircraft carrier cannot be spared.

This is also the fundamental reason for the Zerg to deploy airdrop capsules as space mines. As long as a small number of airdrop capsules enter the starship, it is enough to cause a terrible disaster.

Now that the airdrop capsules are falling on the surface of the stray earth, the swarm is more like a fish.

On a stray earth with a greatly improved ecological environment, even if not humans, there are a large number of other species that can be devoured by them, which has also caused this terrible pest swarm.

Even if the airdrop capsules in the back were shot down by anti-aircraft fire in the air, the worm nest troops on the ground have grown unstoppably stronger!

Qi Qiaolu shouted on the communication channel: "Find a way to clean up the fungus blankets, and never let them enter the dungeon!"

The most troublesome thing is that all this happened too suddenly. The reproduction ability of the Zerg was completely beyond the expectations of the coalition government. The main force of the ground defense forces of Stray Earth is still being assembled, but the Swarm has begun to launch round after round. Shock.

More poisonous insects cooperated with a large number of jumping insects to attack the defense line of the Wandering Earth Forces. The ground defense forces that have not been supported by heavy fires can only temporarily retreat. After all, it is undoubtedly more beneficial to the Zerg to change lives.

At this moment, a huge convoy entered the city from the outside, drifted freely all the way, and rushed to the front.

He is headed by a large red and blue truck. When approaching the front line, he instantly transforms into a giant steel giant, holding a heavy tank gun to join the battlefield. It is the Autobot leader Optimus Prime!

"Autobot, attack!"

The cannon gun in Optimus's hand fired a powerful incendiary bomb, fell into the swarm and exploded a football field-sized fireball, and instantly rushed up the poisonous blasts and jumping insects along with their feet. The fungus blanket burned together.

Other Transformers also brought heavy weapons into the battlefield. With the fire support of these nearly ten meters tall and fully equipped Autobots, the pressure of the ground defense forces was greatly reduced, and the heavy fire support they expected finally arrived.

Iron sheet rushed to the front with two napalm flamethrowers, and pressed the start button in his hand toward the swarm of insects.

"Taste the taste of barbecue!"

I saw the blazing flames turning into two flaming fire dragons rushing out of the flames, writhing with swarms of jumping insects and poisonous insects.

The maggots that were wrapped in flames were roasted and crisped almost instantly, and then the napalm splashed on them continued to burn until they turned into a coke or even ash.

The acid sac of the poisonous bomber is completely unable to withstand this terrible high temperature. It bursts like a foam in the flames, and there is no chance of approaching the iron skin.

The addition of Transformers made the Swarm's offense stagnation for a while, and their firepower was a devastating blow to jumping insects and poisonous insects. Although the venomous spines of the Hydralisks can penetrate their steel bodies, the poisonous effects of the spines on their mechanical life forms are greatly reduced.

At this time, the air force of the wandering earth also came over the city, preparing for a large-scale bombardment of the area infected by the Zerg.

But their mission did not go so smoothly.

大量 While a large number of buildings were infected with fungus blankets as living organs of the Zerg, a large number of spore crawlers also hatched on the fungus blankets, making them ready to respond to air force attacks.

The appearance of this spore reptile looks like a thick tube. There is almost only this organ left and right above the body. The only significance of its existence is to launch the spores in the body to a height of 10,000 meters.

When the air force of Wandering Earth approached, these spore reptiles immediately spit out a ball of yellow spore powder from the mouth like a mouth of an abyss, and it turned out to be a living cannon.

一旦 Once these spores are contaminated by the air force fighters, the fuselage will be corroded at high speed immediately, imbalanced or even crashed in the air.

What ’s more terrible is that these spore reptiles have a very fast rate of fire, forming a biochemical barrage in mid-air, making it impossible for the stray earth bombers to approach, and they will be shot down by these spore reptiles before reaching the designated bombing site.

The attack of the puppet ballistic missile is also the same. Before falling on the fungus carpet, it will be ejected by these spore crawlers ~ ~ It can not play the role of cleaning the fungus carpet at all.

Although frontline troops have withstood the Swarm offensive, the spread of Zerg fungus blankets in the city seems to be difficult to stop.

At this time, there are already a large number of insects on the fungus blanket, which are injecting eggs to the hatchery, so that the breeding speed of the swarm is further accelerated. And as more and more living organs hatch from buildings in infected cities, some more dangerous organisms have also been brewed in the eggs.

The breeding and assault ability of these Zerg is beyond everyone's expectations. Even Qiao Li did not expect that the Swarm's offensive would be so horrible.

After all, this is not a game, and the Zerg will not be able to produce troops because of the lack of energy crystals and high-energy gas on the wandering earth. From the beginning, they relied on the continuous swallowing and absorption of other species to expand.

The disaster of this swarm has spread to the wandering earth. If they cannot be eliminated as soon as possible, the disaster will only become more and more terrifying.

In this first confrontation, Qiao Li has deeply realized the terrible place of the Zerg.

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