The Wandering Planet

Chapter 352: Take a break

The sudden departure of the investigation team's team also made the survivors suddenly frightened. There were not many people who could protect them. Now they are a few fewer. How can they not worry them?

The rest of the people now stare at Qiao Li and the Avengers squad, for fear that Qiao Li and others will leave them in the next second, so being abandoned on this planet, they are basically a dead end.

Qiao Li also understood their concerns and turned to comfort them: "Everyone rest assured, they just have other tasks that need to be taken one step ahead. We will still accompany you to the end. Please take a rest and follow us! "

Hearing what he said, the survivors were relieved, after all, they had been abandoned once by the Imperial Army, and I really didn't want to have a second time.

Although there are fewer people who can protect them, Qiao Li is willing to die with them, and there is nothing to complain about from their standpoint. If it were forcing Qiao Li and others away from them, there would be no hope.

But what these survivors don't know is that everyone in Qiaolu and the Avengers team has transmitted beacons as the last lifeline. If they can't evacuate in the end, they will die.

On this point, Joe Luck has no need to explain.

队 Captain America also expressed his appreciation for Qiao Li's choice. If he replaced him, he would definitely not give up anyone here. Qiao Li's approach undoubtedly fit his mind.

He picked up the shield and said, "I'll patrol the back to see if there are any bugs catching up."

Although the damage caused by the purification beam just now is very scary, it also brings a benefit, that is, the worm swarm that originally chased them behind is basically destroyed by this purification beam.

Now behind them, there is only a piece of liquid glass ocean that is gradually solidifying, and a large number of Zerg creatures are submerged by it. The US team just goes to see if any fish that has leaked the net catches up.

Because of this closeness to the spreading liquid glass ocean, even the Zerg think that they have become the victims of the purifying beam. No more swarms have been sent to harass, and only the surviving survivors have survived. Those get a breather.

If there is no chance to breathe, these ordinary civilians do not have enough physical strength to reach the evacuation point.

Captain America is in charge of alerting at the back, Quicksilver is also patrolling around with its own super high speed, and Hawkeye is alert at any time to anything in the air.

Only Wanda was a little horrified and panted in the crowd. Although she has powerful powers, she has not yet fully adapted to this sinister battlefield, especially the purification beam that just fell, which really inspired her heart. Fear everywhere.

In the final analysis, Wanda of this world line has not experienced the war with Ultron and has not experienced the grief of losing a close relative. She has just joined the Avengers, and naturally has not really grown up.

Jolly also realized his negligence, and he took it for granted that Wanda was ready to take it all, but ignored that it was almost the first time she had entered the battlefield as an Avenger, and it was such a dangerous situation when she came up .

He walked to Wanda and said, "Are you okay? Sorry, the situation is slightly out of control. This is my negligence."

Wanda quickly shook her head and said, "No, no, no, it's my fault. Obviously everyone else is working so hard, but I'm in a daze here, and I'll see if there is anything I can do to help."

回来 "Come back, Wanda," said Joela, holding her. "What you don't do is adjust your condition as soon as possible. Look, your fingers are still shaking."

"Sorry." Wanda just realized her malady, and quickly fists in both hands to stop the trembling.

I just stopped the trembling of my fingers, but Wanda's heart was still shaking violently, and it was difficult to calm down for a moment.

She Qiaolu also understood that all this might be too early for her. The fragile heart has always been the biggest weakness of the Scarlet Witch, and Wanda of this world line is no exception.

对 He told Wanda: "If you find it difficult to adapt, you can use the beacon to return to the Ark first. It is my responsibility to place you in this situation. You don't have to blame yourself."

Wanda was a little hesitant, but after seeing the speed of fast silver in the distance, took a deep breath and calmed down and said:

"Pitro is still working, I can't escape, if he's not around, he can't stay calm."

Admittedly, Quicksilver is also a bit afraid, but as an elder brother, he cannot show up in front of Wanda, which is also the fundamental reason he can not shake.

"Well, don't force it if it doesn't work, the beacon is just for you to escape."

"I see." Wanda nodded.

After a period of rest, the survivors' physical strength also recovered a little, but at this time the Golden Fleet was very close to the surface of the planet, and it was probably already charging the main gun.

At the same time, Quicksilver also rushed back to Huihui to report: "A large number of insect swarms are approaching ~ ~ If we don't leave, we will be surrounded."

"Go on then."

The rested survivor team set off again. At this time, the swarm on the planet was a bit chaotic, and a large number of jumping bugs were running around as if they were out of control.

It seems that Zombie on this planet has realized what will happen next and has no intention to continue to manage the Zerg troops on the ground.

Although these Zerg creatures have been out of control, their ferocious nature is still driving them to rediscover human survivors, and they pounce like bloodthirsty beasts. Qiaolu and others have to fight and chaos in the chaos. Killed a **** road.

The machine gunmen and the siege tanks also tried to cooperate with Qiao Lu and others to fight the swarm. The depleted uranium armor-piercing shells fired by the C-14 Gauss rifles in their hands were really destructive. Even the cockroaches were concentrated under the fire. Thick worm shells can also be crushed. It is indeed a standard weapon developed by the Tyrann Empire for so many years.

The firepower of the siege tank is even more fierce. It is not so much a tank as a mobile turret for defense. When it is set up in siege mode, it can bombard the swarm of insects. Eight prime.

These weapons that belong to StarCraft humans are also of great research value. If they can be taken back, it will also be beneficial to the renewal of the arms of the stray earth. This should be an unexpected surprise found on this planet.

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