The Wandering Planet

Chapter 37: Is this gun big enough?

Because this crisis involves space operations, it is certainly not the only Pandora planet that can be solved by the ground forces.

拿 After getting the detailed data of the Star of Entrepreneurship from Dr. Grace, Qiao Li and Luo Feng quickly returned to Wandering Earth and discussed the countermeasures with the representatives of the major directors at the meeting of the coalition government.

At present, the only one who can intercept the Star of Entrepreneurship is the Wandering Earth.

Luo Feng spoke at the meeting as a representative: "Dear members, the ground forces on Pandora have been defeated by us, but now we have new troubles. RDA's space carrier Venture Star is returning to Pandora and is scheduled to be in Ten days later, he entered Pandora's orbit and bombed the planet with anti-material weapons. "

听到 When they heard of anti-material weapons, all the directors were taken aback. They did not expect that RDA had such terrible technology, and they really planned to use this weapon to destroy a planet.

One of the directors asked quickly: "What's going on? Isn't it that they are restricted from using weapons of mass destruction? How can they have anti-material weapons?"

Dr. Grace, who followed Qiao Lu, explained to them:

"Because the Star of Entrepreneurship uses antimatter annihilation reactors for energy supply, the anti-hydrogen and hydrogen of the main fuels use the mutual annihilation to generate huge energy. They can use these fuels for energy, and naturally they can also do it. It ’s a weapon, and although it ’s clearly illegal to do so, it does n’t let anyone else handle it. ”

It is not a crime as long as it is not caught, at least RDA thinks so.

But it is a huge problem for Wandering Earth. Anti-material weapons are just a concept on Wandering Earth. How to stop them is unknown.

Then there is only one method left, destroy it before the opponent fires anti-material weapons. This is the only option now.

The question is, how do you destroy the spacecraft carrier Star Enterprise?

"Is intercontinental missiles useful?" The US representative immediately asked, "We still have a very large nuclear bomb reserve."

Dr. Grace shook his head and said, "Early Star was designed with the possibility of various missile attacks at the beginning of the design. It is equipped with a very complete missile interception system, and the nuclear bomb will be shot down before approaching the spacecraft."

那么 "So what about boarding?"

代表 The representative of Russia proposed and proudly stated: "Russians are invincible in space!"

Luo Luofeng said with a bitter smile: "I agree, but we have no experience of boarding a ship in space. Besides, the point defense system of the other side can intercept even missiles, our landing ship is even more difficult to approach."

那么 "So what is the chance of using the Pilot Space Station to strike the Star of Entrepreneurship?" The British representative asked with a raised hand.

The artificial intelligence Moss quickly inserted the data and gave the answer: "The probability of success is zero, the opponent's speed must be ahead of the pilot's space station, it can easily avoid our collision, and the space station will also be at risk of being destroyed by the opponent's anti-material weapons."

"So we can only choose to surrender?" When it was the French representative's turn to speak, it seemed that he could only come up with this idea.

As usual, the person in charge of negotiations is him.

Qiao Li decisively vetoed: "We cannot compromise with RDA, they will only try to take our planet. And we must destroy the entrepreneurial star, or it will always be the sword of Damocles hanging above us."

Seeing Qiao Li's so determined attitude, Luo Feng could not help asking:

乔 "Qiao Li, do you have any good ideas?"

This is not the first time that Qiao Li has spoken amazingly in a coalition government meeting, so all the directors have their eyes on him to see what magical way Qiao Li can solve this crisis.

Qi Qiaolu stood in front of the three-dimensional projection of the Star of Entrepreneurship, and plotted against the virtual projection of the space carrier:

"The biggest trouble with this ship is its point defense system. The missile can hardly approach it. There are also big killers such as anti-material weapons, making it impossible for the spacecraft inside the pilot space station to approach."

"But we have the earth!" Qiao Lu suddenly turned around and said, "Even if the entrepreneurial star has a strong firepower, it is impossible to destroy the entire earth in a short time, so we have a way to approach the enemy to a certain distance. . "

Luo Feng seemed to see through Qiao Li's idea, and still shook his head and said, "Are you trying to use the stray earth to hit the entrepreneurial star? But this is impossible. The other party is faster than us. Once we find that we have this intention , It must have begun to evade early. "

This is the same as using the Pilot Space Station to strike the Star of Entrepreneurship. It is also a plan with zero success rate.

But Qiaolu smiled and said, "Who said that I was going to hit them? With so many cannons on the earth, don't you plan to use them?"


Everyone was wondering again and again, when was a cannon capable of attacking space warships built on earth, how could they, as directors, not know?

Biao Qiaolu went to the window and opened the curtains of the conference room, pointing to a blue light beam outside:

"Is this gun big enough?"

What greeted everyone was the majestic planetary engine ~ ~ that was shooting blue and white plasma beams into space.

显然 The height of this beam of light has clearly penetrated the atmosphere and can be seen clearly even in space.

And this is just an ordinary propulsion engine. The steering engine on the equator can also eject a larger beam of light, standing like a giant pillar standing between heaven and earth.

Li Yi, a scientist representative, responded instantly: "I can modify the engine program to make it spray higher! And if superconducting ore is used as fuel, the power and range can be improved by several grades!"

This gun is definitely big enough.

跳跃 This jumping brain circuit made the directors present for a few seconds to reflect on what Qiao Li wanted to do.

If you use the planetary engine as a plasma cannon, the stray earth is indeed a super-armed super battleship!

算 What are anti-material weapons, can you still launch a space carrier against the entire earth?

Luo Luofeng also quickly realized the possibility of this matter, and immediately asked Moss:

"Confirm the entrepreneurial star's trajectory immediately, is it still possible for us to intercept it with Earth before it reaches Pandora?"

Moss quickly calculated the result: "From now on, it is expected that the Earth will meet the Entrepreneur Star in the Alpha Galaxy eight days later, and the shortest distance between the two parties will be around 70,000 kilometers."

70,000 kilometers, the last time the distance between Earth and Jupiter was 70,000 kilometers.

It was only because of Qiao Li's sudden intervention that the stray earth's plan to ignite Jupiter did not have time to implement.

And this time they will not shoot out a match, but a cannon!

Unparalleled Earth Cannon!

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