The Wandering Planet

Chapter 376: Fleet buildup

In order to grasp the general situation, Jolly once again found the Templars he had rescued from prison and asked how their Supreme Council expressed their position.

One of the two high-ranking Templars rescued, Alonso replied:

"The Supreme Council has promised to send troops, and I have repeatedly stressed the need to send a strong fleet, I believe they will not let you down."

Jorut nodded and said, "Tadalin is our common enemy, but if you alone can deal with it, it would be better."

Although Jolly was very skeptical that things would go so smoothly, since Alonso, a high-level templar, believed so much in Parliament, then Jolly said nothing.

A few days later, two interstellar warships overflew into the orbit of the planet Byschel, but this was not what Alonso called the Templar fleet, but two other warships from Stray Earth-Expedition And Wannian Snowstorm.

The Wannian Fengxue has no need to say more, it has shined in the Overwatch position, and Captain Levsenko also fought side by side with Qiao Li.

What brightened Qiao Li's eyes was the Expedition, the first destroyer on Wandering Earth. As its name suggests, this Star Warship was built entirely for space expeditions.

Although it is a destroyer in nominal terms, because the standard of Stray Earth vs. battleships is calculated according to the Ark, this leads to the scale of the expedition ship is not inferior to that of Hubelian, and it is not weaker than Tyron Imperial Minotaur-class battlecruiser.

Unlike the Ark and Wannian Fengxue, which are good at space fleet operations, the design of the Expedition is more oriented to ground orbital bombardment, providing space fire support for ground forces.

Expeditionary conventional weapons on the ground include not only electromagnetic coil guns, pulse laser cannons, missile launchers, etc., but also a batch of new-type ball lightning cannons, which can be manufactured even without the support of a weather controller. A medium-scale spherical lightning storm.

It can be said that it is a strategic bomber in an interstellar warship. In contrast, the Expedition is not as powerful as the Ark and Wannian Fengxue in combating the space fleet.

The Expeditionary has only a small number of plasma gun arrays on air firepower, as well as the kinetic energy close-propelled guns used to intercept missiles or fighters. The main guns are not as powerful as the Ten Thousand Years Snow Fleet in battle, so often the Ten Thousand Years Wind is required in space The Snow was escorted, which was also the main task of the frigate.

However, in contrast, the expedition was much more than the 10,000-year-old Fengxue in its shipboard capacity, and its crew size reached more than 20,000 people. It could take a division's expeditionary force to land at any time. Coupled with the powerful ground firepower of the Expedition, it can often hit the enemy unexpectedly.

The Tyrann Empire troops in front of the Sarnaga Temple on the planet Sil were planted under the assault of the Expedition, and were completely wiped out by the Homeless Expeditionary Force before they had time to resist.

The main responsibilities of this fleet now formed are: Expedition provides ground fire support, Wannian Fengxue escorts it, and Ark takes the initiative to destroy the enemy fleet.

Although there are only three interstellar warships, the space fleet of Wandering Earth has already begun to take shape. This is undoubtedly a good start.

After the arrival of the two warships, Captain Levsenko of the Wannian Fengxue and a calm middle-aged man reported to the headquarters.

The man in the military uniform stepped forward to salute Qiao Lu: "Captain Expedition, Gao Yun, report!"

"Hello." Qiao Lu shook hands with Gao Yun. "Thanks to your efforts, we are one step closer to our goal."

The third keystone fragment obtained from the Temple of Sarnagar has been transferred from the Expedition to the Ark. Today, most of the task of collecting keystone fragments has been completed.

Gao Yun said humbly: "It is the visionary of Director Qiao Li. With the reputation of the Rangers, we can set up the Resistance in remote colonies, and obtain the information of the Tyran Empire secretly digging temples on the nearby planet. This windfall. "

Qiao Li didn't expect this to happen. It didn't exist in the original plot of Wings of Liberty, and it seemed to be affected by the butterfly effect.

In any case, the third keystone shard was obtained without any effort. This is all good news. The Expedition and the Wannianfengxue, which split into action, undoubtedly made great achievements.

Now that there is the Hubarian to get the fourth keystone shard, Jolly only needs to focus on the current strategy of the Sarnaga world ship. Coupled with the Expedition and the Wannian Fengxue two star battleships, undoubtedly is even more powerful.

The fleet of the wandering earth has been assembled, and now look at the Templar side, what kind of troops will be sent over.

Shortly after the expedition and the Wannian Fengxue arrived, a glorious Protoss aircraft carrier overflew the planet Besser, followed by two other aircraft carriers, as well as two Nether Glow ships and a group of Fold the prism.

Different from the human warship steel skeleton, full of complicated technical and industrial violent aesthetics, the Protoss aircraft model is exquisite and beautiful, the hull curve is round and smooth, and there is no practical weapon from the exterior. The killing war machine is more like an artwork for appreciation.

This is also the consistent style of Protoss machinery. It is obviously a structure that violates human mechanics, but somehow has quite good structural strength. In addition to Protoss ’powerful energy shield technology, in fact, these Protoss aircraft carriers are far better than humans. Imagine it is much stronger.

As for the appearance, there are no practical weapons, because the aircraft carrier uses almost all the hull space to load and maintain the unmanned interceptor fleet. These steel torrents that can swarm like locusts at any time ~ www.mtlnovel. com ~ is the most powerful weapon of the Protoss aircraft carrier, other weapons are just superfluous.

Three huge Protoss aircraft carriers landed on the planet Besser. It seems that this is the main ship that the Templar sent to destroy Tadalinn.

But the question is, despite the superior combat capabilities of the Protoss aircraft carrier, is it a bit taken for granted that three aircraft carriers are like destroying Naion's nest?

Not to mention that these groups of Tadarin occupy an abandoned Sarnagar world ship. If Jolly remembers correctly, Naion even owns something like Our Lady, that is the absolute main force of the Protoss fleet, not Something you can defeat with three aircraft carriers.

It seems that the Templar's Supreme Council has always been so pedantic, failing to recognize the real threat of Tadarin.

If there is no fleet of stray earth, these Templars will only go to Tadalin for the trouble, I am afraid it will be a big loss!

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