The Wandering Planet

Chapter 378: Sarnagar World Ship

The Wandering Earth and Templar fleets approached the galaxy where Naion's nest was located, on an abandoned Sarnaga ship in the Sigma asteroid area.

This Sarnagar world ship is truly worthy of the name of the world ship, and its volume is almost beyond the concept of a starship. Even among the asteroids, they appear to stand tall, like stars and moons around them.

Some smaller asteroids have even been attracted to it and become part of the territory of this Sarnagar world ship. It is even several times larger than the largest ship in StarCraft, the spear of Arden, It is really one ship and one world.

This mysterious creation, which was not even possible in the most brilliant period of Protoss, was really only made by Sarnagar.

Fortunately and regretfully, this Sarnaga world ship has been abandoned for many billion years, and has even merged with the surrounding asteroids.

If this is not the case, the Wandering Earth may have a glimpse into the true strength of the Sarnaga civilization. But if the ship's weapon system can still be activated, then I am afraid that no one will be able to destroy the Tadalin who is trapped above.

"This is really an exaggeration," Optimus Prime, who commanded the Ark, "I have never seen such a huge starship, even before the Cybertron civil war."

Qiao Lu explained to him: "It was the Sarnaga civilization that created the Protoss and Zerg. The artifact fragments we collect now are left by them, and naturally have unimaginable technological strength."

That is a god-level civilization that truly "jumps out of the Three Realms and is not in the Five Elements." Just like the zero-zero civilization in the three bodies, it can already interfere with the reincarnation and end of the universe. Ordinary civilization simply cannot imagine.

This huge world ship is just the tip of the iceberg of Sarnagar. Because of this, the keystone they left behind is so important that it can become the core of the wandering earth to the next civilization.

"In any case, this ship has been unknown for how long it has been abandoned. Don't be too stressed, we just need to get the keystone fragments on it."

At this time, the Wannian Fengxue, which was at the forefront of the Wandering Earth Fleet, sent a communication. Captain Levsenko reported to everyone:

"Sir, long-range radar has found that there are a large number of Tadarin troops stationed in the area, and there are several mysterious force field generators on the ship. The Academy of Sciences believes this is a tearing force field, and any ships that break into it will be gradually broken. In the form of a component, the reconnaissance drone we sent has already been seeded. "

In the picture, shortly after the reconnaissance drone sent by Wannian Fengxue broke into the field of tearing force, the fuselage began to melt like burning wax, and soon lost control and crashed on the world ship of Sarnaga.

"It seems we need to destroy these tearing force field generators first," said Qiao Li.

The tearing force field is probably the last defense system that this Sarnaga world ship can still activate, that is, the huge starship can support the force field for a period of time. When other small units enter it, it is estimated that it will be like reconnaissance. The machine melted like that quickly.

Without destroying these tearing force field generators first, letting the troops land directly is a simple act of sending death, which means that it is impossible to get the Sarnagar artifact directly by raids and run away.

The most terrible thing is that this tearing force field can distinguish the enemy and me as clearly as the human immune system. Therefore, a large number of Tadalin are stationed around each of the tearing force field generators, and it is not possible to be able to hold the tearing stand for a while.

"Does it have to be aggressive? This is very bad for us."

Zhang Zhezhong said uneasily, of course, the best situation is of course to grab an artifact and run, a positive attack is always a last resort.

Qiao Li knew this too, so this time he needed the Templar to take the lead.

"How is the fleet over the Templars?" Qiao Lu asked.

Levsenko replied: "They have launched an attack and are rushing towards the first torn field generator."

"It's really only F2A."

Qiao Li could not help whispering, but it was obviously a good thing for them.

Zhang Zhezhong finally ordered: "Let's follow them and see how they handle this tearing force field."

Although it's a bit of selling teammates this way, but since Jadbert sees them as a hindrance, Jolly doesn't have to be so mindful of them.

The three Templar aircraft carriers rushed into the tearing force field without a second thought, relying on the powerful energy shield to temporarily resist the erosion of the tearing force field. Two Void Glowships followed, relying on a longer range to output under the cover of an aircraft carrier.

I have to say that this Templar Samurai fleet really has two hits. It can easily destroy the tearing force field of the reconnaissance drone. It has a very limited effect on the huge Protoss aircraft carrier. After all, this stuff should be used to prevent the enemy from boarding and jumping. Warfare, with little effect on large starships.

Immediately after approaching the first torn-field generator, Yadbert ordered:

"Templars, let these traitors who depart from the Kara way see our anger! The interceptor set off!"

"For Al!"

With the orders of Yadbert, a large number of unmanned interceptors swarmed from the Protoss aircraft carrier, and rushed to the tearing force field generator regardless of their body.

At the same time, two Void Glowships also fired in the distance, projecting two blue prism beams, which landed on the tearing force field generator, gradually disintegrating their outer energy shields.

The Tadarin army stationed here also immediately counterattacked, trying to rely on the anti-aircraft fire of the photon turret to stop the Templar fleet.

However, in the face of the overwhelming interceptor, these photon turrets were quickly destroyed by the plasma beam falling like a raindrop ~ ~ The unmanned interceptor that was shot down by them was also quickly destroyed by the Protoss aircraft carrier The construction plant was replenished.

These Protoss aircraft carriers are like a huge mechanical hive, directing the unmanned interceptor in and out, repairing the interceptor damaged by the tearing force field, and continue to take turns in a short period of time, tearing soon Tadalin's line of defense was opened, leaving the tearing field generator exposed to the fire of the drone.

The power of the prism beam of the Void Glow Ship also increased with time, successfully breaking through the energy shield of the torn field generator, allowing the firepower of the unmanned interceptor to just damage the generator.

Although the surrounding Tadarin troops looked very anxious, they were unable to pass through the dense interceptor group and directly attack the Protoss aircraft carrier and the Void Glow Ship.

The first tearing force field generator quickly collapsed under the attack of a large number of unmanned interceptors, and the surrounding garrison was smashed by this huge steel torrent.

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