The Wandering Planet

Chapter 385: Triumphant return

When Jolly woke up in the infirmary of the Ark, the battle on the world ship in Sarnaga was over, and the Templar and the Homeless Expeditionary Force wiped out the remaining Tadarins and achieved their goals. .

The physical quality of Qiao Li's modified T virus has been different from ordinary people. With the rapid development of nano-therapy technology in Wandering Earth, the wound has completely healed in just a few hours.

He came to the bridge of the Ark, intending to inquire about the current situation.

"Qiao Li, are you awake?" Zhang Zhezhong, who was in charge of the command on the bridge, asked with concern. "What is the injury?"

Qiao Li replied, "Well, healed."

The Ark is equipped with black technology medical equipment such as a biological force field, a regeneration cradle and a therapeutic beam. Basically, as long as there is still life to return, it will take a short time to fully recover.

Zhang Zhezhong continued: "Huberian sent a message that they managed to catch the fragments of Tiffon's planet before the supernova broke out. Now we have collected all the pieces of the Sarnaga artifact and just wait to go back and combine them. . "

"Very good, finally no effort." Qiao Lu said a little.

The five keystone shards are all in hand, so there is no need to travel long distances to find any Sarnagar artifact.

At present, Expedition and Wannian Fengxue are escorting Keystone fragments to return to Wandering Earth, while Ark is left to continue to explore this Sarnaga world ship to see if there are other things worth collecting.

The Templars also left with their detained compatriots, but just expressed their gratitude again to the Wandering Earth Expeditionary Force before leaving, and this time they owed greater affection.

A message was also displayed on the system: "The relationship between Wandering Earth and Templars has been elevated to 'Respect'."

The next time they meet, their attitude should converge a lot.

Naion's body has also been recovered for research, but the stray earth can't even understand the simple Protoss technology at present, and it is even harder to understand how the mixed body was made.

This is a technique belonging to Sarnaga, which is naturally difficult to crack at this stage.

"Is it possible to repair this Sarnagar world ship?" Qiao Lu asked with a first try.

Zhang Zhezhong reluctantly shook his head and said, "It's too difficult. Sarnaga is not at the same level as our level of science and technology. Not to mention that it has been abandoned for billions of years. Even if it is only a broken part, we do not know that the problem is where is it."

"is it."

Qiao Li also expected this to be the result. Tadalin had occupied the place for so many years without any movement. Naturally, it would not be repaired by the way.

"What else?"

"Besides that, there is the Protoss machine left by Tadalin. It is impossible to operate without mastering psionic energy."

The premise of opening the Star Spirit Technology Tree is to study psionics theory. If you cannot master psionic energy like Star Spirit, collecting more Star Spirit machinery is just a pile of scrap iron.

All in all, the main harvest of this operation is the last piece of keystone, and the Protoss technology artifacts left by the Sarnaga world ship and Tadarin are not of much significance at present.

The system also gave a list of the loot, and a prompt appeared:

"The science and technology tree of the Salnaga civilization is so different from humans that it is almost impossible to carry out reverse engineering and gain a civilization point of -99.99%."

[Lot Settlement: Battle of the World War in Sarnagar]

Sarnagar World Ship (57%), Civilization +560

Mixed element Naion (61%), civilization point +23

Wreckage of Tadalin mother ship (43%), civilization point +7000

Miscellaneous items such as Sky Penalty Walker, Protoss Carrier, and Civilization Point +6800

(Keystone fragments are quest items and are not included in the settlement of civilization points.)

A total of 14,383 civilization points!

Sure enough, Sarnagar technology is too difficult for humans to understand, it is almost impossible to master, naturally it does not help much in the process of civilization, and the harvested civilization points are greatly reduced.

Now that Qiao Li has reached 50,000 points of civilization, he should go back to redeem several special research projects.

Zhang Zhezhong said: "It's almost time to recycle, and next we have to prepare to return to the sea. It's time to end it."

"Yeah, I hope everything goes well."

Although Jolly knows, this last step will not be so easy.

It's one thing to collect all the keystone fragments, but to put them all together will take a long time.

Qiao Li must go back to prepare and discuss the next steps.

The Ark set sail from the world ship of Sarnagar and began to overturn and return to the galaxy where the stray earth was located.

When they returned to the Crescent base, the Expedition, Wannian Fengxue, and Huberian had all docked in the Star Harbor. Only the Ark was too large, and the Star Harbor had not yet been built. Can only land directly on the surface of the planet.

Qiao Li got up and down from the Ark, surrounded by staff celebrating their triumph. In just two months, they gathered all the keystone fragments, which has to be said to be a miracle.

It can only be said that Qiao Li did not expect this expedition to be so smooth, especially the third keystone fragment accidentally harvested by Expedition and Wannian Fengxue. Tatarin fought twice, and completed the task of collecting Sarnagar artifacts.

Now Keystone has been sent to the Central Academy of Wandering Earth for research, trying to find out the full power of this Sarnaga artifact, and using this energy to push the Wandering Earth to the next level.

Of course, Jolly did not forget the agreement with Renault to turn the Queen of the Blade back into a human.

In other words, it is basically impossible to leave this plane without completing this agreement.

Even if the stray earth does not provoked, the Queen of Blades will not watch the keystone fall into the hands of humans ~ ~ But that is the Sarnaga artifact that can bring her back to its original form!

What's more terrible is that during the recharging of Keystone, pulsed radiation will be continuously emitted, attracting swarms of insects towards it. Even the planet-shielded force field left by Cybertron civilization cannot hide the energy of this Sarnagar artifact.

Therefore, once the Wandering Earth begins to combine the fragments into a complete keystone, it is time to finally fight the Queen of the Blade!

The Swarm will seize this Sarnaga artifact at all costs, and how to keep the keystone in the case of its emergence is the next thing the coalition government will consider.

Turning the Queen of Blades back into a human being is only incidental, because in such a crucial battle, she cannot leave the horse in person, and Wandering Earth also needs to use the charged keystone to destroy all incoming zergs.

This triumph is only a brief calm. After all preparations are made, the wandering earth will usher in a real decisive battle!

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