The Wandering Planet

Chapter 387: action plan

Renault followed Qiao Lu to the wandering earth, and everything here was so surprising that he couldn't believe his eyes.

The giant beams of light ejected by 10,000 planetary engines straddle the sky between heaven and earth, like giant pillars that support heaven and earth in myth.

What's even more outrageous is that because the planetary engine's injection still has a certain angle, these beams of light are inclined, which also makes people feel like the entire sky is falling at any time!

If a person with low mental capacity is suddenly exposed to such an environment, they will undoubtedly scare their feet to become weak or even fall to the ground.

"It's incredible. How did you do it?"

Taking the high-speed elevator down from the top of the planetary engine transmission tower, Renault even more truly felt these towering metal mountains, not only the magnificent appearance, but the giant machinery with various deformation functions!

Today's huge and complex projects cannot even be imagined by the Tyrann Empire.

Qiao Li didn't say much. After all, he couldn't explain to Renault what heavy nuclear fusion technology, let alone the role of infinite gems and fire seeds. It is almost impossible to say how these planetary engines work. of.

He brought Renault to the Central Academy of Sciences. If he wanted to explain the principle, the scholars here are still better at it.

More importantly, the research on Keystone has made progress, and Qiao Li also needs to come and listen to the suggestions of these experts.

Seeing again the keystone fragments collected from various parts of the universe are already under the watchful eye of a group of scientists, located in the center of the laboratory.

The five keystone fragments are floating in the air in secret, trying to be combined together, and they seem to repel each other, making it impossible to synthesize a complete artifact.

This is the last obstacle that must be overcome in order to use the true power of Keystone. Just as the Coulomb repulsion between atomic nuclei must be overcome in order to trigger a nuclear fusion reaction, the use of Keystone must first meet its harsh charging conditions.

Jolly came for this.

Ding Yi came to greet the two, and he already had detailed analysis results of Keystone in his hands.

"Mr. Qiao Li, Mr. Renault, welcome to the Central Academy of Sciences. We have come to the conclusion about the role of Keystone."

Renault asked anxiously: "How? Can it turn Kerrigan back into a human?"

"According to the information about the Mobius Foundation intercepted from Tykes' power armor, the nova impact released by Keystone can reverse Kerrigan's process of turning into a blade queen, which means that it can indeed turn the blade queen back into a human. "


Renault, who had never seen hope, has finally found a way to rescue Kerrigan, and he is willing to pay any price for it.

"What about us?" Qiao Ru asked, "can we achieve our purpose?"

"Of course, Keystone contains extremely huge energy. If this energy can be injected into the planetary engine, it will be enough for us to cross to the next level." Ding Yi replied affirmatively.

But then he replied: "But the premise of this is to recharge and combine all keystone fragments and use a planetary engine to bind them to the quantum state of the stray earth. In other words, We need to recharge Keystone on a planetary engine. It is not very difficult if it is not disturbed. "

The problem lies here. It is impossible for the Queen of Blades to allow humans to fully control this Sarnagar artifact.

"Can't it be done at Crescent Base?" Qiao Li continued to ask.

Ding Yi shook her head and said, "Because in this process, the keystone and the quantum state of the wandering earth must also be synchronized, not to mention that the crescent base alone may not be able to resist the attack of the swarm."

It is true that if Keystone is taken away by the Queen of Blades in the end, everything they have done before will be abandoned.

What should be considered now is how to do everything possible to protect Keystone from being stolen. The Crescent Base is really not the safest place.

"The only good news is that although Keystone will attract swarm arrivals during the recharge process, it can also release a small range of Nova impacts, destroying alien bugs within a certain range without harming humans, but it will only make Key Stone's charging progress has been stagnating for a while. When it is fully charged, we can release a large-scale nova impact, and then the swarm in the entire galaxy will be destroyed, so we only need to hold it. "

Protecting Keystone from being taken away under the mad attack of hundreds of millions of swarms of swarms, this is the last task of Wandering Earth on the Starcraft level.

"Have you discussed with the other directors?" Qiao Li took a deep breath.

Ding Yi nodded and replied: "Well, they all agreed to place Keystone in Shanghai and use the Shanghai fortress to protect Keystone to complete this recharge."

Sure enough, Qiao Li's original hunch was finally fulfilled. Shanghai will carry the last hope of mankind and fight the Queen of the Blade.

Ding Yi finally said: "We need about two months to strengthen the defense line and evacuate the people. Fortunately, this time allows us to do so. After everything is prepared, we will start to recharge the keystone to meet this final Fierce battle. "

Now that things are unavoidable, we can only face them bravely. At least the initiative to fight is still in the hands of the wandering earth. As long as Keystone has not begun to recharge, the blade queen will not find it, which gives the coalition government sufficient time to prepare.

Renault asked at this moment: "She will come, Kerrigan?"

Qiao Lu sighed helplessly: "Even if we don't want ~ ~, she will definitely come back."

That's why it is even more important to be prepared.

In the next two months, Qiao Li will find ways to increase the military strength of the stray earth as much as possible. Time is still very urgent, but he still holds more than 50,000 civilization points in his hands. During this time, he should be converted into combat power as much as possible in case of any occasional needs.

Renault will of course join this battle, but after all, he has only one Hubrian, and can't expect to be the main force against the swarm.

Although the Wandering Earth has ushered in a Zerg invasion from the beginning of its entry into the StarCraft plane, it was just a small number of Zerg airdrops, not even the Zerg Nest fleet.

Once the blade queen came out in person, it might be that the entire swarm of the Keprus area came out in such a large scale.

Only two months of preparation time are left for the wandering earth. What countermeasures can we take?

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