The Wandering Planet

Chapter 397: Spring Festival 100,000 ring

Several Kun-style fighters swept across the sky. Above them, dense swarms of worms were entering the atmosphere. The picture was truly terrible.

A Zerg airdrop capsule dragged a long tail of fire through the sky, galloping across more than half the sky with the blazing flames, and eventually crashed into the sea.

From a high altitude, a small white spot appeared at the location where the sea was hit, and that white spot immediately turned into a white circle, which turned into a tumbling wave that spread to the surroundings.

"Swarm is landing! Repeat, Swarm is landing!"

The pilot of the queen-type fighter had just finished reporting, and a larger airdrop capsule fell and landed directly on the beach not far away.

The pillars formed by the sand rise high, the stratum below is rumblingly broken, and the shape of waves appears on the beach, as if a group of soft beasts swim in line below.

The pilot had not had time to continue to observe the further development of these airdrop capsules, and the overwhelming flying dragons followed closely. They were densely migrating like migratory birds, and like locusts eating the earth, they attacked them in groups.

The dragon's tail bears a huge stinger, which was originally their spawning organ, but is now transformed into a living weapon capable of firing a parasite called a blade worm.

After being ejected by a flying dragon, this blade worm with a blade-like spine will curl up and use high-speed rotating cutting armor. After successfully drilling into the target body, a degradable explosion will occur. The explosion of the weapon expanded the killing like a fragmented grenade.

One of the Queen's fighters was stared at by swarms of flying dragons, and hit the fuselage by dozens of blade worms that spun through the sky like a gyro, and then the cabin was suddenly filled with blades exploded by blade worms. , Shredded all the instruments and human body inside.

The remaining Kun-style fighters immediately responded with air cannons and air-to-air missiles. The bullet storm poured out by the large-caliber artillery instantly tore off the bodies of several dragons. However, compared to the huge number of insect swarms, this kind of The level of casualties is simply negligible.

In desperation, the Air Force squad could only fight and retreat, flying towards the Shanghai Fort at full speed, relying on the anti-aircraft fire there to fight against the flying dragons.

At this time, the Shanghai fortress of Wandering Earth was fully open, and the anti-aircraft fire formed by anti-aircraft guns and surface-to-air missiles formed a huge net in the sky, covering the overwhelming flying dragons, tearing them like the nano-wire in the Guzheng plan. Into pieces.

The blade worm ejected by the dragon is also blocked by the barrier launcher invented by Winston. The planetary engine super fortress transformed by the Shanghai No. 3 engine is energizing this barrier force field, which is enough to cover the entire Shanghai urban area. Even if there are constant blade insects hitting and exploding, it is completely impossible to shake this barrier force field.

The chased Queen fighter pilot contacted the ground command and said: "Eagle team returns home urgently, please pass through the barrier force field!"

"Received, please pass the barrier at the designated location."

After receiving a response, the Air Force squad crossed the barrier force field at full speed immediately, as if passing through a virtual projection.

However, the following dragon was hitting the barrier force field heavily, like hitting a glass of tempered glass at full speed, almost crushing himself on it.

This is the planetary engine energy barrier modified by Wandering Earth. Not only can it let the firepower inside hit the outside, but it can also designate its own troops to be unimpeded, but the enemy will be ruthlessly shut out.

Under the protection of the energy barrier of this planetary engine, the flying dragons that came from the sun have not been able to obtain any results, they have only been used as targets by the air defense fire of the Shanghai Fort.

Feilong's broken limbs fell like raindrops all the time, and soon piled up around the Shanghai Fortress. Even if they become corpses, they still cannot pass through the barrier force field. They can only slide down from the energy barrier like rain, and piled up outside the walls of the Shanghai fortress.

However, under the cover of the flying dragon, the Zerg airdrop capsule successfully landed around the Shanghai fortress, and the dense zebras crawled out from the large number of deep pits dropped from the airdrop capsule on the ground, like a surging tide. Come.

The ground troops of Wandering Earth were also fully fired at this moment. The amazing caliber artillery roared and poured down the fire. The impact of the explosion was like a rock on a waterfall. It stirred up layers of huge waves in the swarm and was fired. The lifted limb can even splash into the air and pierce into the dragon's body severely.

It's just that the gap created by shelling in the swarm will soon be filled by the zerg forces that are constantly emerging. Among them, the fastest-moving worm has rushed to the front of the barrier force field, and his teeth clawed at this energy barrier.

The infantry stationed on the city wall immediately swooped down on it, and the heavy pulse rifle and the Gauss electromagnetic rifle fired the bullets and rain that swept through this group of small and fierce jumping worms.

The storm of bullets mixed with pulse bullets and metal spikes spawned numerous blood flowers in the swarm, and made the relatively weak body of the jumping worms into muddy plasma, preventing them from further destroying the barrier force field.

At the same time, the remaining 10,000 planetary engine cannons are still firing continuously, filling energy crystals and high-energy gas recovered from other planets, trying to prevent the approach of the Worm Nest fleet.

Unlike the Martial Universe, where only three rounds of salvos can be used to basically solve the Zetarui fleet, each planetary engine cannon has been fired at least ten times. The Spring Festival 10,000 ring has long been upgraded to the Spring Festival 100,000 ring, but There is still no way to completely destroy the Worm Nest fleet in space.

Thanks to the energy crystals and high-energy gas that are abundant in the StarCraft plane, otherwise there is no way for the planetary engine to continue firing so many times.

However, judging from the current situation, if you want to completely destroy the blade nest queen of the blade queen, you still have to rely on the key star to complete the star impact.

Looking at the battlefield that is becoming increasingly fierce ~ ~ Qiao Lu asked Ding Yi: "Is there no way to increase the charging speed of Keystone a little bit more? Can it be performed with several planetary engines together? Energy supply, speed up the recharge of Keystone? "

Ding Yi shook her head helplessly and said, "The recharging of Keystone is mainly to reactivate the huge energy contained in it. The energy delivered from the outside is only a primer and cannot completely determine the charging speed of Keystone. We all Accurate calculations have been made, and the speed of charging with a planetary engine is almost at its limit. "

Indeed, if there is a way to recharge Keystone in a matter of minutes, no matter what the method is, the coalition government must have used it.

What worries Qiao Li now is that the Zerg's main force has not yet been dispatched. Is the Queen of Blades really so skillful, or is it limited by the keystone energy star's deterrence?

In any case, the Swarm's attack will not stop there, the stray earth must continue to hold on!

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