The Wandering Planet

Chapter 400: Thunder Beast Charge

After the order to open the barrier force field was issued, Qiao Li immediately contacted Wang Lei who was still directing the battle on the city wall and said:

"Wang Lei, we are going to open the barrier force field on the ground. How is your situation?"

Watching the dense wave of insects crawling outside the barrier, Wang Lei answered truthfully:

"Not great, it certainly won't last long!"

The pulse rifle in Wang Lei's hand continuously spit out the blue tongue of fire, and shot down the jumping insect crawling above the barrier force field like an autumn wind sweeping leaves.

However, it seems that the number of zerg is still intact. Just opened a gap in the swarm, and in a blink of an eye, it was filled by the jumping insects coming from behind. There was no respite at all.

The Gauss rifle in the hand of the machine gunner has been overheated and the gun barrel has become hot. The continuous swarm of insects has not given them the opportunity to stop firing the cooling barrel. They can only shoot as if their fingers were welded to the trigger. He immediately replaced a gun and continued firing.

Qiao Li also knew that this would bring great pressure to the ground forces, but in order to avoid the overwhelming Zerg Air Force head-in, which directly threatened the Shanghai No. 1 engine where Keystone was located, he had to make a choice.

He said to Wang Lei, "Please stick to it, and we will use nuclear bomb clearance to cover your retreat!"

Wandering Earth is not without using nuclear bombs. The 10,000 planetary engine cannons are essentially nuclear cannons. They are still firing on the Worm Nest fleet, making the Blade Queen's flagship Leviathan dare not approach.

At the same time, missile silos around the world are pouring nuclear bombs into space frantically and detonating in the wandering earth orbit to stop the swarms from landing.

The fireballs produced by the thermonuclear explosion have been rolling one after another, like countless stars lit up in the night and then extinguished, destroying a large number of flying dragons and airdrop capsules directly outside the atmosphere of the wandering earth.

Even so, it ’s like infinite divided by two is equal to infinite. Even if more than half of the airdrop capsules have been intercepted in the universe, an overwhelming number of zergs have successfully landed on the stray earth. The swarm looks like this. Endless.

As long as the Worm Nest Fleet has not been destroyed, no matter how many times a nuclear bomb is used to wash the ground on the ground, the Swarm will make numerous comebacks, even one wave after another.

Such as thick-skinned thunder beasts and burrowing cockroaches cannot be eliminated with a single nuclear bomb. Therefore, even with continuous bombardment with nuclear bombs, there is no way to completely block the attack of the swarm.

For this reason, on the ground, nuclear bombs can only be used when the cover forces are contracting their defense lines, or when the real danger of survival is completely lifted. Of course, the latter does not want to happen.

"Countdown to barrier opening, 3, 2, 1-"

When the countdown ended, the barrier force field suddenly lifted from the ground, just reaching the height of the fortress wall of Shanghai.

This time, the swarms of insects that were originally blocked out of the barrier poured in like a tsunami, and hit the heavy wall of the Shanghai fortress severely. A large number of jumping insects strove up the city wall and climbed up like a wave, trying Cross this line of defense directly.

In a blink of an eye, the first worm appeared on the top of the protective wall. Although it was immediately sieved by the surrounding soldiers, the surge of insects that surged afterwards was out of control.

Wang Lei ordered: "Keep in line, keep firing!"

The human forces on the city wall immediately organized a new line of defense, arranging in a row to shoot up the jumping worms, using flamethrowers, gravity blasts, particle cannons and other weapons to block the turbulent insect wave.

Some of the jumping worms that climbed up the city walls were broken by gunfire bullet rain and turned into sieves. Some were intercepted and swept down by particle beams. Others were gathered by a gush of gravity and then burned by the tumbling flames. No residue left.

As only Zerglings can directly climb the towering city walls, with strong firepower, Wandering Earth can still hold the city walls and continue to bombard the swarms of insects outside the barrier with the cannons on the walls.

However, this copper wall and iron wall can no longer block the swarms after the thunder beast arrives.

I saw a huge thunder beast running at high speed like the same live siege vehicle, and charged forward towards the protective wall of the Shanghai fortress.

Each step of it shook a large amount of dust on the ground, leaving more footprints than dinosaurs. The dense insect swarm consciously gave way to it, and the jumping insects that could not avoid it would even be trampled to death by one foot, just like an ant.

Thunder beast waved its single-molecule giant blade and slammed into the city wall like a mad bull.

At that moment, it was like Mars hitting the earth, and the gravel that splashed from the city wall fell like a meteor shower in the urban area of ​​Shanghai. The city wall, which was tens of meters thick, was directly knocked into a large hole, and Thunder Beast rushed out of it.

The shock generated by the impact spread through the entire city wall like an earthquake. Fortunately, it was not enough to cause this heavy protective wall to collapse. The human force above was still trying to resist the jumping insects.

However, after being hit by such a gap by the thunder beast, the turbulent insect tide suddenly poured into the Shanghai fortress like a dam breakwater, and cooperated with the zerg troops transported by the tunnel insects to launch a crazy attack on the urban area of ​​Shanghai.

There were more than one gap that was knocked open, and the rest of the thunder beasts followed the example of digging a tunnel with their single-molecule giant blades on the city wall to make the swarms of influx larger and flooded. Out of control.

The significance of keeping the city wall now is to keep the giant artillery above to continue to bombard the swarm outside ~ ~ At least it can slow down the swarm offensive slightly.

It's just that the huge thunder beasts have begun to run rampant in the urban area of ​​Shanghai. Everything they turn into ruins. Even the thick walls cannot stop their charge, and the fortifications in the urban area can't slow down their pace.

These horrible behemoths don't need to consider the complicated terrain of street fighting at all. As long as they rush to the front first, any building will collapse suddenly under their collision, and a road will be opened hard.

If they continue to be allowed to wreak havoc in the city, I am afraid that the entire defense line will be disintegrated, and the swarm will immediately rush to the Shanghai No. 1 engine where Keystone is located.

However, watching this group of thunder beasts rushing straight into Shanghai, Qiao Li revealed the general expression of the prey in the trap, and muttered to himself:

"It looks like it's time for Monster Hunters to appear."

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