The Wandering Planet

Chapter 402: Mutant thunder beast

After the Thunder Beast who was in charge of the forefront was targeted, the speed of the Zerg's advancement suddenly slowed down again.

Even the thunder beast's armor can't withstand the phase fragmentation cannon of the mech hunter, so other zerg units will be even more unable to withstand the firepower of this antimatter armor-piercing projectile.

The mech hunter towering in the city like a skyscraper can be described as one man, and the strength spines of the thorn snake are just like toothpicks in front of these giant mechas, even if dozens of them have been shot. Too much threat.

The acidic saliva of cockroaches has a good corrosive effect on the armor of the mech hunter, but they are more vulnerable to the phase fragmentation cannon than the thunder beast. The mech hunter hits them like a gopher, once it emerges from the ground Is the end of death.

At the same time, there are steel worms such as drilling beasts underground, sucking buried cockroaches into the serrated knife plate like a whale that swallows fish and shrimp, crushing them together with rocks, chewing, and the heavy carapace of cockroaches It also became meaningless in front of the steel teeth and iron mouth of the drilling beast.

After successfully destroying all thunder beasts that broke into the Shanghai city area and re-consolidating the defense line, the defenders on the city wall can prepare to retreat.

Under the constant impact of insect tide, the garrison on the city wall was gradually unable to support it. The bodies of the jumping insects had already piled up into a mountain in front of them, and the falling magazines and cartridge cases covered the entire ground.

"Wang Lei, that's all right, withdraw from the city!" Qiao Lu ordered.

"Okay, get back!"

Wang Lei hit the last magazine of the heavy pulse rifle in one breath, pulled out the pistol and fired while backing.

The peacekeeper's revolver is still very powerful, and it can break the forelimbs of the worm in one shot. However, without the rate of fire of heavy pulse rifles, more and more jumping worms climbed up the city walls, apparently unable to stop them from occupying here.

More Zerg airdrop capsules fell in the sky, bringing a new batch of thunder beasts and cockroaches, ready to cooperate with the large number of jumping insects that successfully crossed the city wall, and once again launched an attack on the Shanghai fortress.

At this time, just to cover the retreat of the troops on the city wall, a large number of nuclear bombs were being fired from the nearby cities. It was almost within a minute before the group of thunder beasts and cockroaches landed that they started a nuclear bomb washing.

Countless mushroom clouds rose in the swarm instantly. The light of the nuclear explosion illuminated the entire night sky to the reddish color of a burning cloud. A huge shock wave swept the entire ground, and the fierce vibration was like a giant fist from space. Constantly hit the earth.

In order to ensure the effective killing of zerg, including thunder beasts, the second round of carpet bombing immediately ushered in after the first round of nuclear bombing.

If a nuclear bomb isn't dead, it's another one!

Under such multiple nuclear bombardment, even thunder beasts cannot be spared. Compared with the surrounding zerg, they can still leave a whole corpse without being directly blown out.

While the nuclear explosion temporarily blocked the swarms outside, Wang Lei led the defensive forces on the city wall to quickly evacuate to the urban area of ​​Shanghai, avoiding the doom that was directly drowned by the endless wave of insects.

"It's hard for you," Qiao Ru said to the soldiers who had retreated from the wall.

If they hadn't stopped the walls to stop a large number of zerg, the hunt for thunder beasts would not have gone so smoothly.

But the swarm will soon make a comeback, and it's not time to relax.

However, when the coalition government believed that the nuclear bomb was enough to temporarily destroy all landing zergs, an unexpected situation occurred.

After the light of the nuclear explosion slowly dissipated, countless huge cocoons quietly appeared in the dust filled with radioactive material, which grew from the dead body of the thunder beast.

These cocoons are full of dense stomata, and they eagerly inhale the surrounding radioactive material, as if it can draw nutrients from these nuclear radiation pollution, I wonder what is bred in it.

"What the hell?"

Renault has never seen this phenomenon in the battle, and it looks really bad.

At this time, Dr. Grace, who was responsible for studying the zerg, suddenly responded and said, "It is the strengthening immune system of the thunder beast! They are absorbing the radioactive material of the nuclear explosion and used to transform into their own nutrients!"


After hearing what she said, Qiao Li just remembered that in the story of the Heart of the Swarm, there was a branch of the Thunder Beast, which was made by absorbing the human radioactive material gene mutation.

The characteristic of this mutant thunder beast is that it quickly turns into a cocoon after death, which is exactly the scene that appeared in front of them.

Originally, in order to ensure the ability to kill thunder beasts, he decided to conduct a saturated nuclear bomber, but did not expect that the excess radioactive material produced by it would actually promote the mutation evolution of thunder beasts and regenerate them in the nuclear explosion.

Purple mutant thunder beasts emerged from the dust of the nuclear explosion. Obviously, the nuclear explosion will no longer pose any threat to them.

Even the radioactive material that polluted the land was absorbed by them frantically, making it larger and more capable of cocooning and regenerating.

Although thanks to them for doing so, the pollution of the stray earth by the nuclear explosion has been minimized, but at this time it is obviously not the first consideration of environmental pollution. Thunderbirds, which are already very powerful, have become more difficult now.

The voice of the Blade Queen rang again in the sky: "Zergs are constantly adapting to evolution. Every minute of fighting with you, the swarm is getting stronger. How long can you sustain?"

A large number of airdrop capsules dropped from space like dumplings, making the bacteria blanket that had been cleaned once lively again.

As mentioned before, as long as the Worm Nest Fleet has not yet been destroyed, the Swarm can make a comeback no matter how many times. In order to cover the retreat of the troops on the city wall, this wave of saturated nuclear bombing has actually made the next wave of Swarm's offense more violent It's up!

Qiao Li really ignored the Zerg's adaptive evolutionary ability ~ ~ This is their most terrible place.

I did not expect that in just a few hours of fighting, the swarm could also produce new variants. It was a mistake to use a nuclear bomb that would generate a lot of radioactive material to wash the ground.

The powerful mutant thunder beast is about to join the battlefield, and the next battle will undoubtedly be more difficult.

At this moment, a good news came from the joint government command: "Zergs in nearby cities have been cleaned up, and the energy transmission of the planetary light beam tower is always ready!"

Qiao Li finally waited for this moment. Although the Zerg can adapt to evolution, the stray earth has not yet played out.

There is not only Shanghai Fortress on the wandering earth. What the Swarm needs to face is the ultimate weapon built by all humanity!

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