The Wandering Planet

Chapter 408: Recharged

Under the restraint of the crimson witch Wanda, the 12th-level psionic power of the Queen of Blades has also become difficult to deploy, and there is no power at first against Hulk and Quicksilver alone.

Whenever she wants to use psionic energy, Wanda will do her utmost to use mental interference to interrupt her. Even if she can't completely stop the Queen of Blades, the psionic impact of others will be weakened a lot, just like giving She put on a psionic shackle.

At this time, the Queen of the Blade can only rely on her physical ability to fight and use the sharp bone wings behind her to launch attacks. Although she still has good combat power, she has lost her advantage as a twelfth-level psionic unit, let alone her. Beyond Hulk and Fast Silver in strength and speed.

Captain America, Black Widow, and Hawkeye are responsible for eradicating the zerg trying to approach the perimeter, trying to prevent the swarm from providing support to their queen, and helping Qiaolu and others to besiege the Queen of the Blade.

Qiao Li and Sol are accumulating energy next to them, and a ball of lightning mixed with psionic power, divine power and electrical energy is gradually forming under their joint, this is their final blow to the Blade Queen!

At high altitude, the giant Zerg creature battleship Leviathan also tried to provide support to the Queen of Blades, waving a long tentacle to this side, to rescue the Queen of Blades from being surrounded.

However, Leviathan's tentacle was blown off by the Shanghai artillery in mid-air, burning the break and falling to the ground, there was no chance to approach the Queen of the Blade.

The violent maggots fired by Leviathan were also intercepted by the near-defense guns. The biomass plasma as the main gun was not fully charged, and for a time there was no means to support the Queen of the Blade.

At the same time, the Air Forces of Wandering Earth are attacking this biological warship one after another. A large number of fighters and bombers have come from all directions, and they continue to fight with massive dragons and corrupters.

As Behemoth, a backup, was intercepted by the Wandering Earth Fleet, the dragons surrounding Leviathan were no longer endless.

With the constant bombardment of planetary engine cannons in other cities around, the dragon group wrapped around Leviathan gradually became thinner.

The human air force would then be able to launch missiles directly through the gaps and hit Leviathan's huge body directly.

At this last moment, Wandering Earth launched a full-scale counterattack, and countless people rushed to the battlefield in disregard for the sake of a new dawn.

"Keystone recharge progress: 96% ... 97% ..."

Ding Yi was almost holding his breath and watching the progress of the charging displayed on the screen. Even if the artillery fire landed not far away from him, he did not divert his attention at all.

At this moment, he was observing the movement of Keystone intently, ensuring that even a slight accident would not happen.

The battles outside are left to others. In this war everyone has their place, and his post is here. Even if you die, you should die here!

The blade queen is still fighting for the trapped beast, and once again uses the bone wing to grab a few visible bone scars on Hulk, and kicks the fast silver that rushes forward.

Even if Wanda continued to interfere with her thinking, resulting in her inability to concentrate her powers, the Queen of the Blade was still the Lord of the Swarm, and her powerful physical abilities prevented her from being so easily won.

But at this time, the joint attack of Qiao Li and Saul is also ready. The Qiao Lu provides psionic energy, the anti-matter core of the symbiosis armor generates a huge current, and the pour of Thor's divine power, an unprecedented storm is coming.

"For the glory of the gods!"

Saul held the Thor's hammer high, ignited the thunder in the sky, and poured it into Qiao Lu's symbiotic armor.

As the armor created by Iron Man Tony, the symbiosis armor of Qiao Li also has the same characteristics as the steel suit, which is to be able to absorb the thunder and lightning released by Sol for charging.

After receiving Thor's lightning force, the remaining energy of the Symbiote's armor instantly exceeded one hundred percent, and the overflowing energy could only be released immediately.

At this moment, psionic energy, divine power, and electric energy are gathered on the palm of Qiao Li at the same time, turning into an unprecedented ball of lightning, ready to end this battle!

Although the Queen of Blades also noticed that the situation was not good, she was unable to interfere with Jolly's actions, and even other members of the Avengers were holding her back, so that she couldn't escape the final blow from Jolly.

"let's go!"

Wanda tried his best to temporarily limit the action of the Queen of Blades with the crimson energy. Although it was only a brief second, it was enough to let Qiao Li rush to her and complete the final attack.

Qiao Li used the psionic blade to penetrate the body of the Queen of Blades, and then released the energy of the ball lightning through the psionic blade.

The huge current instantly swept across the body of the Queen of Blades, and the psionic blade that pierced her body also gave her a serious blow, which made her almost completely unconscious for a while.

The lightning energy released by the psionic blade edge swept across the forest of bones and pillars made by the blade woman, causing countless bones to fall like towering trees, just like the power of the Queen of Blades is constantly flowing.

But she still struggled to finally open the bone wings and gave Qiao Li a death hug with sharp spikes, as if the open ribs suddenly collapsed, trying to pierce Qiao Li's body from behind with the bone wings.

However, this last struggle did not work wonders. The sharp bone spurs stuck in the symbiotic body armor of Qiao Li, and there were only a few scratches left, which could not penetrate the hard Zhenjin to cause damage to Qiao Li.

If she can still use psionic energy, it may cause some trouble, but under the circumstances of Wanda's mental interference and physical damage, the blade's psionic power can no longer work.

A pure physical attack can only be absorbed by Zhenjin's absorption of kinetic energy, which will invalidate it, and the blade wing of the blade queen will only be able to add a few scratches to the symbiotic body armor of Jolly, and will soon be repaired by the symbiote Even this trace will be erased ~ ~ I feel that the blade queen who has reached the limit of her body can only brand her ruthless words: "I will definitely come back."

This is not a joke. Impacts other than Keystone will only temporarily cause the Queen of Blades to die. After a body dies, she can reshape a body for resurrection.

"You have no chance."

Qiao Li pulled out the psionic blade from the Queen of Blades and did not give her a fatal blow.

Because he had just received the signal from Ding Yi and the recharging of Keystone had been completed, that was the way to solve the Blade Queen once and for all.

It's time to end all this, and Qiao Li ordered immediately:

"Start, planetary engine: Nova shock!"

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