The Wandering Planet

Chapter 419: Destroy

On a planet in deep space, an army of tyrants descends.

Although the races on the planet rose up, after all, it was a huge army that could not be defeated.

The entire planet quickly fell, and the surviving people were divided into two batches. Half of them were slaughtered, and the other half could only watch from a short distance.

Extermination stands in the middle of two groups of people, as if he represents the boundary between life and death, separating the people on this planet on both sides.

At this time, the tyrant did not wear infinite gloves, but took his double-edged sword to fight the Quartet in the universe, and exerted his terrifying strength to the extreme.

However, the absence of infinite gloves does not mean that he does not have infinite gems. On the contrary, just like Ronan of Guardians of the Galaxy 1, Exterminator also inlaid two infinite gems on his favorite weapon.

One side of the double-edged sword is inlaid with a power gem and a soul gem, so that while the tyrant has gained unlimited gem power, he has not abandoned his powerful fighting power. The true combination of the two is undoubtedly his most dangerous form.

The brutal slaughter continued relentlessly, until the corpses on one side swept across the field, leaving no liveliness.

An aboriginal soldier on the side of the living finally couldn't help it. He suddenly broke down the soldiers who blocked the road and rushed to the culprit, the culprit.

However, how could he be the opponent of Destroyer with his strength, seeing the Aboriginal fighter rushing over, Destroyer just sneered, and the side with the double-edged sword inlaid with the soul gem was severely penetrated His body, red blood stained this brilliant infinite gem.

The Aboriginal fighter struggled in pain for a while, but finally fell down with the sorrow and indignation under the double-edged sword of extermination.

Exterminating the look at the fallen Aboriginal warrior, Mieba showed an expression of appreciation.

I saw him pick up the soldier's body with a double-edged sword and announced with satisfaction:

"You will not die meaninglessly, the remnants and souls will follow me to complete this great cause! I am the destiny, and you should serve me around!"

With the dazzling orange light of the soul gem, the soul of the dead Aboriginal warrior was recalled back to the broken body, achieving the so-called resurrection.

It's just that at this moment, he is already an exterminator and will only obey the holder of the soul gem unconditionally.

When the tyrant pulled the double-edged sword from his body, even the blood would no longer flow out, and it became a cold body, but the recruited soul was still driving the body to act.

After successfully creating the first Necromancer, Destroyer pierced the double-edged sword into the ground, allowing the energy of the soul gemstone to cover the corpse across the land.

I saw the corpses on the ground also stood up again and became a member of the army of the dead.

Under the action of the soul gem, they will suffer eternal slavery. Even if the body is soaring, the soul will continue to be driven by the destroyer. This is the terrible part of the soul gem!

In Wakanda's palace, Jorul and the Avengers were discussing countermeasures, but suddenly received a signal from outer space, and then Captain Marvel's holographic projection appeared in front of everyone.

"It's been a long time, Carol." Black Widow greeted Captain Marvel, "I thought you didn't receive our contact."

"Sorry, I'm here to tell you bad news." Captain Marvel replied:

"Exterminator is slaughtering the planets in the universe. According to the survivors, he seems to be using the power of soul gems to build an army of the dead, and I am afraid that he is preparing for an unprecedented war."

Gears of War Rod joked half-jokingly: "Awesome, shouldn't we invite a few priests to come and prepare to overdo them?"

"I prefer to use bullets for physical overdoing," Qiao Lu shrugged, "without a nuclear bomb."

Captain America stood up and said, "That's enough. That's an infinite gem. We must take it seriously!"

The appearance of every infinite gem is bound to be accompanied by a **** storm, which is what Qiao Lu said. Now it seems true that because of the appearance of soul gems, it is unknown how many souls have been slaughtered in the universe.

Captain Marvel continued: "I'm still tracking the whereabouts of Exterminator, hoping to stop his killing. Unfortunately, the range is too wide, and I can't determine the next goal of Exterminator."

Qiao Li quickly stopped her and said, "You don't have to go to him alone. If there is only one soul gem, plus the power gem, you won't be his opponent. Come to the earth to meet us, and we must finally kill the hegemon. Will come here. "

Captain Marvel's strength is essentially derived from an infinite gem, which is definitely better than a tyrant with a power jewel. If she fails to single out the tyrant and is controlled by the soul gem, then things will change. It's even more troublesome.

However, Captain Marvel seemed to be bursting with confidence and didn't realize how serious the matter was.

She proudly proclaimed: "Relax, if I find Tyrant First, he won't have a chance to bother you again."

Captain Marvel then cut off the communication and did not give others time to discuss countermeasures with her.

Qiao Lu sat down and sighed helplessly: "Well, not obeying the order is like this, unorganized and undisciplined. I hope she will not die in vain, and then be controlled by the destroyer to come back to pit us."

"I feel difficult."

As a soldier, Rhode understands Jolly's idea very well, and this kind of personal heroism can sometimes become a tumor in the team.

Only Captain America is still insisting on saying to the Black Widow: "Natasha, find a way to contact Carol again, so that she does not go to find the tyrant ~ ~ We should unite to face this war."

But even the black widow can only say helplessly: "I will do my best to do it, but there is no guarantee that she will listen."

Captain Marvel's character has always been a big trouble, and the black widow can't guarantee to convince her. If she had found the tyrant first, then she would have rushed to discuss it without a word. By then, it would be too late.

Qiao Li is already thinking about what to do if she is destroyed by a soul jewel with a soul jewel, which is really a very difficult problem.

"Let's prepare for the worst case first," Qiao Lu said. "As the captain said, we must be united and we can't happen again."

This time, the annihilation of the hegemony is unprecedented, and it is not enough to rely on the Avengers alone. Qiao Li has to find a way to draw more reinforcements!

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