The Wandering Planet

Chapter 423: Thoroughly crushed

Although Wakanda ’s troops formed a shield wall to a certain extent, they blocked the firepower of the Wandering Earth soldiers, but because Wandera ’s side also relied on shelter holes to cover most of the body, the Wakanda forces ’counterattack effect was minimal.

Long-range shooting is not Wakanda's tactical style. After several rounds of continuous firing, it has no effect, Mbaku resolutely ordered:

"They are only thirty or more people. Disarm and fight with me! Long live Wakanda!"

So the soldiers in the front row lifted the shield wall, raised various blades to launch the charge, and even no longer maintained the square formation.

Obviously, Mbaku judged that the stray earth's current firepower was insufficient to resist their collective charge. It was really thanks to Qiao Lu that Liu Peiqiang used only Wakanda's weapons to perform exercises, otherwise their suicide charge would only be suicide.

Even so, Wakanda's troops encountered a lot of trouble on the charge. First, the new recruits of Wandering Earth buried the war spear with the shock bomb mode activated into the grass, and made landmines to ambush Wakanda's troops.

The large-scale group charge commanded by Mbaku is undoubtedly in the middle of it, and mines are triggered one after another along the way, and a large number of people are forced to leave the battlefield. In addition, the recruits of the stray earth are still relying on bunkers to shoot continuously. The two sides have not yet contacted. There has been a heavy loss here.

However, this alone was not enough to completely stop the Wakanda troops' charge. After the troops led by Mbaku gradually approached, Liu Peiqiang decisively ordered:

"Retreat and move!"

With the number of people on the wandering earth still at a disadvantage, of course Liu Peiqiang would not choose to head-to-head with Mbaku. This is not a war in the cold weapon era. Qiao Li wants to teach them this.

When Wakanda's troops finally rushed across the minefield, they found that they had emptied again, and the soldiers of the wandering earth completely disappeared on this grassland again, giving them no chance of close combat.

"Beware of your feet! They must have hid in the burrow again!"

After eating a maggot and a wise man, Mbaku's judgment was finally correct.

Immediately after opening the top layer of turf, Wakanda's soldiers immediately found numerous burrows in the grassland. The tunnels below were intricate but extended in all directions. The recruits of the stray earth disappeared without a trace.

"How can they dig such a complicated underground tunnel in such a short time?"

Even Mbaku was extremely surprised by the completion of these tunnels. It really only took an hour? It feels like I can dig out an underground city in a few hours!

At this point, it's really not a joke.

Although there are restrictions on the weapons and armor used in this exercise, there are no restrictions on other non-lethal tools. Soldiers on the earth cannot be connected with telescopes, flashlights, and engineering shovel. Not allowed, these are also an integral part of modern infantry equipment.

So when it comes to excavating the tunnel, the Wandering Earth should not be too good at it. It is not enough for the underground city where more than three billion people live to fall from the sky.

It can be dug up to a depth of thousands of meters. It is not too easy to dig a tunnel ten meters deep.

In any case, with Wakanda's current weapon design concept, there is no way to directly threaten the ground from the ground. Mbaku can only let Wakanda's soldiers penetrate the tunnel and try to destroy the stray earth hiding inside. force.

Once in the tunnel, however, that's when the real nightmare begins.

In the dark and intricate tunnels, the warriors of Wakanda couldn't figure out the direction at all. In addition, the tunnel itself was extremely narrow, and many places could only pass by one person, which greatly weakened their number advantage.

Wakanda's troops suddenly fell into the Tianluodi net under the wandering earth from the advantage of the advantages of the time and the place.

The first is that inside the tunnel, the mines laid out have become more difficult to prepare for. In such a closed space, the power of shock bombs has become greater, and the forces in the tunnel are easily crowded together. One person's stroke will cause all the surrounding people to suffer, and Wakanda ’s troops will be severely damaged in an instant. .

At the same time, there are also a large number of observation holes and firing holes in the tunnel, so that the troops of the stray earth become more intriguing inside. It is unbelievably a shot, and then comes and goes like a wind. Kanda fighters couldn't catch up at all.

Coupled with the use of metal war spears to create a current-designed mechanism, various traps made Wakanda's soldiers miserable.

I am afraid that they have never experienced such a humiliating battle in their lives. They have no chance to meet their opponents, but they are constantly in the middle of it.

In the end, Mbaku had to order all troops to withdraw from the tunnel.

However, even returning to the ground does not mean safety.

Unconsciously, Liu Peiqiang has led the troops to transfer positions underground and dispersed into multiple units of large and small. They drilled out of the cave in groups of two or three and fired from all directions to Wakanda's forces.

Before the troops entering the tunnel had time to retreat, the Wakanda soldiers on the ground were chaotic due to a sudden attack.

Because the attack came from all directions, the Wakanda army, which was originally dominant in numbers, was surrounded by the stray earth forces with a smaller number of people for a while. The ground and underground forces could not look at each other and fell into a dilemma. .

Mbaku has never seen such an infantry tactic. It can be said that it completely subverted Wakanda's tactical idea of ​​spreading formations on the wide plain.

Although he still worked hard to organize several breakouts, he could not grasp the forces of the Wandering Earth ~ ~ Instead, his own army continued to lose, and was finally disintegrated like a knife.

In the final settlement, Liu Peiqiang wiped out more than 300 people in the Makaku Wakanda infantry formation at the cost of only losing two people.

It is exactly a crushing victory, and it is still based on a one to ten gap.

Not only were the Vakanda soldiers participating in the exercise speechless, but even the Avengers watching the battle were very surprised. The human army in the Marvel universe had never demonstrated such a powerful combat force.

"This is the gap in tactical ideas." Qiao Li concluded, "there are advanced technologies but do not know how to apply them, but they are still backward in nature."

If Wakanda still faces this army of tyrants with this tactical concept, the end will be absolutely terrible. It is still here for them to recognize the reality before this country can have a chance to change.

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