The Wandering Planet

Chapter 426: Build worm nest

Tony's Iron Legion is also ready. In the end, only Zerg's Zerg army is left. To this end, Jorgu needs to set up a worm nest in Wakanda to dispatch the troops as soon as the annihilation arrives.

Just considering that the appearance of the Zerg is really unpleasant to human beings, if it appeared on the streets of Wakanda before the war, it might not cause any turmoil, and the existence of the worm nest is indeed necessary for confidentiality.

To this end, Jolly found the Black Panther and asked him if there was a better way to hide an army in Wakanda, and it was a large number of alien troops.

The Black Panther replied: "If there is any place to hide the next army, I think it is only in the mountains where the Jabari tribe is located. They have lived here for generations, and we should know that there are many unknown places."

The leader of the Jabari tribe is the Wandering General Mbaku, a wandering earth recruit previously led by Liu Peiqiang.

This time, he never dared to accuse Qiao Li of mismatching with Wakanda. He honestly took Qiao Lu to the mountains and mountains around Wakanda and hid in the mountains for generations. Tribe, they do know many places that can hide people's eyes.

The two passed through a series of rugged and narrow mountain trails, and finally came to an isolated valley.

This valley is surrounded by mountains on all sides, but the terrain is flat in the center, which is almost a standard match for Xanadu. If it is not a person with a sense of way, few people will accidentally run into this place by mistake.

"That's it," Mbaku said. "In the past this was where the tribe hoarded grain, because it would hardly be found by the enemy. Later, after Wakanda was unified, there was no war between the tribes and no need. I hid the forage here. "

The valley still contains the remains of the former granary, so the surrounding trees have been developed very flat, which is suitable as the foundation of the worm nest.

"This is exactly what I need," Qiao Li said with satisfaction. "Next is the frontier position of our army."

Mbaku asked in confusion: "Will your troops be stationed here? To be honest, it is not very convenient to support the battlefield."

"Relax, we have our own way."

After inspecting the valley to confirm that the location is correct, Qiao Li contacted the Wandering Earth Command and said to them:

"The place is found, let's start running."

"Roger that!"

After getting the instructions from Qiao Li on the wandering earth side, he immediately adjusted the keystone-equipped planetary engine to point at the surface of Char's planet, and projected a blue beam of light into Char's low-Earth orbit.

After entering the sky above Char's atmosphere, this light immediately opened into a star gate, like a black hole, inhaling the Zerg airdrops placed around it.

At the same time, a star gate exit appeared over Wakanda, dumping all the worms that had just been inhaled from Char.

Before Mbaku could react, the first Zerg airdrop capsule had fallen into the valley, and dozens of worker bees and jumping bugs had been drilled out of it. The shape of his puppet scared him.

"What's going on? Enemy attacks ?!"

A thorn snake landed right next to Mbaku, and his sharp fangs and sharp bones instantly scared him back a few steps, picking up his weapons and preparing to meet the enemy.

Qiao Li quickly said to him: "Don't be nervous, it's ours."

Speaking of it, Jolly patted the head of the Hydralisk, and proved by action that these terrifying zerg creatures were under his control, not the enemies who came to invade Wakanda.

Nonetheless, Mbaku said with a little hesitation: "How can you drive such terrible monsters? And so many?"

As more and more airdrop capsules were dropped into the valley, the swarm gradually occupied the place, making Mbaku creepy. He had never seen such a terrible and terrifying creature than any beast he had ever seen. Thousands of times more dangerous.

Qiao Lu shrugged indifferently and said, "Just like you, Wakanda, do not have domesticated rhinos as weapons? They are also domestic animals, they are more terrifying."

While he was talking, the worker bees dropped on the airdrop capsule were mutating into hatcheries and spreading fungus blankets to spread throughout the valley.

Looking at the thick and slippery carpet of bacteria on the ground, and the sarcoma that is mutating into a larger and larger swollen hatchery, Mbaku realized that these are by no means ordinary animals, at least it is impossible for nature to produce such strange creatures naturally .

If it wasn't for Jolly, he might be sick and nauseated.

"I admit that it looks disgusting, and you don't have to force yourself to stay." Jorut advised Mbaku. "After the war, I will let them all go."

The huge meat sac on the fungus blanket finally turned into a hatchery. Several larvae spewed from the top of the hatchery, slid all the way to the bottom and began to turn into eggs, further mutating into other zerg creatures.

Such amazing reproductive efficiency makes Mbaku even more afraid. If it is not restricted, it will not be long before the entire valley will be covered by swarms. This kind of creature has really unimaginable war potential.

After the hatchery was completed, other worker bees also began to mutate into other zerg buildings on the fungus blanket, a split pool filled with green slime, and six pairs of spore crawlers and spine reptiles running around with arthropods. The originally quiet valley was in In a blink of an eye, it became lively, and from here on, it was the front position of the Jorul Zerg army at Wakanda.

Although Mbaku is quite uncomfortable with the existence of these zergs, it is undeniable that these creatures will stand on their side and become a powerful force against extermination.

At the time of Wakanda's life and death, he could not take care of it.

Qiao Li reminded him: "Next we have to let them continue to breed ~ ~ in order to have enough troops to fight against tyrants, can the people in Jabari's army help?"

"What do you want us to do?" Mbaku asked cautiously.

"Food. Cows, sheep, chickens and ducks can do anything. Air transport tens of thousands of tons from other countries, anyway, as long as it is meat."

Zerg breeds need biomass, so they only need to provide them with enough food, and the swarm can continue to grow, which is much more convenient than humans or mechanical forces.

Wakanda certainly will not be short of food. Even if there is not so much, as Qiao Lu said, it can be transported by air from all over the world, anyway, it is not that much money.

After establishing such a hidden worm nest, Qiao Li will be able to let the swarm come to the Marvel Universe in advance to prepare for the forthcoming army of annihilation at any time.

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