The Wandering Planet

Chapter 432: Jericho Missile

The intense smoke was permeating the battlefield, and the sound of the shattering artillery was almost to rupture the eardrums. Ballistic missiles from all over the world fired continuously at this position with no money.

Today's Marvel universe is not a world that is only guarded by superheroes. This is the biggest change that wandering earth has brought to this world!

In the face of the missiles falling like raindrops, the vanguard and the annihilation army did not even touch the energy barrier, and turned into ashes under the cover of this wave of human power.

The entire energy barrier was submerged by artillery fire. Instead, Wakanda's army relaxed for a while, because no vanguards had the chance to break in.

To be honest, now this protective cover has been used to protect them from being accidentally injured by their own bombing. This round of fire coverage is really full of the charm of the wandering earth.

However, considering that there is also a country in the world with advanced fire phobia in the late stage, once the nations of the world can be united into war, this is the natural result.

Unlike when the Stray Earth was invaded by the Zerg invasion, although the Vanguard Guards were also numerous, they all concentrated on the attack on Wakanda. Other cities on Marvel Universe Earth were not attacked.

This allows other countries to continue to provide military support to Wakanda, at least the number of missiles is absolutely sufficient, no matter how many carpet bombings come, more than enough.

"They learned." Qiao Li said with relief. "That's the feeling."

Even Iron Man Tony couldn't help but whisper: "You have launched more missiles today than Stark Industries has ever manufactured!"

Gears of War Rhode laughed: "You know, Tony, military groups from all over the world are supporting this war, and the five permanent members are the world's largest arms manufacturers."

"I'm thinking about restarting Stark Industries' arms production department."

If weapons are made for the mutual killing of mankind, Tony is certainly not willing to see his own weapons appear on the battlefields around the world. not enough.

"Actually, there are weapons from Stark Industries in the past. Remember this?" Rhodes told Tony.

I saw a missile bearing the Stark industry penetrating the sky, opened the shell in mid-air and spilled a large piece of warhead from the inside, pouring onto the ground like a heavy rain.

This design seems to be in "Iron Man 1", before Tony became an Iron Man, he demonstrated to a warlord and the Jericho missile that the terrorist who kidnapped him wanted.

Tony also seemed to remember this scene of the year, and quickly landed on the ground, facing away from the split warhead poured out of Jericho missiles, slowly raising his arms, preparing to restore the classic lens of the year.

A series of violent explosions sounded behind him, strong air waves washed over, but unfortunately was blocked by the energy barrier of Wakanda.

Tony, who could not feel the airwaves, took a curious glance back and asked slightly disappointedly, "Who can give me a little explosion?"

Suddenly, a 400-mm artillery shell landed behind him uncontrollably. While killing the last pioneer soldiers who broke into the barrier, too strong air waves instantly overwhelmed Tony, and he imagined that a real man would The handsome shots that don't look back at the explosion are far away.

"Is it big enough?" Liu Peiqiang, who commanded the Apocalypse tank to fire.

Tony quickly got up from the ground and snorted, "It's not bad, it's better to stay away from me."

After all, the gun wasn't really aimed at him, and with the protection of the steel suit, except for being a little bit embarrassed, Tony was not actually harmed, but his pretend obviously failed.

In any case, this is Tony's ideal use of the Jericho missile, blasting a large vanguard into fragments, rather than using it to harm each other.

If it is to resist the army of annihilation, he is absolutely willing to let Stark Industries return to the old industry.

With such intensive fire coverage, the annihilation force can no longer approach the energy barrier of Wakanda.

Rod, who represents the military, rushed back to ask the Panther again, "His Majesty, our command is going to completely blow up the forest outside, would you mind?"

The Panther replied without hesitation: "Is it time to talk about protecting the environment? Just do it!"

In fact, the fact that nuclear warheads have not been used means that governments around the world have maintained maximum restraint.

"Received, step up!"

Rhodes informed the outside army succinctly.

Suddenly, more dense missiles were launched from all directions, and this momentum was to annihilate the entire forest where the Vanguard Guards landed!

If this wave of strikes succeeds, the vanguard and corps of annihilation will be wiped out.

However, as an alien army that has fought in the Marvel universe for many years and conquered countless planets, how can it be only a cannon fodder such as the vanguard?

Neighboring Neighbor sneered, and raised his blade again and ordered: "Start the air strike!"

I saw those tops of armored airdrop capsules that were like the pyramids of the aliens slowly opened, and several laser anti-aircraft guns protruded from the inside, sweeping countless missiles flying into the air with dense rain.

Under the anti-aircraft fire interception of these alien pyramids, the launched missiles no longer landed so easily on the ground, and most of them were intercepted by laser guns in mid-air.

It turns out that each of these armored airdrop capsules is a mobile base for the Vanguard and Guard Corps. It is no wonder that it must be as huge as a pyramid ~ ~ in order to cover the ground troops.

At the same time, the ebony throat in the Blackbird Five slowly rose to the upper air, relying on its strong mental strength to interfere with the orbit of the incoming missile, make it deviate from the target or directly detonate in the air.

All the missiles launched from all over the world were intercepted by the anti-aircraft fire of the armored airdrop bay and the ebony throat.

Especially after the rebirth of the ebony throat, its ability has become more terrible. All the missiles that successfully passed through the air defense fire network could not escape the palm of his hand. Even if it was detonated in midair, the fireball generated will be used by him Squeezing back hard is simply an insurmountable obstacle.

Under the cover of the ebony throat and the armored airdrop capsule, the vanguard guards attacked Wakanda again like a tide.

The army of destroying the tyrants is really not so good to deal with, and the new black cricket five generals will gradually be moving!

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