The Wandering Planet

Chapter 442: Destroyer appeared

Under the volley of Cannon Rain on Temple 2, the forest was razed to a large area, and the surrounding hills were also flattened by artillery fire. The entire grassland was burned into a scorched soil, and the ground was battered by shells. Hundred holes, like the moon, are potholes, as if this moment is the end of the world.

Tony's Iron Corps and the fighters that came to support were trying their best to fight this alien mothership, but unfortunately they could not shake this horrible behemoth. The missile hit it was completely painless and itchy, I'm afraid I just felt a group of fly beside Just fly around.

As the flagship of Exterminator, Temple 2 can be called a giant in the Marvel universe. No matter from which perspective, it cannot be shot down so easily. Even Iron Man Tony's arc that exhausts all its energy. The impact gun can only leave a shallow scar on the shell.

Some of the laser rail guns on the Temple 2 quickly turned the muzzle and drove the Air Force rushing towards it. Even if the steel armor was hit by these rail guns, it was a broken body. There was nothing to support it. Live one of his guns.

"In the future we must build a larger warship than this!" Tony said indignantly.

Rhode held him down and said, "Say it later, and retreat!"

Fortunately, the Zerg army of Qiaolu attracted most of the firepower, and did not let other people be seriously injured under the shelling of Temple Two. At the cost of thousands of jumping insects, they were destroyed by the fire of Temple 2. Completed the mission as cannon fodder.

At this moment, Quicksilver turned into a rescue team member, relying on its own super speed to shuttle through the intensive cannon rain, and rescued those who were still in the coverage area of ​​the Temple No. 2 fire back to the bunker as much as possible.

At the same time, it is also thanks to Wakanda's army that set up defensive positions on the grassland in advance, leaving a lot of shelters from the open grassland that can be avoided from artillery.

Although these bunkers are not strong enough to withstand the frontal bombardment of Temple Two, they can at least greatly reduce the residual wave damage. The main goal of Temple 2 is the strange insects in the mountains and mountains, and there is no concentrated firepower to destroy the humans behind the bunker. Body.

It can be said that the swarm perfectly blocked the gun for human beings. If there is not such a large swarm that has always attracted firepower outside, the cannon volley of Temple No. 2 will be fully borne by humans, and the consequences can be described as unimaginable.

Kuaiyin rushed to death on the roaring battlefield and saved his life from the explosion as if racing against death. At this moment, he exerted his abilities to the extreme, which was the fastest speed in his life.

However, in the process of being rescued by Hawkeye, he was accidentally hit by the shrapnel splashed by the explosion, becoming the first superhero who had to leave temporarily.

After the indiscriminate bombing of the Temple 2, the siege-struck troops finally managed to clear the siege, but only in this round of indiscriminate cannon rain salvo, the entire army was left How many people are there, only Heiwu Wu will survive with his own strength.

At this moment, Wakanda's green mountains and green waters are completely reduced to scorched earth, like the post-apocalyptic world after the nuclear explosion, and reduced to a deadly doom.

Everyone in the Avengers was scattered in the collapsed ruins. Although they saved their lives with strong fortifications, they also caused the danger of being buried alive by tons of reinforced concrete.

A beam of light was projected from the Temple No. 2, wearing a gold armor and holding a double-edged sword to destroy the tyrant, and finally appeared fully armed on the battlefield. The soul gem and the power gem were set on the side of his double-edged sword, respectively. Looks more majestic than ever.

Hei Wuwu will hurriedly surround him and kneel to the tyrant, and the ebony throat said to him very humblely:

"Sorry, my master, their resistance is more fierce than we thought."

"I saw it." Exterminated expressionlessly, "This is indeed beyond your ability, but I still want to say that you are very disappointed ..."

At the same time, Captain America, Sol, the Winter Soldier, and others stepped out of the ruins and relied on Sol's Storm Tomahawk to open the road, and they came out easily.

Groot stretched his shoots to form a sphere, retaining the Guardians of the Galaxy and Peter Man, Spider-Man, and allowing them to return to the battlefield soon, but Groot might need to be a small tree to grow again.

Wanda used her own ability to support the underground structure that was about to collapse, allowing Black Panther and Black Widow to guide others to easily withdraw from the ruins, but she could not return to the battlefield for the time being.

Hawkeye was taking care of Quicksilver, who was injured by saving him. Under the biological force treatment provided by Wandering Earth, there was no life threatening.

"Are you all right?"

Captain America tried to confirm everyone's condition, but found that Qiao Lu, Liu Peiqiang and others were still missing, maybe buried deep under the rubble, or for some other reason.

In any case, they have to find a way to deal with the biggest enemy of extermination, and now is the real end!

Temple 2 is still firing laser cannons to make it difficult for the swarm to approach, but this also means that the swarm still restrains its artillery, giving the Avengers a chance to get close to extermination.

Captain America with a group of superheroes approaching the extermination step by step, as long as he can kill him, all this is over.

When the ebony throat saw this, he immediately asked; "Master, please leave it to us."

Exterminator said coldly: "I have given you a chance, step back and I will solve them personally."

At this moment, Hulk, who had just been hit by a laser cannon, rushed to the tyrant from the side with a full of anger, even the people of the Avengers were unexpected.

At this time, Hulk was just a beast that was dazzled by anger ~ ~ Waving his fist with a force of 10,000 tons, he blasted to the tyrant!

However, Destroyer took Hulk's fist with one hand, and the huge impact radiated to the surroundings like the aftermath of an explosion. Even the Heilu Five generals were shaken back a few steps.

Taking down Hulk's desperate fight with his bare hands, he is still standing still. With the strongest brutal Hulk in the Avengers Alliance, Hulk has been defeated in strength against it!

Hulk couldn't even pull back his fist, as if his arm had been welded to the palm of Extermination.

At this moment, Deba grabbed Huoke's fist with his left hand, and the power gem on the double-edged sword with the right hand lightened slightly. The shock wave generated instantly flew out Huoke and smashed into a nearby mountain, and the entire mountain followed. Suddenly collapsed and buried Hulk into it.

Compared with the strength of annihilation with the power gem, it is no wonder that Hulk will lose so thoroughly.

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