The Wandering Planet

Chapter 446: Fight Fight

Exterminating the warriors in the middle of the battlefield, the Exterminator wielded the double-edged sword. No matter which side the attack came from, it seemed to be meaningless to him.

The power of infinite gems is so powerful, the normal means simply do not work at all, for this reason everyone has no way to take the tyrant.

Thor's Storm Tomahawk and Thor's Hammer take turns hitting the double-edged sword of extermination. Each strike will bring the power of the thundering thunder and make a terrifying noise, but it will not make the extermination sword. The infinite gemstones were loosened, let alone cracks.

In contrast, the purple energy shock released by Exterminator from the power gems, even when Sol tried his best, could not resist, was blown out by a blow, and plowed a long trench on the ground.

"As long as the tyrant still holds the power gem, we can't take him!" Captain America said anxiously.

Jolly walked over and said, "The same is true for the soul gem, which makes him immune to all mental attacks."

"So he's invincible right now?" Tony asked quickly as he landed from the air. "We're just a little bit short of victory."

Today's Domineering is really like a final boss, just kill him to clear the level.

However, this distance is so far away. Even if all his men are killed, two infinite gems are enough to make the extermination an invincible existence.

Faced with such a terrible opponent, Qiao Ru thoughtfully said, "Maybe there is another way ..."

"What is it?"

"You can only try it!"

Qiao Li opened his right hand with the gloves of Tinder Source, and held a strong grip on the tyrants who were fighting fiercely. A transmission door immediately unfolded behind the tyrants, and forcibly swallowed them.

However, the response of Destroyer was also quite fast. As soon as the portal appeared, the distance was immediately opened to prevent the power of the space gem from teleporting him away.

Sure enough, although the power of space gems is not to force people to teleport away, the hit rate is a big problem. It is so difficult for Qiao Li to force the destroyer to another place, let alone use space cutting. Cut his arm off.

"Is this how you think of it?" Tony said mercilessly.

Qiao Lu nodded and said, "Yes, but I can't do it alone."

"Need us to find a way to hold him back, right?" Captain America said first.

"Yes, even if only for a moment. Rest assured, I will not let him die with you."

If it is possible to restrain the tyrant for a long time, Qiao Li may really have the opportunity to use the power of the space gem to cut his arm, but it is obviously not realistic.

Therefore, Qiao Li can only hope that everyone can drag the annihilate for an instant, using this moment Qiao Li can transfer the annihilate to another place, and then they may win.

"I know."

The US team clenched the broken shield in their hands. As long as they had a chance to win, even if they had to die together, he would rush forward without hesitation.

Tony also turned around and shouted to Spider-Man: "Okay, baby pajamas, it's your turn!"

Peter suddenly waved over and asked in surprise: "Can you act with you?"

"Yes, but be careful not to get close and launch spider silk from a distance, understand?" Tony warned seriously.

"I see!" Peter said decisively.

After knowing the contents of the plan, the Black Widow also quickly contacted Hulk who was raging on the battlefield and said:

"Hey, big guy, have you heard? We need you here ..."

After resolving the Dark Night Proximity with Genji, Hawkeye came over and said, "How can you not take me?"

Thor Thor also returned with the storm, which means that he has not given up fighting.

The original Avengers and Spider-Man Peter Parker were members of the death squad responsible for this operation.

At this time, the tyrant used the power gem to release a huge energy explosion, which instantly killed all the zerg that restrained him around. Obviously, he could not be suppressed by the quantity. Now it depends on whether Qiao Li's plan can proceed smoothly.

It doesn't look so easy!

After a wave of energy explosion completely wiped out the surrounding zerg, the tyrant immediately attacked Qiao Lu and others, and the purple power gem shot at him. Sol has just proved how irresistible this power is. .

Qiao Li used the space gem to open the portal in time to transfer this energy out. No matter how powerful the energy impact of the power gem is, it still cannot violate the space gem transmission.

Only Infinite Gems can fight Infinite Gems, and this is once again verified.

The impact of the transmitted energy was returned by Qiao Li to the overlord from above, and a good show of the spear of the child and the shield of the attacker was staged.

Unfortunately, it turns out that the power of the power gem is not the strongest, only stronger, and the returned attack is taken down by the exterminator with a stronger power. It does not directly kill the exterminator itself as everyone thinks. .

And after realizing that there is still this move, Destroyer no longer relies on transmitting energy shock waves, but directly picks up the double-edged sword and sprints towards Qiao Lu!

Although Qiao Li also wanted to open the portal on the way to the annihilation charge, and gave him a self-throwing net, but the annihilation was not as reckless as a black dwarf, he had been prepared for this, a flash Let the portal of Space Gems swoop empty.

Annihilation is a hero who has fought for many years in the Marvel universe. This little trick alone will not make him a winner. Qiao Li also has a mentality of a first try, and he does not expect to be able to win so easily.

Thor Thor stands in front of Qiao Li ~ ~ Use the Storm Tomahawk and Thor's Hammer to hold the slashed sword, and now only he has the confidence to take the smash attack.

However, Sol was still a little overwhelmed. The double-edged sword that was engulfed with the power of the power gem was more powerful than he thought. He would slash the Thor's hammer and the Storm Tomahaw in his hand.

Before Thor could recall the two weapons, he was kicked away by Exterminator.

The previous battle had caused Thor to consume too much physical strength, but the power of the annihilation gem was infinite energy, which made the difference in strength between the two sides even larger, and it was even difficult for Thor to survive a round.

Just as Sol was defeated, the thunder hammer that fell to the ground rose quietly and returned to the hands of another person.

It was Captain America who took the Thor's hammer and challenged the tyrant again!

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