The Wandering Planet

Chapter 449: Dust settled

The planetary engine's light pyramid, which gathered a large amount of energy, emitted a terrifying beam of light, whose diameter looked like a giant wall with blue light, and swept across the ice field with an unstoppable momentum.

This weapon was not originally designed to deal with a single enemy, but it should be a great gift for extermination, let him feel the real despair!

The rays of the light prism tower penetrated through the thick ice layer, and the white mushroom cloud formed by the water vapor rose high, just like Moses divided the sea, hundreds of meters of waves were set off on both sides, as if to cut the entire frozen sea. Open in half!

When seeing the energy beam emitted by the planetary engine light pyramid approaching the thousands of waves, the tyrant also felt that something bad was happening, and hurriedly wanted to break the shackles of the symbiotic armor on his body, but for a while Unable to break away, it is obviously too late to dodge the attack of the planetary light beam tower.

Together with the frozen sea, it was cut by the planetary engine's light prism, which is quite gorgeous.

At least there is no confidence that the tyrant can survive it!

However, he later realized that after trapping him with symbiotic armor, Qiao Li did not have time to escape the attack of the planetary light beam tower, and seemed to be ready to die with him.

The huge laser wall sweeping up front looked infinitely high upwards, infinitely deep downwards, infinitely leftward, and infinitely rightward. It would destroy everything along the road equally, including the entangled with him. Qiao Li.

Mieba quickly reached out and grabbed Qiao Lu's left hand, so as not to give him a chance to escape the attack of the planetary light beam tower, at least it seems that it is too late!

"Stop, do you want to die with me !?"

Extermination shouted, hoping to force the planetary engine light tower to stop.

This is also his last struggle.

Qiao Lu smiled and said, "Don't be affectionate, I don't plan to bury you."

As he spoke, he raised the Tinder Source Gloves on his right hand, and the space gem above was emitting a dazzling light.


The blue portal unfolded behind Qiao Li, and quickly absorbed him. As for the left hand caught by the tyrant, Qiao Li did not hesitate to cut it off.

"Do not--!!!"

Realizing that the situation is not good, the tyrant rushed across the knife, but unfortunately only the afterimage of Qiao Lu's disappearance from the portal, and only a solitary left arm left in his hands.

Qiao Li can also be regarded as a hand to destroy the tyrant, let's just treat it as a gift.

The next second after Jolly disappeared from the portal, the rays of the planetary engine's light pylon swept through the location of the tyrant, as if smashing an ant.

The annihilation was ruthlessly engulfed by the energy beam emitted by the planetary engine's light pyramid. It broke through the ice and entered the deep sea. After evaporating tons of seawater, it reached the bottom of the sea. A bottomless bottom was drawn on the rock formations on the bottom of the sea. Trench.

The entire ice sheet was torn apart, and the surging seawater flooded everything. Since it is relatively close to the northern hemisphere, the ice layer is not as thick as the other parts of the southern hemisphere, which has caused the entire ice field to fall apart. It splits from the Antarctic continent into the Arctic Ocean.

Even Typhoon could not withstand such a catastrophic blow, turning it into dust in the light emitted by the planetary engine's light prism, and it disappeared in no time.

Only his double-edged sword and two infinite gems survived and sank in the dark sea, waiting to be salvaged again.

At this point, Jolly had teleported back to the Wakanda battlefield of the Marvel universe, and the battle on this side was almost over.

The ebony throat was trapped inside by the scarlet witch with a lot of rocks, gave him a starburst, and finally crushed him inside, even the corpse could not be taken out.

Under the siege of the Guardians of the Galaxy, Ronan was also found to be flawed by the Rocket Raccoon and the Star Lord, and had a hadron cannon knocked to the ground. Then Drax the Destroyer rushed to his side.

Both the Black General and General Exterminator have fallen one after another, and the remaining troops are even more unable to withstand the offensive of the human coalition. They are pushed by all the way, and there is basically no resistance.

Seeing that everything was settled, Qiao Li finally breathed a sigh of relief, and finally he could declare their victory again.

Luo Feng was directing the combat troops from various planes to clean up the endgame. Turning his head, he saw that Qiao Li dragged his arm and teleported back.

At the same time, there is also a good news from the stray earth. It has successfully killed the exterminator and is salvaging the infinite gems that have sunk into the sea.

"What's wrong with your hand?" Luo Feng asked with concern.

"Leave it to me as a souvenir," Qiao Li replied half-jokingly. "Just give him peace of mind."

Anyway, with the medical technology of Wandering Earth, whether it is to install mechanical bionic prostheses, or to re-grow using nano-repair technology, Qiao Li's left hand will have no problems, it is just to endure a period of pain.

The medic quickly came to help Qiao Li's left arm for emergency treatment. Seeing that the fighting on the battlefield had gradually subsided, Qiao Li sat down and received treatment slowly.

In the face of the assembly of the Human Destiny Community, the forces of extermination are not at all scared, and even feel a little fussed.

Qiao Li apologized to Luo Feng, "I'm sorry, I obviously didn't intend to work so hard to move the crowd, but did not expect to eventually develop into such a large-scale rescue operation."

Luo Feng shook his head and smiled: "It doesn't matter, it's not your decision alone. Don't forget, our course of action is saturated rescue. How can we call it a laborer?"

Indeed, this cannot be said to be a saturated rescue, it can almost be said to be a dead-end rescue, Wakanda will not be able to squeeze so many rescue troops.

After Luo Feng said this, Qiao Li was relieved. It is true that the rescue of Wandering Earth is not elaborate. UU reading wants to obtain the highest return with the least investment.

As long as there is a glimmer of hope, it will take a hundred times the effort, this is the rescue operation of the stray earth!

The wound on Qiao Li's left arm healed quickly under the treatment of medical soldiers. As for how to connect a new arm, it is better to return to the stray earth for surgery.

On the wandering earth, through the carpet-like search of the nearby seas, the double-edged sword, soul gems, and power gems left by Exterminator were also quickly salvaged.

Sure enough, the infinite gem is not so easy to be destroyed. The double-edged sword of annihilation is stronger than Zhenjin, so it is retained with the infinite gem.

Extermination of the tyrant's body is completely ashes, no trace of survival can be found.

The battle of Wakanda finally came to an end at this moment.

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