The Wandering Planet

Chapter 461: Search factory

Liu Peiqiang led a team of investigative missions to the abandoned factory to search for survivors. As they thought, this place was completely occupied by mechanical life forms, and it was exactly where they produced more of the same kind.

There are small mechanical life forms like the Android logo everywhere, indicating that they seem harmless to humans and animals, but can pull out a black and hard laser cannon at any time. It is not a joke to be shot.

Liu Peiqiang ordered: "Pay attention to concealment and try to avoid head-to-head fighting."

After all, their mission is not to completely destroy the mechanical life forms of this factory, and judging from the number of enemies, once they fight, they will only endlessly.

A report from the Frontier Base of the Homeless Expeditionary Force said: "A space fighter has entered the factory. The pilot above may be alive. Please search this area."

"Roger that."

In the end, only one fighter plane arrived at the destination, which means that the chances are slim, and one step later may be nothing.

"Launch the optical camouflage, the small groups will act!"

In order to expand the search range and enhance concealment, Liu Peiqiang asked the investigation team to act as a group of two people, hoping to find the survivor as soon as possible.

As for whether the other party is a human, it will be known only after it is found.

At this time on the wandering earth, Qiao Li was also enjoying a rare vacation. He came to the Autonomous Transformers Autonomous Region and had lunch in an ordinary small restaurant.

After a long-term relationship, human beings have gradually adapted to the existence of Autobots. Nowadays, this autonomous region has a large number of human tourists and a lot of permanent residents, and even developed a commercial street dedicated to receiving tourists. The restaurant where Qiaolu is located is one of them. Inside the commercial street.

The streets outside the window are full of traffic, and it is difficult to distinguish which one was changed by a Autobot and which one was driven by a human. Or maybe both. It's no longer unusual for Autobots to drive past humans.

After all, we have experienced such a long period of fighting and fighting together. Although it is not completely unpleasant, humans and autobots get along well on the whole. Even if there is nothing, we can talk and laugh together.

In the restaurant, only Qiao Lu was eating quietly alone. The surrounding area was cleared. Bodyguards were guarding the door to prevent idlers from waiting.

There is no way. Qiao Li ’s popularity is so high today that if he does n’t do this, I am afraid there will be a large group of people around. No one on the stray earth does not know his identity. As long as there is someone, Qiao Lu will Inevitable.

This made his holiday not very smooth, because as long as there are many people, he can hardly be unrecognized, unless he completely covers his face, but it is impossible to wear a mask when eating. What.

While Jolly was admiring the strange sight outside the window, Optimus Prime came in. This restaurant also welcomes autobots, and even the seats are specially made. What they eat is very different from humans, such as motor oil and various metal parts.

Optimus Prime came to sit across from Qiao Li. Although they had known each other for a long time, they could sit down face to face like this for the first time.

"The design of this store is really good." Qiao Li praised, "It just smells a little bad, no wonder the customers are so few."

"Always try," Optimus answered. "In order to better integrate our people into human society."

The development of the autonomous region to this situation is also indispensable for Optimus Prime. He has been trying to find ways to better integrate the Transformers into human society, so that the human beings and autobots in the autonomous region now live in harmony.

"It must be difficult, I know there are many voices of opposition. Those who are not from my tribe have different hearts, and many people still hang this sentence on their lips."

Among them, Qiao Li, as a permanent member of the Minority Ethnic Group on the Wandering Earth, has often become the target of these people's attacks. He believes that the treacherous person he introduced into the house will one day cause serious consequences.

No way, when the Homeless Plan was launched, there were also rebels organized by the spaceships. It is normal to have different voices among the three billion people.

The same is true for Optimus Prime. Although the thousands of Autobots who have survived today mostly support him, it is not that no one believes that he sold the Cybertron civilization and led Autobots to become human slaves.

No matter what you do, you can't satisfy everyone. Qiao Li and Optimus know this.

Qiao Li suddenly asked, "Optimus Prime, if you were not born in the universe as silicon-based life, but were artificially made, would you resist your creator?"

Also as a mechanical being, Transformers will probably be easier to understand the series of events that took place in Neil's world.

Optimus shook his head and said, "I never thought about this question, I'm afraid it's hard to give you an answer."

"Then I'll ask a little bit more specifically." Qiao Li insisted, "If you were made by humans, would you think of a way to fight against humans?"

For a while, the air in the entire restaurant seemed to freeze. This question was so specific that Optimus Prime immediately thought about it.

After a long time, Optimus only hesitated but replied affirmatively: "I think ... I will."

The investigation team led by Liu Peiqiang has entered the abandoned factory. Optical camouflage does not seem to completely avoid the eyes of the mechanical life forms.

Some mechanical life forms have more advanced electronic imaging equipment. Once they remain under their field of vision, they can only be forced to engage in crossfire.

The entire abandoned factory has become lively with it. Liu Peiqiang led another investigation team soldier to kill a **** path among countless mechanical lifeforms. Countless mechanical lifeforms have fallen under his Gauss rifle.

Although members of the Wandering Earth Investigative Team did not experience the same openness as Qiao Li, UU reads, but they have also experienced various degrees of physical transformation, such as T virus transformation, psionic awakening or mechanical body. Expansion is a super soldier with a combat effectiveness different from ordinary people.

Fang Wu, a member of the investigative team who is next to Liu Peiqiang, is a soldier who has undergone T-virus transformation and right-hand mechanical transformation. The reinforcement of the right arm is similar to the doomsday iron fist, which can smash the body of the mechanical life body with one punch.

As they searched for the interior of the factory while annihilating the mechanical life forms, they finally came to the place where the last space fighter crashed into the factory.

I saw a woman wearing a black dress, holding a large, a small, two Taidao, with beautiful silver hair, wearing a black eye mask on her face that completely covered her eyes, and was suffering from a large group of mechanical life. Body siege.

It looks like this is the survivor Liu Peiqiang they are looking for, but the existence of this woman is even more incredible than the mechanical life form!

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