The Wandering Planet

Chapter 466: Anti guest

"Such a huge mechanical life form turned out in an instant--"

Driving the 9S in the air with the flying mech and Engels, he was really amazed at the arrival of Qiao Li.

How much preparation and sacrifice the Yoyo troops made to eliminate this guy, Qiao Li killed him with a single blow, it was incredible!

2B took the stance of confrontation for the first time. Facing such powerful strength, she did not dare to relax her vigilance in the slightest.

Qiao Li took the initiative to release the Symbiotic Armored combat mode. One part of the liquid metal symbiosis became his coat, and the other part became his left arm, which became a part of his body to a greater extent.

The Rocket Raccoon also jumped off his shoulder, stretching his joints intently and saying:

"It's been a long time without flying so stimulating, and staying on the ground for too long has made my joints rust."

Liu Peiqiang stepped forward and said to Qiao Lu, "I thought you would come later."

"No way, I just can't rest my character." Qiao Lu laughed.

Seeing that Liu Peiqiang and Qiao Li knew each other, 2B slowly retracted the weapon.

It's just that Qiao Li is also a human, and she still feels incredible. The humans shown in the data do not have such a terrifying fighting power.

"Is this the so-called individual difference?"

Of course, there are more reasons for which she still does not know, nor can she go to ask, and in the Yeye army, excessive curiosity is not allowed.

"Are you 2B?"

Qiao Li approached her and took a closer look at 2B's body, and it was as beautiful as a big doll.

A black high-cut dress with black high-heeled shoes, with a white gym suit underneath, completely covering the eyes of the eyes, highlights the delicate face, the skin texture is as delicate and silky as humans, it is hard to imagine that Artificial intelligence robot for battle.

There is no doubt that the first artificial man was not created for the purpose of battle, otherwise it cannot be explained that it will have a look and appearance that meets human preferences, and it does not meet the actual needs of the battlefield.

No wonder all the humans in this world are extinct.

2B seemed to be a little embarrassed by Qiao Li, stepped back two steps and asked in disgust, "What's the matter?"

Even given such a detailed personality, it was unexpectedly easy to be shy. Qiao Li couldn't help but be more sure of his conjecture, otherwise he would be too conscious of the design.

"It's nothing."

In order to avoid any bad effects, Qiao Li decided not to explain so much.

Then he turned to Liu Peiqiang and Fang Wu and said, "You go back and report the situation first, and then I will go to the moon with them to see."

Liu Peiqiang nodded and said: "Then take care of yourself, if necessary, you can call us for support at any time."

"Relax, I have my own share."

Seeing that Liu Peiqiang and Fang Wu were leaving the team, 9S hurriedly stopped and said:

"Please wait! There are mechanical life forms everywhere on the planet. Please follow us to take refuge on the moon."

"No need," said Qiao Lü on behalf of Liu Peiqiang. "We can't trust you yet. I will visit first as a representative, and then decide whether to let others go to the moon."

"Wait, are there any other humans besides you?" 9S asked in surprise.

The discovery of three human survivors was an unprecedented discovery. But revealed from Qiao Li's words, it seems that human beings are far more than just three of them, making 9S even more incredible.

"Let's at least ask the commander ..."

9S still wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Qiao Li toughly: "I said it was unnecessary! Since you are allegiance to human beings, why can't we mention nothing about it?"

In the conversation, Liu Peiqiang and Fang Wu had already gone far. 9S had no choice but to report the situation to the Ye Force Command, and it could not prevent them from leaving.

"Hey, don't forget me," said the rocket raccoon, raising the laser rifle in his hand. "Where are we going to make a mess?"

2B's assistant robot stared at it curiously and said, "Ask, is this a human domesticated pet?"

"He's my friend," Qiao Ru replied, "regardless of this, 2B, hold it."

Qiao Li gave 2B to his peerless blade. This weapon is more effective against mechanical life than anything. Of course, it must also be given to those who are good at using it.

It is conceivable that on a stray earth with severe fire phobia, no one will rush forward with a spear, which hinders teammates from covering fire.

Qiao Li occasionally entangles his enemies with psionic war blades, but he is also not good at using long-handled weapons. The Peerless Blade can only be used as a javelin in his hands, which is quite wasteful to a certain extent.

2B, as a close-range attack robot of the Yeye Forces, is proficient in eighteen martial arts, and can even use two two-handed weapons to attack alternately. Peerless Blade should be able to play 100% of her hands.

It's just that Qiao Li gave her such a powerful weapon at her hand, but it surprised 2B. She just avoided her eyes with disgust.

She hesitated to take the Peerless Blade from Qiao Li, and was surprised to find that the weapon was more powerful than she imagined. Not only was the sharp single-molecule blade sharper, but the material was tougher than any metal in the world. She didn't know where she went.

Qiao Lu further explained: "This weapon can also cause the system of the machine to be disordered. If it can hit the core of the mechanical life body, even a slight scratch, it can cause the program to crash, just like I just did. ... so be careful not to hurt yourself, it's troublesome to repair. "

2B only realized that Qiao Li relied on this weapon to kill the large-scale mechanical life form Engels in one shot, and realized how precious this peerless blade was, and couldn't help but ask seriously:

"Entrust me with such important things, can you?"

Qiao Lu said half-jokingly, "Do you want me to say that while I haven't regret it?"

After getting the approval of Qiao Li ~ ~ Only then used the magnetic levitation force field to bind the Peerless Blade and put it up and hung behind him.

As the so-called reluctant child can't bear the wolf, Qiao Li has never been stubborn in this regard.

His goal, however, was to take away all the Yori forces, including 2B. It was just a matter of changing someone to use the Peerless Blade.

Such generous behavior made 2B feel even more puzzled. Qiao Luming said that he could not trust him, but acted as if he had treated her as her own.

What exactly his purpose is is getting harder to figure out.

"Is this ... human?"

In any case, the task must continue, and then they will be replaced by Qiao Li and anti-customers, and they will be required to take themselves to the headquarters of the army.

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