The Wandering Planet

Chapter 468: Break the cycle

"The number of mechanical life forms has increased, and ..."

The 9S patrolling over the sky found that the situation was getting more and more wrong. After leaving the abandoned factory, they encountered more mechanical life forms and evolved to a higher degree, as if they were being targeted.

What's more serious is that, due to unclear communication interference, neither the Yeye Forces Command nor the resistance camps are currently connected.

9S constantly hacked into the server trying to solve this problem, but they were unable to restore normal communication. They suddenly became isolated and could only continue to follow the previously formulated route.

Fortunately, 2B has greatly increased its strength because it has obtained the peerless blade. It can still chop melon and chop vegetables along the way to kill the incoming mechanical life form, but it still inevitably delays a lot of time, and unknowingly has passed a whole day.

Frontier bases of the Wandering Earth Expeditionary Forces were also attacked by a large number of mechanical life forms. Originally, they only looked at each other and even killed each other, but somehow they joined forces again to launch an offensive on a large scale.

As mechanical beings, they actually have a network that connects all individuals together. Although they usually fight on their own, they will gather through the network when necessary.

I am afraid that there is a major movement in the mechanical life form. Such a large-scale troop movement is not a good sign.

Along the way, the Rocket Raccoons, through the constant dismantling of the corpses of mechanical life, have gradually become more aware of how terrible their capabilities are.

"What a hell! Yesterday I let a small mechanical lifeform swallow my laser pistol, and today a large group of mechanical lifeforms came back with imitations!"

The rocket raccoon's laser pistol was assembled by itself. Although it can't be described as high in science and technology, but it was just a night after the mechanical life body came out at the price of cabbage, which made it feel incredible.

Of course, the power of these cottage products is still behind the original, and it is very prone to failure, but it also greatly enriches the means of attack of the mechanical life forms.

Now they need to guard against laser pistols mounted on their arms in addition to laser cannons on their chests, as if they were replaced overnight.

The same thing happened at the Frontier Base of the Wandering Earth Expeditionary Force. On the first day, you will only use the laser cannon on your chest to fire energy bombs, and use the fist to hammer the original mechanical life form on your chest.

The next day, they were found to be equipped with a cottage version of a heavy-duty pulse rifle, a Gauss rifle with irregular metal fragments as bullets, and a barrier generator that works sometimes.

That's right, these are the standard weapons equipped by the Wandering Earth Expeditionary Force. Only one of them fell into the hands of the mechanical life body in the battle, and the imitations of the cottage can be seen the next day.

Of course, due to the different materials used and various traces of rough manufacturing, the power of the cottage products used by mechanical life forms cannot be compared with the original.

But they can't stand them in large numbers, as if they are mass-produced frantically at the price of cabbage. The Wandering Earth Expeditionary Force felt pressure soared again and could not be as skilful as the first day.

"The weapons they model can be as powerful as the original?" Qiao Lu asked curiously.

The Rocket Raccoon replied: "According to my laser pistol, it is about 60%. And the failure rate is quite high, and even accidentally it will explode, I really don't know how they dare to use this kind of thing."

During the conversation, a group of small mechanical life-like bodies attacked like a cowboy in the West with a copycat laser pistol. They fired a random gun at 2B, and the energy bomb fired by the laser gun on the chest was undoubtedly higher than yesterday. To upgrade a grade.

Fortunately, their accuracy is not very good, mainly because the cottage version of the laser pistol is not as good as the original, so 2B relied on the agile skill to pass through the gun forest bullet rain, wielding the peerless blade to destroy them all.

Although the victory was still achieved, 2B's appearance seemed awkward, and some of his clothes were damaged, exposing the white gymnastics underneath. There are also marks on the skin that have been scratched by bullets.

After all, the firepower density of the mechanical life body has been improved by a grade, and it has already been thanks to the extraordinary skill of 2B without being directly hit.

Qiao Li stepped forward and said to her: "Okay, 2B, you can take a rest and rest for the time being, the mechanical life form let me deal with it."

2B shook his head firmly and said, "Protection of human beings is my duty, please don't worry about me."

The members of the Yori forces have been implanted with a very strong will to "love humanity". I am afraid that the possibility of betrayal is considered.

Human beings are most worried about artificial intelligence robots because of rebellion. It is understandable that the loyalist troops in charge of performing combat missions have given a stronger sense of loyalty.

It is only a reminder of the fact that human beings have already become extinct, but it has made the tragedy of Yoriha's troops even stronger.

When Qiao Li saw this, he didn't say much, but he didn't continue paddling, and together with 2B killed a blood path in the mechanical life body.

In a sense, this is also the result of the arrival of the stray earth. After the extinction of the original mechanical life form, the things that can be copied have basically been copied, and the development has gradually stabilized, forming a delicate balance with the constantly updated Yoyo troops.

As a result, the stray earth came with a variety of high-tech weapons, and the self-reinforcing system of the mechanical life form became active again, which caused the situation today.

Qiao Li did not foresee such a consequence ~ ~ According to the situation learned from the 9S and 2B mouths, the Yeye Army has launched more than a dozen large-scale orbital airborne operations in an attempt to remove the mechanical life form. The recapture of the earth in his hands was always smooth at the beginning, but later he encountered increasingly strong mechanical life forms, resulting in a loss every time.

I am afraid that this external stimulus is an important process for the mechanical life form to complete its self-reinforcement. The Yori forces continue to repeat the process of trying to recapture the earth. Instead, the mechanical life form is constantly becoming stronger. It is bound to lead to the end. The result of failure.

Even more frightening, maybe this is why the mechanical life form has not chosen to cut the grass and eradicate it. They need the presence of enemies, so they allow artificial intelligence robots to continue to develop on the moon and launch battles to recapture the Earth again and again.

This would have been an endless cycle of spiraling spirals, but due to the arrival of the Wandering Earth Expeditionary Force, the cycle has been quietly broken!

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