The Wandering Planet

Chapter 473: The inside story of the Yoyo plan

Very capable. "

Eve, who had been pierced by 2B's heart, did not struggle in pain, but appreciated it with ease.

Worried that he had any other conspiracy, 2B hurriedly made a hard choice and further cut open Eve's heart, and wanted to finish him as soon as possible.

The dark blood spewed out from the wound and splashed on 2B's delicate and beautiful face, which made her usually frosty, even more tinged with coldness.

Then 2B drew a knife from Eve's chest fiercely, and there was a sudden surge of blood, spilling all over the ground.

Suffering so severely, Eve's body was completely paralyzed and she fell heavily on her back.

It was just that there was no failure in his eyes, and there was a sly smile in the corner of his mouth.

"We will meet again."

Leaving such a sentence, Eve's eyes were completely lost, and her body stopped moving completely.

"has it ended?"

2B could not help but have doubts, the opponent's final performance was too strange.

At this point 9S only stepped out and explained to 2B:

"Not yet. They are all high-level individuals that are closely connected to the network of mechanical life forms. Without first cutting off the network connection, they cannot be completely killed."

Adam and Eve are close to the existence of the dominator of the mechanical life network. Destroying their bodies cannot threaten the essence of their existence. On the one hand, they must be cut off from the mechanical life network and then destroyed. Their form can completely kill Adam and Eve.

Obviously this time did not do it, 9S just made 2B break through Eve's defense and did his best, there was no effort to cut off his connection with the mechanical life network.

"That's it, no wonder he died so calmly," Qiao Lu said.

On the other side, the rocket raccoon was dismantling Adam's body, removing all his limbs, and studying carefully what was inside.

It is inevitable that Adam and Eve could not be completely killed. If Moss is allowed to hack into the network of mechanical life forms, they may be completely solved.

It's just that Qiao Li does not intend to take this risk. According to the information he remembers, the mechanical life form will produce some kind of logical virus. If Moss is infected by the logical virus, it will undoubtedly cost more.

Then the remaining solution is--

Qiao Li went to the high mechanical tower that Eve used the wreckage of the mechanical life body, raised an arc pulse cannon in his left hand to blast it, and exposed the buried Peerless Blade inside.

He pulled out the Peerless Blade and said, "This weapon can directly interfere with the programming system of the mechanical life body. Even if the network connection is not cut off, there should be a way to kill them."

Peerless Blade's effect on the machine is equivalent to an electronic virus, which can destroy Adam and Eve's bodies while making their systems disordered and unable to escape to the network of mechanical life forms.

It is even possible that they infect the entire network of mechanical life forms, causing all the mechanical life forms to have a program disorder, which is a good opportunity to kill two birds with one stone.

Qiao Li threw the Peerless Blade to 2B again and said, "Get it, use it to end them completely next time."

2B took over the Peerless Blade before realizing that they had missed a rare opportunity. Both Adam and Eve had fled back to the network of mechanical life forms. At this time, it was too late to kill them with the Peerless Blade.


2B clenched the sword in his hand and determined that he could not make the same mistake again.

At the same time, she also wondered about Qiao Li's trust. Why is she still willing to believe in herself?

"Because it's up to you to end all of this." Qiao Ru just said calmly, "This is not a war between humans and aliens."

According to information learned by Qiao Li, humans on the moon have long been extinct, and the aliens who created mechanical life have also been counter-phasified and perished.

Today, there are only artificial intelligence robots and mechanical life forms, and they are still blindly relying on the wishes of their creators to engage in a long war. One is to maintain the illusion that humans are still on the moon, and the other is to require an external enemy to continue to evolve.

If it weren't for the Yori forces to end all of this, the lies and shackles on them would probably never disappear.

What Qiao Li has to do is to guide the self-awakening of the Yori forces, so that he can truly integrate into the destiny symbiotic body of the stray earth, otherwise he will treat a smart species as a tool like an alien treats a mechanical life form. There will be problems.

After dealing with Adam and Eve's bodies, the group returned to the safe house of the rebel camp, and some artificial maintenance equipment was retained here, which could slightly repair the injuries on 2B and 9S.

The leader of the rebel army, Anne Monin, knew what was happening inside and said grittedly:

"Is it all to kill my comrade-in-arms, just to do this kind of thing? Who sold the information of the Resistance?"

As an underground resistance force, their camps are actually changed regularly, and they are immediately transferred after being discovered. Rarely do they encounter attacks by mechanical lifeforms.

9S, who hacked into Eve's body and intercepted part of the information of the mechanical life network, explained:

"Sorry, it's because our Yaya force headquarters was invaded by the machinery life network. They used a backdoor program at our Yaya force headquarters, which caused the entire command system to be paralyzed. Therefore, the information of the resistance forces was leaked. Our Communication has also been disrupted. "

"Wait a second, back door?"

2B suddenly realized that things were more serious than she thought. If there were loopholes, there was nothing to be said after being hacked.

However, the backdoor procedure of the Yoriha unit can only be left in the original design, that is, it cannot be the mechanical life body!

"Is there a traitor in the Yeye Army?" 2B can only think of such a possibility for the time being.

9S shook his head and said, "No ~ ~ This level of backdoor cannot be added after the birth of Yoyo troops. It is only possible that they were already prepared in the original design of Yoyo troops Leaving a back door allows mechanical lifeforms to invade the system on a large scale, which in turn destroys the entire Yayoi army. "

"You mean, we were designed to be destroyed by a mechanical being?"

I'm afraid the facts made 2B hard to accept for a while, but now the dilemmas they face are actually arranged in the beginning.

"9S, is there anything wrong? According to you, it is not the plan to let the mechanical life form destroy the Yoyo troops--"

There was a hint of hesitation in 9S's expression, but in the end he replied with certainty:

"Yes, it is the Human Council of the Moon! Only the creators can do it!"

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