The Wandering Planet

Chapter 478: Evolve again

At the top of the tower, a faint black mist permeates the air, like a haze formed by some tiny particles in the atmosphere, which is always enveloped in this area.

The cocoon, which was once seen in the rebel camp, was composed of the remains of countless mechanical beings and the bodies of members of the Yayoi army, and also appeared here. And it is bigger than the last time, and the black matter that formed the haze is constantly leaking out of this cocoon.

Adam and Eve stood under the giant cocoons, as if they had been waiting here for a long time. Their appearance is the same as when they met last time, except that their temperament has become more gloomy. It is probably related to the black material surrounding them. I am afraid it is not just decoration.

Unlike the mechanical life forms that desperately hindered the advancement of Qiao Lu and others along the way, when Adam saw his team coming up, instead of rushing to attack, Adam bowed politely like entertaining guests:

"Welcome to our ark launch tower. Meet for the second time, humans."

"Be careful, they are really planning!" 9S said nervously.

To be sure, from what Adam called the Ark launch tower, they knew that they were definitely not going to go to the headquarters of the Yeye Troops. I am afraid they have set their sights farther away.

The surrounding launch vehicles seemed to be filled with a large number of tiny black particles, which were tumbling behind the glass like liquid. It feels like a kind of nano-mechanical material, just don't know what they want to do when a lot of nano-materials are transported to space.

Adam still said politely as always: "The last time I was unable to stop you, it really made me very uncomfortable. So this is the taste of failure? But this time ..."

But before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by a sound of explosion and fighting from the ping pong bells.

Although the control room was occupied by the Wandering Earth Survey Team, there are other places such as the fuel room, arsenal, and maintenance room that need to be taken down. Therefore, the attack by Liu Peiqiang and others is continuing. It's small.

"But this time ..."

Adam also wanted to finish his speech, but how could he speak faster than the investigation team's efficiency, and was immediately interrupted by a blast of blasts and a clapping gunshot.

Qiao Li reluctantly dug out his ears and said, "Sorry, the downstairs is being demolished. Let's quickly make a decision!"

Before the words fell, the golden whistle broke through the floor under Adam's feet, and penetrated the heart of his heart with a thunderbolt!

During the conversation, Jolly let the sentry quietly approach from under the floor, in order to accidentally give Adam a fatal blow.

As it turned out, Jolly did catch Adam's momentary attention and successfully used the sentry to penetrate his chest.

This is what the so-called villain died of too much talk, but Qiao Li did not always want to take his life, not to attract attention, he would not say a word.

After successfully hitting Adam's heart, Jolly let the sentry arrow quickly fold back, and the needle lead generally penetrated Adam's body back and forth, opening countless holes in him, and the entire man was beaten with holes.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh!" Adam screamed in agony, as if he was suffering through arrows.


Eve hurried over to stop the sentry arrow, but 2B also rushed towards him like a detached arrow, and decisively pierced Eve's abdomen with the peerless blade in her hand, this time she would not make the same mistake again Already.

"No time to entangle with people like you, we must hurry back!"

2B mercilessly nailed Eve to the wall, relying on the program destruction effect of Peerless Blade, so that Eve could not escape to the mechanical life network, this time it was completely killing him!

However, Eve, who was penetrated by 2B with a peerless blade, had a weird smile on his face. It was exactly the same as when he was killed by 2B the last time, it was not like a mortal person.

In the next second, Eve's entire person turned into a cloud of black mist and floated in the air, leaving only a puddle of black matter on the spearhead of the Peerless Blade, as if the 2B hit was just an illusion.

At the same time, Adam on the side stopped screaming and said with a sly smile;

"Well, I mimic the painful expression of your humans when they die. It's pretty similar."

Later, the wounds on his body were healed instantly under the repair of nano-materials, as if his entire body was made of sand. No matter how many holes were punched out, they could be easily refilled.

Eve, who turned into a black mist, reunited into an adult type behind 2B, and kicked 2B away from her side, proving that his body was not hit by the peerless blade.

At this moment, both the haze in the air and the mystery of a large number of nano-mechanical materials in the launch vehicle are solved.

"You have transformed yourself into nanomachines?" Qiao Lu frowned.

There is no doubt that Adam and Eve have completed their self-evolution again, and when they meet in the rebel camp, they simply replace blood with nanomaterials.

Nowadays, they have completely transformed themselves into nanomachines. In addition to imitating humans in appearance, their body structures are completely different, and they are completely composed of nanomaterials!

Turning the whole body into a nanomechanism gives Adam and Eve stronger self-healing capabilities. Physical attacks can be said to be completely ineffective, and it is even possible to evade attacks by actively giving up part of the nanomechanics. Eve took the initiative to abandon the part stabbed by 2B to avoid being killed by the Peerless Blade.

This is undoubtedly reminiscent of the elementalization of the natural fruits in One Piece, but they are nanometerized and turned into countless small nanoparticles floating in the air.

Adam proudly provoked: "Our mechanical life forms are constantly evolving weapons that complete self-transcendence. Every failure will make us stronger! What about you human beings?"

"That's enough ~ ~ I can't learn this time." Qiao Li shook his head helplessly.

If the last time Adam and Eve's use of nanotechnology also allowed him to imitate it with symbiotic armor, then this time there is really no way, no matter how Qiao Li can't convert the whole body cells into liquid metal Symbiosis, that's really not what humans can do.

Seeing Jolly admitting he couldn't do it, Adam laughed more arrogantly:

"Ha ha ha ha ... Come on, kill yourself, let us complete the evolution again!"

The nano-mechanical materials in the surrounding launch vehicle suddenly broke through the window, so that the entire battlefield was almost drowned by the raging nano-wave.

In this field, Adam and Eve will undoubtedly become more horrible. It is not so easy to kill them!

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