The Wandering Planet

Chapter 488: Grant soul

After A2 left, 2B also wanted to say something to 9S, apologize, guilt, or both. In any case, this was a mistake she had made.

But 9S didn't listen to the meaning explained by 2B, just glanced at her silently, and followed A2 into the transmission beam.

2B understood that he could not beg for forgiveness, but sighed helplessly, and followed in.

Through the beam of light of the planetary engine transmission tower, all members of the Yaye troops came to Wandering Earth, and finally saw the once glorious human civilization they heard about numerous times.

Of course this is another human civilization.

At a glance, the sight of the prosperous towns around it is very different from the scene of the ruins left in Neil's world. Humans that have long since become extinct in Neil's world, but on the wandering earth, people are coming and going. Instead, they have become a handful of Yoyo troops as artificial intelligence robots.

On the planetary engine transmission tower, you can see the plasma beams of light emitted by hundreds of planetary engines, just like a huge palace. In the hall, there are countless giant pillars. Each pillar is like a huge fluorescent tube. Strong blue and white light.

Everyone present was a germ on the floor of a huge palace, allowing people to fully feel how small they are compared to the earth, and how great it is to realize this project.

Everyone present was surprised, even the 2B and 9S who have been here once, are still amazed by this.

"Welcome to Wandering Earth."

Qiao Li introduced to the members of the Yeye Army that this is their new home.

"Well, excuse me ..."

A member of the more active Yayoi Army raised her hand and asked, she was the 2O liaison officer 6O, a cute girl with golden twin twists, who seemed full of longing for the scenery of the earth.

"Will our place of work be on Earth in the future? Or will there be a new orbiting satellite base?"

As a logistic model, 6O has almost never left the bunker. Her request for a commander to the earth has been dismissed without suspense. Now that she has arrived in a brand new earth, how can she not get her excited?

The commander rebuked her: "6O, can't be willful, how can we extravagantly live on the same planet with noble human beings, and it is our duty to defend the earth in orbit."

It seems that this is also why the headquarters of Yoriba is not on the moon, but on an orbiting satellite base. But in fact, of course, only in order to prevent them from discovering the truth, the Human Council of the Moon did not let the Yeye troops come to the moon.

Qiao Li shook his head and said, "No, you can stay, here is your new home."

"Great!" 6O jumped up excitedly and said.

Qiao Ru further announced: "From now on, we will no longer treat you as cold machines. You, with your own personality and personal emotions, are already the same intelligent life as human beings. You don't need to be indifferent to being inferior to yourself, nor to Noble human beings are to hang on to our lips, we don't need to use such words, what we are after is equality. "

"But we are just automatic humanoids without souls, so we can't demand more rights in this way."

The commander of the Yeye Forces was unable to accept such a change for a while. She thought that the Yeye Forces had just changed a master, and that their loyalty to humans should still be the same.

Qiao Lü asked, "Is this really your own idea? Or is it just because the implanted program requires you to do this?"

The answer is obvious. All members of the Yori forces have been implanted with a very strong "love human" program, which makes them behave so humblely when facing humans.

However, this implantation procedure does not completely control the thinking of the Yori forces. For example, 9S raised arms to Qiao Li, which means that they are not completely controlled by the procedure, and it is also a symbol of self-awareness.

Therefore, Qiao Li needs not the apparent loyalty that is maintained by procedures. Only equality can allow them to truly integrate into the society of the wandering earth, just like Autobots such as Optimus Prime.

"If this is not enough to change your mind, let me give you the same soul as humans!"

The natural gemstone that Jolly needs is the soul gem, and only this infinite gem can do this kind of thing.

Qiao Li took all the members of the Yeye Army to an open space on the wandering earth, and let people bring the soul gems, and then the moment to witness the miracle.

He picked up the soul gem and said, "This is an infinite gem we got from another plane. It has the ability to steal, manipulate, or modify the soul. Now I use it to grant you souls. From now on you will no longer be There is no automatic human form of the soul, but an existence of the same soul as humans. "

All the members of the Yeye Army looked at this soul gem with an orange glow. They did not expect that there was such a thing in the universe, and they did not expect that Qiao Li would do it, so that they could get rid of the restrictions of artificial intelligence and become truly independent. Individual.

Soul gems emitted a more dazzling brilliance, and then a transparent illusion appeared in front of each of the members of the Yayoi forces, as a mirror consistent with their looks.

"This is ... the soul?"

2B held out her hand in surprise. This was something she had never thought of being able to possess. The rules of the Yori forces even barred members from having emotions, let alone a soul symbolizing self-awareness.

The other members of the Yaya force were equally astonished at what was happening before them. As artificial intelligence robots, they had always regarded their consciousness as a simple process, and had never considered that they could have a soul.

Qiao Li's behavior is to truly recognize their self-awareness, and it is no longer a mere cold machine, nor is it just a tool!

Some members of Yoriba embraced and wept in excitement, even the arrogant A2, at this moment, their expressions on the face were also shaken. They really got rid of the miserable fate of the past, at this moment newborn.

Eventually, each member of the Yoriha united with his own soul, proclaiming that they will be the same as human beings from now on, and can start a new life on the wandering earth.

After the ceremony, Jolly silently put away the soul gem, and then only needed to negotiate specific details.

In the vault below the headquarters of the United Government, Qiao Li was about to inlay the soul gem back to the source of fire ~ ~ but turned back to find Luo Feng waiting for him.

Luo Feng asked, "Do you really grant them souls with infinite gems?"

"How could it be, I just held my hand to look like it." Qiao Li answered with a smile.

He re-held the soul gem in his palm to inject psionic energy, and the same phantom as it had just appeared in the air. The so-called granting of soul is just that.

Luo Feng seemed to have seen through everything, and asked indiscriminately: "Is that all right? If you really want to do it, you can actually do it."

Qiao Li shook his head and said, "The so-called souls already exist in their bodies. All I need to do is make them aware."

He put the soul gem back on the source of the fire, and that was enough.

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