The Wandering Planet

Chapter 531: Strongly interacting materials

Strongly interacting materials, of course, Qiao Li will not be unfamiliar with this. The water droplets in the three bodies that destroyed the human joint fleet were made of highly interacting materials.

It's just that Joe Law never thought that Stray Earth could also develop strong interaction materials. But how is this thing completely different from the new solid state?

Ding Yi saw through Qiao Li's doubts and explained with a smile: "To explain this, we must start with what is a strong interaction force. Physics believes that the universe has four basic forces and strong interaction. Forces, weak interactions, electromagnetic forces, and gravitation. "

"The strong interaction force is the force that combines protons and neutrons into an atomic nucleus. It is the strongest of all basic forces. Neutrons have no charge, while protons have a positive charge. Once combined, they produce a strong force. The electromagnetic forces are mutually exclusive, but the strong interaction force is to overcome this electromagnetic force and tightly bond the protons and neutrons into the nucleus. If this is a bit difficult to understand, for example, you can understand it, except for the above Except for the protons and neutrons that make up the nucleus, atoms and molecules are bound together by electromagnetic force. "

"In the final analysis, the hardness of a substance is determined by its atomic and molecular structure, so no matter how hard a substance is, it is essentially because the electromagnetic force between its atoms and molecules is strong enough. However, strong interaction forces can It is a hundred times stronger than the electromagnetic force. In other words, the strength of a material with a strong interaction force is a hundred times stronger than the hardest substance known at present! "

At present, the hardest material known on Wandering Earth is, of course, the constituent materials of Zhenjin, the double-edged sword and the Peerless Blade that are obtained from the Marvel Universe. However, it is still essentially as Ding Yi said, relying on atoms Combined with the electromagnetic force between the molecules, it is hundreds of times weaker than the strong interaction force of protons and neutrons to combine into an atomic nucleus.

It can be said that this is the difference between nuclear bombs and ordinary bombs. TNT is very efficient in explosives, but compared to nuclear bombs, it can only be a unit of measurement, or it must be measured in tons.

This is the case of strong interaction materials compared with other materials, which are fundamentally completely different things. The hardness of any substance is compared to pebbles.

"Is it so powerful?" Qiao Li asked curiously.

Shen Huabei smiled confidently: "Of course, do you know why it is a sphere with a smooth surface? It is not polished, but it can only appear in this way. Every atom in it is like a proton and a neutron It is tightly connected together, and even the electrons outside the nucleus are pressed into the nucleus. It can be said that it is a huge nucleus as a whole, and the surface is pressed by its own gravity to become absolutely smooth. It has become a material with strong interaction force. That's the shape from that moment. "

In order to prove this, the staff carefully and mechanically operated the Jinjin knife to scratch it severely, and even scratched the dazzling sparks, but did not leave a slight scratch on the metal sphere, which is fundamental. No trace was left.

Not only that, the staff also used optical instruments to magnify the cut position by 10 million times to the extent that macromolecules can be seen. The surface of the sphere is still a smooth mirror surface, and there is no trace of damage.

The smooth surface is the easiest to be scratched. However, even if it is scratched by Zhenjin hardly, the surface of the metal sphere does not leave any scratches.

Zhenjin, an extremely hard substance, really has to become a unit of measurement for materials with strong interaction!

Qiao Li couldn't help but take a step closer and wanted to look closely at the metal sphere made of this strong interaction material.

Ding Yi warned him: "Don't touch it! Because the internal molecular vibrations have completely disappeared, its surface temperature is absolutely zero, and even the slightest touch will be frostbite!"

Such non-consensual matter is more and more beyond the scope that Qiao Law can understand. Just as humans felt the power of nuclear energy when they first detonated a nuclear bomb, Qiao Law also felt strong interaction materials and ordinary materials. In contrast, it seems that things are not from the same dimension.

"How the **** did you do that?" Qiao Li couldn't help but ask, "It's impossible to increase the power of nuclear explosion infinitely by the method of making new solids?"

Shen Huabei replied: "The first few steps are really the same. The metal material is wrapped with 'sugar coating', and then it is further compressed by nuclear explosion to obtain a new high-density solid material."

"But after that we fell into a bottleneck. On the one hand, the outer layer of nanomaterial 'sugar coating' can withstand unlimited stress, so it is impossible to continuously increase the power of nuclear explosion. When a certain nuclear explosion equivalent is reached, sugar coating will Damage occurred first, preventing further compression. "

"On the other hand, as new solid matter is further compressed, the electromagnetic repulsive force between protons will increase, and it will not be able to approach it to a certain extent. Strong interaction forces can only be at extremely short distances inside the nucleus. It works. So if the repulsive effect of electromagnetic force cannot be overcome and two atomic nuclei are pressed tightly together, a strong interacting force material cannot be made at all. "

Just as the closer two magnets are to each other, the greater the magnetic force generated between them, the electromagnetic force will be further strengthened as the atoms are compressed, resulting in the new solid state cannot be compressed into a strong interacting force material.

In this case, either further increase external pressure and forcefully overcome the interference of electromagnetic forces to bind the atoms together.

However, the scope of the "sugar coating" to withstand external forces is not infinite, and this road is no longer feasible.

The other way is to find a way to reduce or even eliminate the electromagnetic force ~ ~ I am afraid this is the only way.

"So we used the power gem you brought back." Ding Yi then explained:

"In the beginning we didn't know what a gem that lost its power could do. Although it could absorb energy, it was not fast enough to be used as a defensive weapon. Until we discovered that it could absorb a specific Energy, at the micro level, opens the door to a new world for us. "

This is the case. Now Qiao Li understands how they further compressed the new solid into a strong interacting force material. Of course, electromagnetic force is also an energy. As long as the energy can be absorbed by the power gem, it does not need to be absorbed quickly. As long as the interference of electromagnetic force is slowly eliminated, materials with strong interaction force can be produced naturally.

It is indeed the most powerful object in the Marvel universe-the infinite gem. Even if it loses its infinite energy, it is still a priceless treasure.

This is really an unexpected gain. Qiao Li didn't even think at first that the power gem could have such a function!

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