The Wandering Planet

Chapter 60: Special building materials

Wu Qiaolu and his team quickly rushed to the crossfire, and it turned out that the two Transformers were fighting fiercely here.

Both of them are marked with Bo faction and Mad faction, so Qiao Li can determine that this group of Autobots are under siege from the Decepticon from all directions. I believe it won't be long before this group of Autobots will retreat.

I was even more surprised by Qiao Li. Among this group of Autobots, he also saw a familiar figure, a relatively small yellow Autobot-Hornet.

At this time, the Hornet was using his high-speed maneuvering characteristics to shuttle back and forth on the battlefield as a guerrilla.

He can switch between sports car and humanoid modes at high speed. With his short figure, he can quickly walk through the ruins of Cybertron. He is looking for a single Decepticon to kill it in one shot.

In sharp contrast to the agile and elegant Hornet sports car, the incoming Decepticons use war machines such as tanks, fighters, and helicopter gunships as the second form, suppressing the car people in a three-dimensional warfare manner.

Therefore, although the Hornet is doing its best to turn the tide, the Autobots still inevitably lose out in the Decepticon siege.

Seeing this scene, Qiao Li knew this was their chance. Since this group of Autobots has the important role of Hornet, they will not be abandoned.

This is a good opportunity to get in touch with Cyberbots, and it can also be said to be the first step to achieving their goals.

Qi Qiaolu immediately said to Liu Peiqiang and Wang Lei, "We are really lucky, we found the target so quickly. Did you see the logo on the yellow sports car? Those with this logo are our partners."

Of course, Qiao Liu refers to the Bo faction logo on the Hornet.

Both Liu Peiqiang and Wang Lei couldn't keep up with Qiao Lu's thinking. Why are these autobots the object of cooperation? They look no different from the Decepticon!

But before they even had time to ask questions, Qiao Li had already rushed out.

Qiao Li, who suddenly appeared on the battlefield wearing thundercloud-type combat armor, also caught the attention of both the belligerents. At this time, he was covered with heavy-powered armor and was like a smaller one. I don't know what he is.

Is 机械 mechanical or biological? At least it wasn't obvious at first glance.

While the enemy hadn't responded, Jolly fired the ball lightning weapon on his armor.

A huge current emerged from the coil of his right arm, and quickly concentrated on the palm to form a high-density lightning sphere, which was quite like a thunderbolt.

Under the powerful energy provided by the antimatter annihilation cabin, the spherical lightning formed this time is more devastating than the previous ball flash rifle.

Under the dazzling thunder, the lightning was almost condensed into a pure energy body and aimed at the chest of a recent Decepticon.

Between the electric light and flint, a ball of lightning penetrated the Decepticon's body, melting all the machine parts inside into a molten iron, so that he didn't even have time to respond.

The spheroidal lightning pulled the long tail flame and disappeared into the air, and all the objects blocking its path had been scorched and melted into a pool of dark matter.

霸 The Decepticon was so reluctant to look at the big hole that suddenly appeared on his chest and fell down.

Such terrible firepower is never common even in Transformers!

乔 After Qiao Li shot and killed a Decepticon, the remaining Decepticon realized that the visitor was not good, and turned his muzzle to point at Qiao Lu.

Since some people dare to challenge the majesty of the Decepticon, there is only one way to kill him to the slag!

At this moment, Liu Peiqiang and Wang Lei rushed out of the ruins together, each carrying a quadruple individual rocket launcher, and fired 8 rockets in one breath to provide cover for Qiao Lu.

Another raid once again disrupted the Decepticons' offensive rhythm. Although these rockets are far less powerful than spherical lightning, once they are hit, they will inevitably be blown away by a large number of parts.

In order to avoid the attack, the Decepticons made a mistake in their set fire. Qiao Li easily hid in the ruins of nearby buildings again, and gave full play to his physical advantage to avoid the Decepticon fire.

Another ball-shaped lightning screamed, hitting a Decepticon's head precisely in the self-sight mode attached to the armor.

The head of the Decepticon was blown into a firework directly under the gorgeous ball lightning, and the body that lost its head fell down following the loss of motivation.

After seeing Liu Peiqiang and Wang Lei helping out, the Decepticons finally realized that it was humans that came to their planet.

什么 When did these tiny and poor lower creatures have the ability to reach their mother star?

And dare to kill our people on our site! ?

"You humble bugs!"

He was the first Decepticon to shout loudly ~ ~ Then he deformed into a tank shape and smashed into the building where Qiao Lu was hiding with the potential of destruction.

A tank of more than fifty tons suddenly broke through the wall and rammed into Qiao Lu, hitting it with enough horsepower. Qiao Lu, who was unable to escape, had to use both hands to receive the impact.

His hands left a deep palm print on the front armor of the tank, and his feet plowed a long gully on the ground. The Decepticon tank pushed it all the way down to the next wall.

Squinting as the other side was about to squash himself, Qiao Li quickly ordered: "Moss, start the stand mode!"

"Roger that."

With Moss' mechanical indifferent response, Qiao Li's armor quickly extended two supports behind it, nailed deep into the ground like two wooden stakes.

It was ridiculous to see the Decepticon tank in this scene. How can this two small brackets withstand the collision of their huge tank body?

It was just a meaningless dying struggle.

下一 However, his unstoppable collision momentum was stopped immediately in the next second, as if he had hit a steel plate several hundred meters thick, and there was no way to move a half step further.

"how can that be?"

Such two small brackets really can withstand the full-speed collision of his fifty-plus-ton Decepticon tank?

Qi Qiaolu was not surprised by this, because the two brackets are made of the core material used to build the supporting structure of the planetary engine, and it can be said that it is the technical crystallization of high-strength building materials for stray earth.

特殊 Is it possible for you to be shaken by a special transformer that can bear the weight of a planetary engine over 10,000 meters high?

谁 Who is a bug now! ?

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