The Wandering Planet

Chapter 605: Tomoko Engineering

Pilot Qiao Li, you and your planet have acquired a new mainline mission: Occupy Tomoko Engineering Base

Task profile:

ΑThere is a peculiar civilization in Alpha Centauri, 4 light years away from the solar system. Because there are three stars in the galaxy, it is called a three-body civilization.

The environment in which the trisomy civilization is located is extremely harsh. Due to the irregular movement of the three stars, a large-scale disaster such as the "three-day continuous pearl" occurs every period of time, which is called the chaos era.

How to predict and survive the chaos era safely is the three-body problem that has long plagued the three-body civilization.

The trisomy civilization has experienced nearly two hundred destructions and rebirths. The trisomy people have also evolved the ability to dehydrate to a similar dormant state during a long evolution process, and each destruction will allow the civilization to develop to a certain degree.

The three-body civilization has spent a long time by stubbornly regenerating, but at this time they also realized that a new crisis is coming. The three-body galaxy had had twelve planets a long time ago, but now only one is left. Tablets. That's because during the long astronomical years, other planets were shredded beyond the Roche limit in the gravitational stacking of three stars.

One day, all the planets in the three-body galaxy will disappear, leaving only the end for the three-body civilization.

For this reason, the three-body civilization must fly out of the Alpha Centauri galaxy, looking for a planet that can migrate in the Milky Way, and they are staring at the solar system earth four light years away.

Unfortunately, due to the limitation of the dark forest, the trimarine fleet cannot conduct large-scale space overruns, and can only start long voyages at a tenth of the speed of light.

In order for the earth ’s civilization not to make breakthrough progress in technology before the arrival of the three-body fleet, the three-body civilization uses giant particle accelerators to expand the protons in two dimensions to create a powerful weapon, Tomoko.

He Zhizi was able to reach the earth faster than the three-body fleet, and locked up the development of the basic technology of the earth's civilization, so that the earth's civilization will never have the strength to compete with the three-body civilization.

The three-body civilization created the Tomoko's giant particle accelerator, which is the key to let the wandering earth pass to the next plane. It contains an immense amount of energy, and it also allows us to master the technology of unfolding matter in two dimensions.

Tomoko is just the most basic application of this technology. In fact, Tomoko can develop into something more horrible—a cosmic law weapon called a two-way foil.

The Tomoko project is the basic foundation for us to learn and defend against dimensionality reduction. To survive in this dangerous universe, we must make a certain degree of psychological preparation.

Mission objective: Occupy the Tomoko engineering base of the three-body civilization, and master related technologies

Mission rewards; 20,000 civilization points, dimensionality reduction strike foundation

"Good luck, pilot."

As expected by Qiao Li, Wandering Earth came to the three-body world, and it was almost inevitable to conflict with the three-body civilization.

The Tomoko project is the highest crystallization of the three-body civilization science and technology. The level of black technology is far more than that of water droplets as a strong force material. The latter is no more powerful than a regular positive substance composed of atomic molecules. The former is The threshold of dimensionality reduction strike technology has been touched ...

It is completely impossible to talk about how to gain control of the Tomoko project, just like any major parliament on the earth sells its most advanced nuclear bomb to others.

The only way is to go to the three-body galaxy. In order to ensure that the Tomoko project ’s giant particle accelerator is intact, it may even have to be solved for them. The three-body problem has been declared to be unsolvable.

Of course, in the way of wandering the earth.

The basic course of action was thus established, trying to reach the three-body galaxy, occupying the Tomoko engineering base, and finally taking the entire planet to run.

However, the biggest problem with this plan is whether it can catch up with time in the end. After all, Wandering Earth has been implemented for decades to successfully bring the earth out of the solar system.

Now it is much more difficult to bring the three-body civilization planet out of the three-body galaxy with more gravitational stars and irregular movements.

Of course, the scientific and technological level of the three-body civilization must also far exceed that of the stray earth at the beginning of the plan, so whether it can be achieved or not will be known only after actual investigation.

"How come to the three bodies directly: the dark forest is here? If at the time of the three bodies: the past of the earth, the problem may be solved directly." Qiao Lu said to himself in a little annoyed.

The Dark Forest is already the second part of the three-body. In the first part of "Three-body: The Past of the Earth," there is also a three-body game on the earth. You can enter the game to understand the environment of the three-body civilization, and think of a way to They solve trisomy.

If at that time, there may still be a chance for the trisomy civilization to realize that there is another way out, and even to use it to negotiate with the trisomy civilization, just like the rescuers in the trisomy of the earth.

Unfortunately, at the point of time in the dark forest, the three-body fleet had to send arrows on the string, and there was no room for any reversal unless it was threatened with more terrible power.

In any case, the war between the earth and the three bodies is unavoidable. Qiao Li can only figure out how to obtain the full resources of the Tomoko project after winning.

While Qiao Li was thinking about what to do next, the Central Academy of Sciences sent an emergency communication.

Wu Dingyi's holographic projection appeared in the center of the earth's cab, and said to everyone with a serious face:

各位 "Everyone, we found a very urgent situation here, the quantum state of the stray earth is locked, or the quantum state of the entire universe is locked."

"The quantum state is locked?"

It was the first time that Qiao Li heard of such a thing, but immediately he responded: "Are you saying that quantum collapse will not happen?"

"You can say this ~ ~ Quantum instability is indeed lifted."

Wu Dingyi replied truthfully, but she did not have the slightest joy on her face.

Luo Luofeng asked in doubt: "Isn't this a good thing?"

Wu Dingyi said gravely, "If it is a good thing, I would say that the quantum state has stabilized, but it is now locked."

"What the **** is going on?" Qiao Li asked anxiously.

"It was difficult to explain clearly for a while, but it can be said from the results. Now all Star Warships, including Wandering Earth, cannot be overturned. Whether it is a star gate or hyperspace, it becomes unusable on this plane. . "

In other words, all interstellar warships can only rely on engines to sail normally. There is no way to overturn from one galaxy to another. The time it takes may be thousands of times.

Qiao Li unbelievably asked, "Why is this happening?"

What can lock the quantum state of the entire universe, making it impossible for all civilizations to transcend space?

"Now we ca n’t be sure, we can only make a guess. In this plane, some kind of cosmic law, maybe even some kind of mathematical law, has been used as a weapon. As a result, all civilizations cannot communicate through space folding. The universe has been turned into a ruin of war ... "

After the speculation that Ding Yi said yes, Qiao Li immediately realized that this was the truth.

For higher dimensions of civilization, the laws of the universe are like the nuclear weapons of the Earth's age, and accidental apocalyptic apocalypse will be triggered. The three-body world is just such a wasteland!

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