The Wandering Planet

Chapter 63: The practice of stray earth

After talking about Cybertron's past millions of years of civil war history, Optimus Prime finally talked about the key to the struggle between their Autobots and Decepticons.

"Whether it is us or the Decepticon, we realize that Cybertron is hopeless. The destruction of this planet will happen sooner or later. The reason why it can support up to now depends on the planet's core fire. The source is maintaining the integrity of the planet's surface. "

擎 Under Optimus's projection, Qiao Li could see Cybertron's crust just like a rotten apple.

If it were not for Cybertron as a metal planet with an extremely thick and solid steel crust, the planet would have collapsed towards the center of the earth.

让 And leaving this crust basically intact seems to be the core fire source of Cybertron's planet.

In other words, if the source of the fire is extracted, Cybertron is really finished.

However, this is exactly what Decepticon plans.

Optimus explained: "Decepticon's leader Megatron knew that it would not make much sense to keep the Tinder source at Cybertron, so he planned to use the technology temple left over from past civilization to extract the Tinder source and bring it to Create new legions on other planets to conquer the universe. "

If nothing else, this starred planet is Earth, and it returns to the first story of Transformers.

的 Cybertron, who has lost its source of fire, becomes a completely dead planet, and the battle between Autobots and Decepticons will continue on Earth.

Without the intervention of Qiao Li and Wandering Earth, things will continue to go in this direction.

"What about you? What are you going to do?" Qiao Lu asked.

Achieving agreement with Autobots' goals is the key to determining whether Wandering Earth can work with them.

Optimus Prime replied: "We must stop the Decepticons, occupy the Temple of Science and Technology first, extract the source of the fire, and take it away from Cybertron."

Sure enough, if Megatron got the source of fire directly, there would not be so many movies later.

It was just that the Tinder source did not fall into the hands of Autobots, but was lost in the outer sky. It was probably when the last Treasurer was brought out of Cybertron with the Tinder source that he was blocked by Decepticon.

So far, what happened to Cybertron in the past and in the future has been roughly straightened out by Qiao Li.

Next, how to change everything that is about to happen.

Qiao Qiaolu first asked: "If you can get the Tinder source one step ahead, why not consider using the Tinder source to set up an army to attack the Decepticons? The Tinder source can generate Transformers almost infinitely, right?"

Optimus shook his head and said, "The energy of the fire source is not infinite. After the amount of Transformers produced reaches a certain level, it needs to be recharged for a period of time. We can't produce a breath enough to fight against the entire planet Decepticon. Army. "

乔 Qiao Li does not know this, but it is true from the perspective of energy conservation.

那么 "So what do you do after taking the Tinder source away from Cybertron according to your plan? Decepticon will definitely chase after you." Qiao Li continued to ask, this is the core question.

Optimus said categorically: "Even if we want to wander in the universe forever, we will never let Decepticon get the source of fire! When necessary, I will use the leadership module inherited by Autobots to destroy it, even at this price. It's my life. "

Sure enough Optimus Prime was the idealist that Qiao Li knew, and he sacrificed everything for the justice of the Bo faction.

Although this may seem a little virgin, it is definitely not a bad thing for those who want to cooperate with him.

Bian Qiaolu nodded and said, "Well, I know what you are saying. In this case, I have a proposal, I hope you can consider it."

"Please," Optimus responded politely.

Qi Qiaolu turned around, took a few steps backwards, considered the words, and then turned to ask Optimus Prime:

"My proposal is whether you are willing to let us humans protect you, including Autobots and Tinder Sources."

Yeah, it ’s not that the Autobots hurried over to protect the earth and humans, but the human beings to protect the Autobots and the ignition source.

Of course, the main purpose is to ignite the ignition source.

This is how to wander the earth.

"What?" Optimus asked with surprise, "You protect us?"

For Optimus Prime, which has always been to help the weak race and maintain the justice of the universe, it is almost never thought of.

They have always been running around to save others. When do humans need to save themselves?

但是 "But you can't beat the Decepticon right now, aren't you?" Qiao Li simply said, "Think about the probability that your Autobots can stop the Decepticon."

Of course, Optimus Prime cannot deny that the Decepticon has completely gained the upper hand in the civil war. This operation is their Autobot's last fight.

After a long thought, Optimus Prime finally lowered the shelf and asked Qiao Lu:

"How much support do you have?"

Qiao Li replied without thinking:

"I brought a ball ~ ~ Of course Optimus Prime can't understand the meaning of this sentence. What does a ball mean? A spherical space station or a spherical space carrier?

He didn't wait for Optimus Prime to think deeply, and Qiao Lu said to him, "Since you have the willingness to cooperate, I'll discuss it with others. I will come back to inform you once I reach a conclusion."

After speaking, Qiao Li left the main control room, leaving Optimus Prime with a puzzled expression in his place.

Biao Qiaolu, and the forces behind him, really made Optimus more and more unreadable.

"Your reputation in Cyber ​​Tambo has increased to 'respect.'"

"Success and Cybertron Civilization: Bo faction establishes diplomacy and gains 1500 civilization points."

"Civilization illustrated book has been included, please unlock more relevant information through cultural exchange."

As soon as Qiao Liu came out, he received these tips from the system, and at the same time, information about Autobot civilization was also displayed on the system panel.

[Planet Name]: Cybertron

主要 [Main species]: Transformers

[Civilization level]: Lost civilization

[Current population]: Unknown

[Technical Thoughts]: Extreme Materialism

[Racial characteristics]: mechanical deformation

[Special Ability]; Source of Tinder

"Ding, special technology projects [Deformed Body] and [Tinder Transformation] have been added to the Wandering Earth Technology Library, and the host can organize research on related projects and use civilization points to accelerate related scientific and technological processes."

Sure enough, Qiao Law expected that the two most valuable technologies of Cybertron were added to the technology library of Wandering Earth.

The question is, how harsh is the civilization point needed for R & D and acceleration?

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