The Wandering Planet

Chapter 636: ? Principle of Quantum Field

After finishing all the plans, Qiao Li suddenly announced to the public through the Facing Plan Committee that he would go into hibernation and wake up three years later to face the nine drops.

This is not a novelty. In order to ensure the continuity of the face wall plan, all face wall people will use hibernation technology to cross time and reach the final decisive moment.

During this period, when and under what circumstances to wake up, how long each wake-up period is up to the person in charge.

Both Luo Luoji and Seans came to this era through hibernation, which has spanned hundreds of years. Now Qiao Li requires hibernation for three years, which is nothing at all.

What really makes people wonder is why hibernation can be spent for such a short time, just three years, and it is more conducive to the implementation of the plan.

Biao Qiaolu did this, of course, it can not help but give people a sense of irresponsibility. Obviously, now that all human beings are finally united, he, as a spiritual leader, will disappear from the public view.

I am not a small blow to the morale of the people. Of course, they hope that Qiao Li can see with his own eyes how his plan has become a reality step by step.

Qi Qiaolu did not intend to explain the reason for his hibernation, so this was part of the plan and simply perfunctory.

This is the power of the person facing the wall. When the face wall's true intentions have to be rejected, the wall planning committee cannot continue to question.

Only in this way can the effect of the wall plan be achieved, deceiving and misleading the three-body civilization, and gaining a strategic advantage for humanity.

Although he was unable to understand Qiao Li's idea, considering that No. 1 Water Drop was also solved by him silently, the public still decided to trust Qiao Li's judgment. This short hibernation must have its strategic significance.

Qi Qiaolu's request didn't stop there. He was going to hibernate on the Ark, and he couldn't be interrupted in the middle.

This means that even the surface planning committee will lose his message, and only the crew on the Ark know the status of Qiao Li.

Originally this was an unacceptable condition. The Facade Planning Committee is also responsible for supervising the powers of Fabulists to a certain extent, so as not to use them against humanity or running away without permission.

Ye Ke had nothing to do with Qiao Li.

The Ark Ark is an interstellar warship that does not belong to any of the three major fleets. If Qiao Li was going to run, he could have escaped long ago, and the committee could not stop it.

In this case, they can only choose to trust Qiao Li, and promise all his requests.

After everything was ready, Qiao Li announced hibernation on the Ark. In this way, everyone on the planet can no longer contact Qiao Li, and it can be said that it completely disappeared from the public view.

Only his remaining plan is still being implemented steadily. The project to build 10,000 high-energy accelerators has been launched vigorously, and Luo Ji has devoted himself to snow projects.

Qiao Liu has given them the method, and the rest depends on human beings!

As for Qiao Li himself, of course, he didn't really enter hibernation. He just wanted to find a suitable reason to disappear into the public view. Only then can he continue to plan the next step.

Yes, that's the preparation for the hunt for Tomoko!

He left only a hibernation capsule on the Ark, then took a space fighter and hurriedly returned to the wandering earth.

当然 Of course, this act cannot hide Tomoko's surveillance, but at this time it does not matter.

Without the help of water droplets, Tomoko can only stare at Qiao Lu's actions. Once the low-dimensional expansion is carried out to interfere with reality, it means that humans in the macro world can also observe and interfere with it.

Qiao Li has made up his mind to kill you all when I come back!

Wu Zhizi also quickly discovered that Qiao Li entered a space they could not observe, and an insurmountable shielding force field blocked it.

He Zhizi can't even enter from a high dimension, and can only enter it through a low-dimensional expansion, but this also means that he may be detected and destroyed.

There is no doubt that this is a masterpiece from a higher civilization than the three-body civilization. This discovery made the three-body people more aware that Qiao Li's identity may be more complicated than they thought.

Only then, there was no way to stop the aggression against the solar system. The three-body civilization was facing a survival and death situation. They could only survive if they escaped from Centaurus.

Even if it means that Qiao Li may have hidden a greater secret, the three-body civilization cannot stop, and everything they do is also for the survival of civilization.

Wu Mingming left the world for more than a month, but Qiao Li felt like returning to the wandering earth for a long time.

智 Under Tomoko's surveillance, he felt as if he had been quarantined, until now he was finally liberated.

"It's incredible." Qiao Lu sighed, not even he thought that this incident would be so ups and downs.

This time, he had to leave the three-body world first and go to another plane to find a solution.

He returned with Qiao Li, 2B and Hornet, and Liu Peiqiang stayed on the Ark, nominally his guardian during hibernation.

Luo Luofeng, Ding Yi, Wang Lei and others all came out to welcome Qiao Li's return, and their detailed plans have been told to them.

"Qiao Li, do you think this is really possible to destroy Tomoko?" Luo Feng asked.

Qi Qiaolu said helplessly: "At least in my opinion, it is a more reliable solution than wiping out Tomoko with a ring finger."

一旦 Once the infinite gem has left the Marvel universe, it is no longer the ultimate weapon of infinite energy, so it is impossible to get the three-body world to trigger your finger.

What's more, in this dark forest, there is a god-level civilization that even the infinite gems can't compete with. If there is really a movement as big as the annihilation finger, it may not be a three-body civilization, but a song that may invade the solar system. And zeroes exist.

Shrinking himself to sub-atomic Pim particles is a more scientific solution that Qiao Li can think of.

In addition, we can only hope that various fantasy methods can be effective for Tomoko.

At least Qiao Li didn't plan to pin his hopes on it, and it was hard to believe that he could do it.

"Dr. Ding Yi, do you also believe the feasibility of entering the quantum field against Tomoko?" Luo Feng turned to Ding Yi and asked.

Ding Yi nodded and said, "In fact, the three-body person has given us the answer. The three-body information intercepted from the ETO has such a part: during the second experiment of Tomoko Project, they mistakenly expanded the protons into three dimensions. The result is Protons have seen countless pairs of eyes. It is a civilization of a microcosm ~ ~ The entire universe exists in one proton, and this is the truth of the quantum field. "

Then he directly quoted the original words of the three-body civilization to explain:

"From a one-dimensional perspective, looking at microscopic particles is the feeling of ordinary people, just a point; from two-dimensional and three-dimensional perspectives, particles start to show their internal structure; the basic particles of four-dimensional perspective are already a grand world. In the higher In terms of dimensions, the complexity and number of structures inside the particles have risen sharply. My analogy below is not accurate, it is just a description of the image: The basic particles of the seven-dimensional perspective may be as complicated as the three-body galaxy in three-dimensional space. ; In the eight-dimensional perspective, the particle is as grand as the Milky Way; when the perspective reaches nine-dimensional, the number and complexity of the internal structure of a basic particle is equivalent to the entire universe. As for the higher dimensions, our Physicists can't detect it yet, and I can't imagine its complexity. "

Wu Dingyi emphasized: "Note, this is not my personal guess, but the experimental results of the three-body wise man project. At the end of the micro is another macro universe. Isn't this the interpretation of the quantum field?"

遭遇 The end of the Avengers' experience also proves this. In fact, he did not actually travel to the past, but entered another similar universe by entering the microcosm.

So they cannot modify reality directly by changing the past, they can only bring back the infinite gems of this universe.

This further proves that Qiao Li's guess is correct. The quantum field is a higher dimension on the microscopic level, but it is just a microscopic particle viewed from a higher perspective!

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