The Wandering Planet

Chapter 65: Agreement task

After the communication with Wandering Earth was ended, Qiao Li returned to Autobot's main control room and was ready to cooperate with Optimus Prime further.

擎 When he returned, Optimus Prime also ended discussions with other Autobots to discuss whether to accept Qiao Li's offer.

In the end, they concluded that, as far as the current Autobot power is concerned, it is really necessary to use all available power. Since human beings are Decepticons' enemies, Autobots should treat them as friends.

After all, the Tinder source is not taken away from the Decepticons' eyelids.

Even if only Qiao Li is alone, he is a rare combat force.

They can come to a conclusion so quickly, but it saves Qiao Li a lot of things.

Originally, he was still thinking about telling Autobots about the future of Wandering Earth, so as to give them a little confidence, it seems that it is not needed now.

But in order to prepare Optimus Prime for the situation facing this new home in Wandering Earth, Qiao Li reminded him:

"We have also discussed and decided that we will do our best to assist your actions and provide you with a new home on our planet."

不过 "But please be aware that our planet is not stable and peaceful. In a sense, it is also facing a situation of wandering in the universe. Please be mentally prepared."

汽车 Another Autobot iron sheet laughed: "Hahaha, we are ready for this."

Qi Optimus also nodded and said, "This is what we originally planned."

"Then the alliance agreement is reached, and we will be comrades-in-arms from now on." Qiao Li said to Optimus Prime.

Optimus Prime also extended his finger and touched the palm of Qiao Li's hand slightly, which was the completion of the Autobots-Human Alliance sworn.

At the moment when the two parties reached an agreement, Qiao Li's system sounded a series of prompts at the same time.

"The relationship between Vagrant Earth and Cyber ​​Tambo has been elevated to 'Allies.'"

"Achieved a military alliance agreement with the Alien Civilization: Cybertambo faction, gaining 2,500 civilization points."

"Wandering Earth Obtains Agreement Task: Transfer of Tinder Source."

Agreement task: transfer of fire source

Task profile:

The Autobots are preparing to make a final fight on Cybertron. They want to take the Decepticon one step ahead to capture the source of fire, and transfer it out of Cybertron, so that Decepticon will never get this ancient civilization artifact.

Mission Objective: To assist Autobots in obtaining the ignition source and bring it back to the earth

Mission reward: 5000 civilization points, all remaining Autobots join the stray earth

"Tearing the agreement with Autobots has declared this mission a failure, please be sure to maintain the alliance between the two parties."

I didn't expect that at the same time, I could get an agreement task, reward 5000 civilized points, and pack all the Autobots to take away. Qiao Li really made a big profit this time.

This is the greatest advantage of being a traverser. Anyone who knows in advance will never suffer.

It is still a week before the Wandering Earth arrives, but it is not idle time, after all, the Decepticon will not sit still.

They need to be one step ahead to find the Cybertron Temple of Technology that can extract the source of the fire.

Qi Qiaolu asked Optimus Prime, "Do you have any clues as to the location of this temple? We need to find it before the Decepticons."

Optimus Prime pressed a button to project the appearance of the Temple of Science and Technology onto the desktop of the main control room.

"We haven't found the exact location, but the appearance of the temple is just as you can see. We also need to do a certain search, and pay attention not to be discovered by Decepticon."

所谓 This so-called shrine looks like a huge launch tower. Although its appearance is full of sense of science and technology, it is a sacred and great temple for the extremely materialistic Transformers.

With such a launch tower, you can extract the core of Cybertron's planet. The scientific and technological strength of ancient Cybertron civilization cannot be overstated.

Now that you know what the shrine looks like, the next thing to do is simple.

Qiao Li immediately asked Moss to call all the detectives who landed on Cybertron, and mobilized all forces to search for the whereabouts of this temple of science and technology.

"Notify all members of the exploration team that the mission goal has changed. Please try your best to find buildings similar to the image you received. If you find them, please report the building coordinates immediately."

The biggest advantage of human beings on this planet is that they are small in size and are not easily noticed by Transformers. So as scouts, they are undoubtedly the best.

In addition, a hundred detection teams landed on every corner of Cybertron's planet, and the search range is wider than the Autobots who currently have to shrink to underground bases.

Their value is now realized.

Not long after that, Qiao Li did receive a report from a detection team, and they had found similar Cybertron buildings.

这里 "Here is the UK007-03 exploration team. We found the same building as the image, and the coordinates have been uploaded to the space station."

He is indeed the elite among human beings, and can still complete tasks on such a dangerous planet.

But at the same time they also brought back the bad news that they were not the only ones who noticed that this temple.

The survey team reported: "It has been occupied by the Decepticon. They seem to be looking for a way to enter the building ~ ~ For the time being, the building's defense system has turned them away. I'm not sure about this building. How long can the building's defense system sustain, they will always find a way. "

"Very well, you continue to keep in hiding and wait and see, and we will inform us as soon as further information becomes available."

Qi Qiaolu immediately shared this information with Optimus Prime as the first strategic intelligence exchange for their cooperation.

Optimus Prime's face could not help but take it seriously: "We don't know how many technological temples can still operate normally, and more importantly, we must never let Decepticus get the source of fire before us. It seems we must take action . "

He Qiaolu also said bluntly: "Our large troop support will take a week to arrive, and if we start now, we can only rely on ourselves."

Tiepi patted his chest and said, "It doesn't matter, we have always been on our own!"

The Bumblebee nodded in agreement, and with or without support, they would go to battle against the Decepticons.

In the end, Optimus Prime made a more sensible judgment:

"In this case, our strategy is mainly to delay time. Even if the source of fire cannot be taken away immediately, it will not be allowed to fall into the hands of the Decepticon. We can first harass their actions until the temple's defense system When it was about to be breached, it suddenly launched a total attack. "

This is just like grabbing a dragon in the game. First, consume it on a small scale outside. When the opponent is about to succeed, rush up and **** the fruits of victory.

Of course, it won't be so easy to actually do it, but now you must do it first.

For the first time that humans and Autobots have joined forces, it's time to surprise Decepticon!

Or maybe scared!

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