The Wandering Planet

Chapter 656: Subatomic field

The strong electromagnetic field that blocked Tomoko has gradually narrowed its scope to the northern hemisphere, and then it will further shrink to a city, a block, or even a room, a molecule.

Qiao Li, the reason they need to go in in advance is to interfere with Tomoko, prevent them from collecting electrons further, and prevent them from getting off the strong electromagnetic field.

除了 In addition to combatants, a special character took the initiative to ask for help. This is Ding Yi, a science madman who wanders the earth.

In principle, no science and technology talent like Ding Yi will be sent to the front line.

But Ding Yi herself constantly asked Qiao Li to bring him, just to see the true face of Tomoko's Lushan.

Ding Yi said: "You need someone who knows Tomoko to walk with you. It ca n’t be done by a group of soldiers. You ca n’t run around like a blind fly. Right? "

"It shouldn't be you, doctor." Qiao Lu resolutely opposed, "What if something unexpected happens, what a loss to the scientific community!"

"It's as if you don't matter yourself, don't you risk yourself all day?" Ding Yi countered.

乔 Qiao Li was really embarrassed to say something in this regard, and had to change his mind to persuade:

"I am a combatant myself and have enough ability to protect myself. The situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly, and I really cannot guarantee that I can still take care of you."

"This life is my own, and I have the right to do what I want."

不管 No matter what Qiao Lu said, Ding Yi insisted on following it until he claimed that he would die in front of Qiao Lu, and Qiao Lu had to consider answering his request.

He really can't stop Ding Yi's enthusiasm for science. Perhaps because of this, he became the chief physicist of Wandering Earth. Few people can compare with him in this field.

In the end, Qiao Li had to come forward to guarantee Ding Yi's participation in the operation, and asked the Wandering Earth Investigation Team to protect his thoroughness.

Probably as Ding Yi said, in the almost completely strange microcosm, a physics expert can help explain various phenomena, which is also necessary for this operation.

Qi Qiaolu and his party stood on the starting platform of the quantum field, and everyone was wearing a white uniform with Pim particles.

The stubborn electromagnetic field was further reduced to the Asian range, and the monitoring found that Tomoko was bumping around in the magnetic field and probably was quickly examining each electron.

"Countdown to departure, three, two, one!"

As Hank Pym pressed the start button of the device, the platform under Qiao Lu and others instantly became a tunnel, and everyone quickly shrank and fell into it, as if they had fallen into a black hole.

In the process of continually shrinking, Qiao Li first saw large and small bacteria, dragging long flagella, and wandering like a cricket.

The water bear worm, which can only be seen with a microscope, is like a deep-sea giant at this time, at least much larger than bacteria.

Smaller is a virus with a strange shape. Most of the surface is covered with bumps or spikes, like a weird fruit.

These are just flashes from Qiao Lu's eyes, because they have to enter the deeper microscopic world, and even a cell looks as wide as the Milky Way.

Biao Qiaolu and his team fell all the way into the hole-like structures in cheese or cake. This layer has reached the molecular level, and they keep shrinking and falling into these holes.

Then came into view the structure like a celestial body, several smaller spheres revolving around a large sphere, that are the nucleus electrons and nucleus that constitute the atom.

In the eyes of Qiao Li, who is down to the subatomic level, the nucleus is as large as a planet, which contains protons and neutrons. The two are subdivided into quarks and gluons, but this step is basically enough. .

Qiaoliu They fell on an atomic nucleus, and the electrons formed a cloud of probability like a paste, with complex colors and lines constantly changing in a wider area.

Rhenium may be what string theory or membrane theory says. The most basic structure of matter—lines or surfaces in a state of constant vibration, forms different subatoms due to different frequencies of vibration.

Everything seems so strange and totally different from the macro world in which humans originally live.

Or human beings can't imagine that there would be such a colorful world in a tiny atom.


At the moment of successfully narrowing down to the subatomic level, Ding Yi looked around excitedly. For physicists, I am afraid that this is heaven, at least the closest place to scientific truth.

"Sure enough, at the subatomic level, every electron is different. For a long time, the scientific community has always thought that the mass, charge and structure of electrons are fixed, so they are all exactly the same basic particles. But Now we can finally see clearly, we just haven't reached the point where we can see the difference! "

"Be careful, Doctor, we are not here for scientific research." Qiao Lu interrupted.

How far is humans from truly completely inseparable elementary particles ~ ~ No one can know. Qiao Lü has no interest in entanglement in this area, but they came to hunt Tomoko!

所有人 "Everyone confirm the oxygen content and whether the weapons and equipment are normal. Do not drop the chain when starting the war!"

人类 Since humans shrink to subatomic levels, an oxygen molecule will be numerous times larger than itself, so if you want to move freely in this situation, you must also reduce the oxygen to subatomic levels to be able to breathe normally in the microworld.

At the same time, after shrinking to this level, there is no way to perceive the macro world, just as this micro world cannot be observed in the macro world.

The internal sensors and I / O interfaces of the equipment are smaller than the wavelength of all electromagnetic waves, which means that Qiao Li can't keep in touch with the outside world, and they can only rely on them to adapt to the situation.

It can be said that exploring this microcosm is no less dangerous than exploring space, and even worse than that, if you are not careful, you will never be able to return.

Because of this, human civilization has always been unable to take the proton-sized wise man, it is simply a contest in different dimensions.

After Qiao Li's reminder, Ding Yi returned to the topic and said:

"Homo Chin has continuously shrunk to the size of ordinary protons, which means that like us, there is no way to perceive the macro world. At least the outside world has got rid of Chihiko's surveillance, and the next step is to defeat it in the sub-atomic microworld Now. "

This is the first time that human beings have competed with Tomoko in the same dimension, and the victory and defeat of the three-body civilization is here!

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